So I've started another project. I picked up the Country House Sampler by Brenda Keyes of the
Sampler Company. I just love her work! I figured I've done a
Moira Blackburn, now it's time for Brenda Keyes!

I'm using 40ct. Legacy by Picture this Plus, with an NPI conversion I got from a friend.

For some reason the camera wanted to take flash pictures today so the color may be a bit off. I think I need to take photography classes!

I've been feeling in a bit of a stitching slump recently. I guess the limited stitching time these days doesn't help. It's been sort of a bummer of a week as well. I thought the flat tire at the groceries last week was bummer enough, but then the father type got sick over the weekend. Of course it would strike Friday. By Saturday when he was pretty incoherent with a 102.8 fever, of course there were no doctors available. So to the emergency room we went (after making sure the girl child was taken care of with a ride home from a neighbor). He ended up with an IV for fluids, being dehydrated, and some IV meds for pain -- he had a super bad sore throat. And they of course gave him fever reducers and some antibiotics, in case the test for strep, which said he didn't have it, was wrong. By Sunday morning, his fever was a lot better, although still there, but the throat was still sore. Etc etc. Anyway, I think it was probably strep, because his fever seemed to respond so well to the antibiotics. And by yesterday the sore throat was mostly gone. Anyway, my point is, it hasn't been the best of weeks (or week and a halves) around here. I know, I'm spoiled. But I got freaked out by the father type's high fever and incoherence. I'm so grateful, especially when sickness strikes, for our general good health. I'm not good with sickness. :D
Enough of that. The boy and girl child are very busy with friends (and boy friend in the girl child's case), always out at all hours so I have to worry about their whereabouts. So what's new, right? lol! The boy child had to have a mole removed by a plastic surgeon on Monday -- it had grown back after being removed before by a dermatologist -- so he has stitches and will have yet another scar to show off once the stitches are removed. (He has a huge scar from the surgery he had to remove a lump in his neck two years ago.) This child is getting very used to having medical procedures, poor thing. In comparison, the girl child has had nothing, zero, zilch, nada. Now is that fair? The boy child also had surgery for strabismus on his 4th birthday (the only time available in the doctor's schedule). So he's had his fill of surgeries and such. (Strabismus is crossed eyes in case you were wondering.)
Sorry for the rambling. I think it's the blahs I'm having. :D Oh, and it doesn't help that I still haven't heard back about my Featherweight. Maybe that's why I have the stitching blahs. I want to sew a quilt instead. In the midst of all my trials and tribulations this weekend, I got a wonderful package of bright cheeriness in the mail. Look at these yummy twill stripes that I got from

They're from the
Blackbird Design ladies, of course. Those ladies are so amazingly talented. And I discovered when I took a class from them at a retreat a couple of years ago that Barb is as big or a bigger fan than I am of Paul McCartney! Anyway, so these and other fabrics are calling to me to make them into something pretty. And no sewing machine. Sigh. But thanks, Kim, for cheering me up when I needed it! I have the twill stripes out where I can admire them.
Finally, there's another giveaway
here at a blog that's new to me. So wander on over and enter!
Thanks for stopping by! It's so nice knowing you're out there!