Can you tell it's from the 80s? Ugh! I'd forgotten about that bright pink! Eww! I decided to quilt it in an all over fan pattern, which of course takes forever. And guess what? It's only half quilted! But the quilted parts look pretty!

Now I'll show you my last quilt that is actually finished. It's a Tumbling Blocks. I love English paper piecing. And this was MY quilt! I got to keep it! lol!

I even made the edges all funky.

Now I have to show you my last quilt -- the last quilt which isn't all quilted yet. Don't look at the date -- it's embarrassing. It's a Baltimore Album.

I even did a square with some penmanship. No, I can't really write like that -- copied it from a book.

Again, I want to quilt it pretty densely, which is why I'm taking so long to hand quilt it. And also, there's this thing called cross stitching which has totally distracted me from quilting lately. But you can sort of see the idea behind the quilting.

So Camille and Carrie, do I still count? I hope so! I couldn't remember what my first quilt was that was actually finished, just the one that's still being quilted. :D Sorry!
Now I just hope my Featherweight comes home in working condition -- and I can finally make a quilt top! I've just recently noticed the whole new thing (that isn't that new) going on in the quilt world -- besides fat quarters, there are jelly rolls, honey buns, all sorts of cool precuts! My only problem is how to find the time to stitch as much as I usually do and also make a quilt? :D :D
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Your quilts are as beautiful as your stitching, Margaret!!! I've only ever made one quilt and then I was back to stitching and haven't completed another quilt. Just not enough time to do everything!
Margaret - What can I say - not only are you a stitcher supreme, but a quilter supreme too! Wow! Such beautiful quilts. Love all those quilts and I had to laugh at your first one because I've got one so similar packed away because of the colors I chose for it - but I did the best I could back in the day! Love the Tumbling Blocks too. But my favorite has to be the Baltimore Album quilt - it's exquisite - that's the only word I know for it. I admire your patience to actually hand piece that thing. I just can't stop looking at it!! No wonder you want your Featherweight back.
As far as the quilting and stitching dilemna (what to do and when to do it), when my kids were really young, I'd quilt during the day, stitch at night and then if I wasn't tired, go back and quilt somemore. That way I could get both done! Those were the days!
Absolutely beautiful Margaret. Now, if only my sewing room was done and the kids back in school (sigh)!
OMG, you talented woman! I'm in awe! Not only do you stitch beautiful samplers, you make beautiful quilts!
I love love love Baltimore Quilts. That is a lot of handwork! I hope you do get them finished. I have unfinished ones too, but compared to you, I'm just a wee beginner!
Qualify? Uh... yeah, I think so. But just by a thread... :)
I think I have some of that pink fabric... and I love the tumbling blocks quilt. And I'll keep a good thought that your Featherweight comes home quickly so that you can get going with something new ~ you're going to love Jelly Rolls and Layer Cakes!
As for the Baltimore Album quilt, it is spectacular. When you're finished quilting it, it is going to be absolutely stunning. As long as it takes... that's how long it was meant to take. And I don't think that is something you want to rush anyway. I know I shouldn't say this but a quilt like that really does deserve hand-quilting, and lots of it. Besides, isn't the enjoyment of the process the whole reason why we "modern women" stitch?
Thank you for sharing your quilts!
Your Baltimore Album is beautiful! It will be quite an heirloom when you get it finished.
They're gorgeous!
Oh Margaret,
I love your quilts. Your Baltimore Album quilt takes my breath away! Your first quilt is wonderful too. I even like the pink fabric! Yes, you can tell the quilt is from the 80's, but that is how we date quilts. We can tell when quilts are from the 30's & 40's ....when they are from the Civil War period...they each have their colors and fabrics that date them. I knew you did fabulous samplers...but didn't know about your quilts too.
Margaret, your quilts are beautiful. My favorite is the Baltimore one. I think I like it the most because of the hand applique. Once again the needlework in hand seems to pull me in. Hope your Featherweight is in FINE condition when it returns. Thanks for sharing. You are one talented lady!!! Hugs and Happy Stitching!!
