45 ct Vintage Sand Dune
NPI and Threadgatherer silks

I like how it came out! But the 45ct -- well it's fun and doable, but 40ct is still my comfort zone! Especially when it comes to the over one!

In other news, you may have already heard about this contest, but Violarium is having a drawing for this great book.

It's actually rather a coincidence, since I saw this book on someone's blog and thought what a great book it would be to have. And now this contest! So wander on over and enter! Click on Violarium, or here.
There's also a thing going on about what your first quilt was and your latest quilt, but I don't know if I have the strength to figure out what either my first quilt was or my last one! lol! It'll be fun to watch though.
Well, summer days are here, although you wouldn't be able to tell from the weather. The boy child has discovered the beauty of the lake in the early mornings, but tends to stay up all night in order to enjoy it. Not good -- then he sleeps all day! The girl child is happily ensconced with the boy friend and that's about it for her! Has anyone else with high school or college kids noticed that it's really hard to find summer jobs this summer? Ah well. The girl child being in Spain didn't help of course -- a whole month gone with that. But all her friends are in the same predicament.
Enjoy the rest of your week! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog!
Wow! What a darling finish. I have this in my stash and love the pattern. I can't believe you stitched it on 45 count. That is pretty darn tiny!
Wasn't Wimbledon the best. I really wanted Roddick to win, but it was such a great match.
Have a great week!
Oh Margaret, your stitch is just lovely. And on 45-count. WOW I'm impressed. You do such beautiful work. Love reading about your family too. Hugs -- Happy Stitching!!!
This is a beautiful piece; I love the vibrancy and the letters that you used.
That is a lovely finish. I have that chart in my stash, and I think I might have to move it closer to the top! congratulations on your finish!
Your Fruit of the Spirit is gorgeous! How DO you see 45 ct????
Your finish is adorable. 45 count? Yikes!
Yes, I've noticed that the summer jobs are hard to find. DS had a job lined up here at home but opted to stay where his college is and he has yet to find a job. DD in high school has the same job she had last summer and I think this will be a good job for her through her college years hopefully. She also works there during the school year. They need to line up the jobs very early and be creative about where they look.
Oh, whoopee and congratulations on a beautiful finish. 45 count. I'm still recovering... But I'm sure you are too :o)
Boy, that was fast!!! I love this piece, such fun colors. Congrats on another lovely one!
Margaret - What a wonderful finish. The colors in this are so nice. And once again, I can't believe you got it done so fast nor can I even imagine stitching on 45 ct (I'm like you - 40 is in the comfort zone - but barely).
And yes, I think this summer is hard to find jobs for the kids. If my son hadn't found a job caddying last year that he can go back to this year, I doubt he'd be doing anything. Such a shame because those kids just have money (and something to occupy their time really helps).
And both my kids (when not in school) will stay up half the night and sleep til noon. Not good!!
Beautiful finish, Margaret!!
Your finish is just lovely - I just started this one and after seeing yours, I am anxious to go home and work on mine some more.
Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations on your finish, It's lovely!!
Wow, gorgeous! I love it and is that a little Adam and Eve in the front yard ;-).
Beautiful finish, as always Margaret! I can't even contemplate over one on 40ct, let alone 45ct, so huge congratulations on your achievement!
I was so wanting Roddick to win on Sunday. I don't think he 100% believed that he could beat Federer though and it was just down to one or two points at the end. Ah well, roll on next year!
Fabulous piece...and 45 count...are you nuts? :) Have fun with the boy child and girl child... My school-teaching daughter is off school for the next 6 weeks...we are 3 days into her 6 weeks and we are driving each other nuts! Wish she had a summer job to go to...I think she's going to move out...it's time!
Cool Blog!
Oh my, that 45 count is so tiny but so beautiful. Lovely finish.
Just fabulous!! I never saw this design before, it is wonderful. Love the A & E too. You stitched it pretty fast-- even for not liking the 45ct as much! Looks great!
Wow! Love your cross stitch sampler. Do you frame everything?
really pretty design Margaret - love the happy colors and funky huge plants and that girls hair LOL - tooooo cute. 45 count EGADS - I don't see how you can see it - it is so pretty when it so tiny. So what's next ms Margaret? awaiting with baited breath - Mel
What a wonderful finish! It just turned out adorable! I have a fabric comfort zone too.
I hate it when my boys stay up all night and sleep all day! It throws me off.
Oh Margaret another beautiful finish. I can't wait to see your next pick. 45 count is interesting. I haven't done it in years. 40 is my comfort zone as well.
The boy child sounds like a typical teenager. Up all night and sleeps during the day. Know that feeling so well. - Sandra.
Oh, Margaret, I so love coming by your blog and admiring all your gorgeous stitching and Fruit of the Spirit is no exception! It's a favourite of mine and one that is moving on up to the top of my ever increasing wish list!
But 45 count! Oh, my! I don't know how on Earth you managed seeing the blooming holes... Oh, I'd still be struggling along with the first few stitches... and yet your needle seems to have wings! It's so lovely and Congratulations on another Beautiful finish! :)
Congrats on two awesome finishes Margaret! YGG
Wow, it looks great, and on 45 count! What an accomplishment.
Yes it's been harder for kids to get summer work this year. A lot of regular workers have been laid off so summer help is definitely not required!
Great finish, Margaret! The colors in this are so pretty! I can't imagine working on 45 count - impressive!
Congratulations Margaret! This is an amazing finish!! I can't even imagine what it must look like on 45 ct.!!! WOW!!
or even to stitch on it! Beautiful finish!!!
I am so proud of you for taking on the 45ct. and sticking with it. I'm with you though, I'll use it now and then, but I still prefer 40ct. A very cool sampler, and a wonderful finish from your turbo needle!
Amazing. I can barely handle 40ct and must have my dazor on to do it. I'll be looking for this very cute sampler when I visit the LNS next.
Kids. I was the same way at and heart still am. I love to stay up late late late and sleep sleep sleep.
Congrats on a great finish, love the colors.
Awesome finish, Margaret, congratulations! Sigh, now I want this chart...
Beautiful finish Margaret!! I love it! Yeah, I think 40 is as low as I'm going to go. It's not that I couldn't do 45 ct., I just don't think I'd enjoy it as much. Congrats again on a great finish!!! :)
What a beautiful finish!!! Congratulations!!
45 ct. over one...heck 40 ct. over 1...you ARE the bomb! :)
LOVE IT! Have it in my stash...want to stitch it someday in this milenia :)
Margaret, you are a true inspiration. I love coming to see your newest accomplishments! Just beautiful!!
That sampler is so colorful, you did a great job stitching it on 45ct. Loved seeing the family pictures.
Lovely finish! Love the colors. Did you change colors on this or did you use what was asked for?
Rebecca L.
Congratulations on your finish Margaret - that's a colorful piece! I would have trouble with
45ct, sometimes even 40ct is a challenge for me!
So, so beautiful. Congratulations!
What a great finish Margaret, it's gorgeous
Love your Fruit of the Spirit finish, the colors are so great, congrats on finishing. CJ ok;-)
Wonderful finish. I love the idea of 45 count, but over one would be a little tricky. I'll probably have to try it ... lol.
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