Sorry, I'm not good at the fancy stuff. This is the Country House Sampler by Brenda Keyes of the Sampler Company. Using PTP 40ct Legacy with an NPI silk conversion.

Whew! That took longer than necessary! :D Or at least it felt like it!
Thanks for stopping by! I love to read your comments. Have a good Friday -- and a great weekend!
Oh that is just gorgeous! I love it!!!!
I love this piece. It is wonderful and you did a great job on it. Congratulations.
Holy cow, that was fast!!! Love it!
Hello Margaret, What a nice sampler, it turned out just beautiful. You made some awesome progress in such a short time from your last post. Congrats on your finish!
That turned out great. I love your stitching. This design is such a pretty one and I am sure even prettier in person.
It looks amazing, I can't believe how fast you got all of that front lawn area done. Congrats on the beautiful finish. CJ ok;-)
Great finish! I love the colors!
It's wonderful! Congratulations on your finish! What will you be stitching next?
Hi Margaret, you are a speedy stitcher! I am amazed at how quickly you finished the project and it is just beautiful. I have this pattern in my stash (near the very top) and can't wait to stitch it.
I look forward to seeing what you start on next.
Congratulations, Margaret! What a beauty and you're sooooo fast!
<3 the jargon! :)
"Using PTP 40ct Legacy with an NPI silk conversion"!
Do y'all just make this up on the spur of the moment? Can I play, too?
"This is a Coral IV-B, using RFM 27/J welt-frames, and a 30m-stroke hoffelganger."
-- Th' DH again
Margaret - You absolutely take my breath away with the speed in which you finish these samplers and the beauty of your stitching! WOW is all I can say!!
I am so looking forward to what you stitch next!
AMAZING FINISH!!!! Now I really need to get this chart, lol. And I was doing so good with getting rid of things, lol.
Margaret, Margaret, Margaret...your fingers must work much like a Singer sewing machine !! Your sampler is just BEAUTIFUL!! Even if I never, ever slept again could I keep up with your beautiful work. Have a wonderful and great stitching weekend. Can't wait to see what you start on next!! Hugs and Happy Stitching
When I saw that you had updated...I knew that another finish was just about to raise it's lovely little head! Another beauty! Congratulations!
Your sampler is just beautiful!
Gorgeous! That went fast!
Ooooh it looks fantastic!! Congratulations on your finish!
Beautiful!! Congrats, Margaret!
Wonderful!! I just love it! You put me to shame! I need to get busy and catch up on my stitching! Maybe after all these tests!
Woohoo!! Congratulations on the finish, Margaret! It looks great. I can't wait to see what you decide to work on next!
Lovely work Margaret - this is so much prettier than the chart on the internet shows - I don't have this one and think I should add it to my BK collection of charts. OK - what's next ? inquiring minds want to know - Enjoy! Mel
Love it! Love it! Love it!!!!
Beautiful!!! I can't imagine stitching on 40 ct!
What a beautiful finish, congrats!!!!!
So beautiful, Margaret! What do you mean, you aren't good at fancy stuff? Look at that gorgeous sampler you created with your needle and thread! Wow, it is just so eye-catching, congrats!
It's gorgeous--and in silk! Ooooo--what's next?
Oh, how beautiful!!!!!! Gosh you stitch circles around me!
LOL! I think it's funny that we both had to have Sarah McPhail--how did you run into her? I dicovered her in the back of Sampler & Antique Needlework Q--in that little thumbnail. I can't wait for it to get here (and I didn't even ask about the surface embroidery), but being a package from Canada, I figure 10 days minimum....hurry, hurry, hurry!
You stitched this one fast! Looks fantastic. Love Legacy PTP. Congrats on another fabulous finish. What are you going to stitch next?!
Super-dee-duper, Margaret! It's just gorgeous!
Margaret, it's gorgeous! Congrats on the finish!
Congrats on another beautiful finish, Margaret. This one is at the top of my all time favorite samplers. What's up next? Should I decide for you, hee-hee?
It's gorgeous Margaret, congratulations
OH WOW!!! Congratulations Margaret!
It's absolutely amazing!! Beautiful! Just beautiful:)
Margeret! That's beautiful. You are a stitching machine. Didn't you just start this?
Wow and wow again! Your finished sampler is magnificent!
It seems like I only looked at this the other day when you were stitching the house and now it's finished! I'm wondering if you ever sleep?
Congratulations! That is a beautiful piece. I haven't been stitching samplers much lately but you could seriously enable me.
Margaret, You amaze me with your speed! Your Country House is just beautiful ~ just like all the rest of your work.
Margaret, es fantástico. Una maravilla.
WOW! You did that really quickly! It really looks gorgeous. Your needles are really smokin'. I can't believe how fast that was.
Positively beautiful!!! You've done a wonderful stitching job here, Margaret! :] Deb
Absolutely stunning finish, as usual, Margaret! Wow... I absolutely love Brenda Keyes! Great job, and I can't wait to see your progress on Rebecca! :)
So beautiful! I wanna stitch fast like you.
Congratulations! Brenda Keyes' pieces are all so beuatiful. I wish I had more time to stitch all of her pieces.
Beautiful the colors are gorgeous!
Margaret, do you happen to have your NPI conversion for this? I'm ordering this one today!
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