Your quilts are beautiful. The tumbling block is amazing but I think my favorite is the Baltimore album - you are so talented. If I ever take up quilting, I want to learn to hand quilt! I just love quilts and they fit perfectly in our old, old house (1895).
Thanks for sharing your work.
Cari in VA
OM Gosh Girlfriend! YOU ARE SO TALENTED! I love the hand appliqued quilt...and hand quilted?? You are just over the top! Thanks for sharing!
Wow Margaret, your quilts are spectacular, especially the last one. What a work of art that one is.
Love it. I hope you keep that one when it is finished. - Sandra.
Your quilts are just beautiful, The Baltimore is gorgeous, all that handwork you did is just fabulous.
Hope you get your Featherweight soon, so very nice to stitch on.
Oh these are so beautiful Margaret! I love the Baltimore Album! I can't applique worth a hoot so I envy anyone who can! I didn't know you hand quilted too. I get sooooo bored it's anything larger than a table runner or wall quilt.
I need to start quilting again too but I can't seem to stop stitching long enough! LOL.
wow there is some beautiful work there
Oh, my, gosh. I am SPEECHLESS. Amazing!
Thank you for sharing your quilts with us Margaret... they all look fabulous! Not only are you a fantastic stitcher but you're also a gifted quilter.
I hope your Featherweight comes home soon and you'll be able to play with those jelly rolls, etc.
Beautiful quilts, Margaret, I'm in awe!
Your quilts are so lovely, Margaret!! Wow, I am envious, I would love to learn how. I can understand though, your trying to quilt and stitch! But I believe that you can do it!!
Margaret I Love LOVE LOVE your tumbling blocks! And that Baltimore album...oh wow!!! Fabulouso!!!! The 80s piece looks very typical! Like there should be a goose with a heart on it's chest and a dusty blue bow around it's neck! I lived those years too! :o) Dusty blue and mauve...aaaah...those were the days! ;o)
Margaret you Baltimore quite is more beautiful than any words can express, you have inspired me to go ahead and do one. I know I would love doing it as I cross stitch, tapestry and quilting but I wanted to combine all three. My concern was how long it would take, but in the end that does not matter, to coin a phrase "it is the journey". You have created a beautiful piece of art that can be passed down form generation to generation and it will never date - congratulations. Thank you for sharing, S
Margaret!! These are 3 of the most beautiful quilts I've ever seen!! and I LOVE the pink in the first one!! and now you're getting me in the mood to start another one too!!
HA!! Too many things we want to make in our lifetimes!!
Thanks for sharing these amazing quilts with us!!
If you really had a super short attention span you'd have never gotten through piecing the tumbling blocks!
Oh my gosh Margaret!!! Your quilts are amazing. LOL about the hand quilting. I have one quilt that I started hand quilting about ten years ago and it's only 1/3 of the way finished. Ah well... but I do love the finished product! You do beautiful work--which I already knew from your stitching. ;)
I love your quilts, particularly the Baltimore. But hand-quilting? Wow! I pieced exactly one quilt and enjoyed the piecing but hated the quilting--it took so long.
Your quilting is great! I wish I'd take the time to do that...
Great projects! Thanks for sharing!
Wow, Margaret, your quilts are very special. I love the Baltimore Album quilt, I have always wanted to make such a quuilt but have to spare this wish for my retirement.
Margaret...you quilts are absolutely beautiful! thank you so much for sharing!
Wow Margaret! Great quilts! My goodness, when God was handing out the talent he really doused you with plenty! Your first quilt is, I think, a terrific first time quilt - nothing I'd want to tackle. That tumbling blocks quilt is fabulous and I love the edging. But, OMG, that Baltimore quilt - I am speechless. It is absolutely stunning. You need to finish quilting that, my friend.
margaret - the baltimore album is my fave - it is spectacular - you are one talented lady with a needle! thanks for sharing your other side with us - there just isn't enough time to do everything we needlewomen want to do but as Carrie said - it's the journey that counts. Hugs Mel
Oh, Margaret, you are a wonder woman! What incredibly beautiful quilts. I can't think of enough adjectives to describe them. You are a very talented and industrious gal. Thanks so much for sharing.
Beautiful quilts especially the Baltimore Album which I absolutely love.
Wow, your Baltimore quilt is stunning, I hope to make one... one day.
All 3 are great but that Baltimore Album is gorgeous. Thanks for showing it.
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