Yup, Rebecca Robinson is done! Yay! I feel like I've been working on her forever!

I used 40ct Heritage from Picture This Plus with the called for AVAS. I love how it came out!

Now to get it framed. Along with my growing pile of samplers. Sigh.

In other news, we took the girl child back to college this past Saturday. Her school starts so late -- classes start the 17th! She's all happily ensconced in her single room (whoever heard of a sophomore having a single?) and excited about starting the year. She even got a new position with her job at college! After we unloaded all her stuff in her room, we went for lunch in town. Here's a poor quality picture of the girl child and me from the father type's cell phone.

Last night was the start of the new orchestra season for the boy child. He moved up to the high school level (10-12) orchestra, which means a symphony orchestra. Yay! I love symphony orchestras! I'm hoping the symphony part along with harder music will make the boy child more enthused about things. (He's really a rock and roll kinda guy at heart.) The youth symphony rehearses on stage. Here they are rehearsing on their first night. Only 4 basses! Another yay!

Basses are always easy to spot -- they always stand in the back on the right. And when the conductor asks the orchestra to stand, they don't have to do a thing -- they're already standing!
Speaking of music, 9/9/09 has passed. And our house shows it too. The boy child has Beatles Rock Band and has been playing it with his friends. A stereo limited edition set of the remastered Beatles CDs has somehow made its way into our house as well. :D It's nice that my children have inherited my love of the Beatles.
US Open is over. A new men's champion, a gentle giant of a guy. So young too! (Hate to say it, but it was nice to see someone new win. Sorry Roger! You're still my favorite!) Controversy on the women's side, and a mom as the champ. Yay Kim Clijsters!
I was bad and didn't post last week. How sad! But I wanted to post a finish and the finish didn't get finished till just now! Hope everyone has a good week. Or what's left of the week! I keep thinking it's Monday! Thanks for stopping by. I love reading your comments. :D