I let out a huge sigh of relief when I finally finished the fill in on that big house in the middle of Rebecca Robinson. But then it was hard to switch from the fill in frame of mind to the actual stitching frame of mind! I did it though, got over the hump, and here is where I am with Rebecca now. The motifs to the left of the big house are done and I've actually started on the right side of the big house now! Yay! I love how Rebecca is looking.

In my last post, someone asked about showing where my samplers are hanging in my house. Here is where Charlotte Clayton and Lois Minshall are hanging -- in my bedroom. (Sorry for the flash -- it's dark and raining outside.) I plan to hang some more samplers there as well.

You might notice a small hole in the wall along with Charlotte and Lois. Well, that's from my Advent Sampler. It was hanging there until a few weeks ago when I was rudely woken during the night by a very very loud crashing sound. Yup, Advent had fallen from the wall (DH wasn't home at the time). Amazingly, Advent escaped with just a splinter of wood missing from the bottom of the frame. And nothing on my desk was broken -- which was lucky since I keep my laptop, my Kindle, and my speakers there! I haven't recovered from the experience. Both Advent and Dutch Beauty are not hanging up yet for fear of them falling from the walls again! Here's a picture of Advent in case you haven't seen it. The design is by Mary Beale.

Next up is my Hawk Run Hollow wall, designs by Kathy Barrick Dieter of Carriage House Samplings. From left to right, there is the Houses of HRH, the Village of HRH, and the Shores of HRH. I assume everyone knows that Kathy is coming out with a new Hawk Run Hollow design that is about Christmas at market the end of September. I can't wait to see it! The framing is by Jill Rensel -- I love what she did with the mats! If you want to see more detail on the matting, look in my photobucket album -- there's a link on my sidebar.

And finally, my Quaker wall. I was hoping to add more Quakers, but that hasn't happened yet. :D I can only stitch so many Quaker motifs, I find. The top left design is Hannah Beeby, the top right is Mary Busby, and the bottom (in the black frame) is Maria Spence.

I do have one or two other samplers hanging as well, plus even some oldies hanging from my first stitching life. (I still haven't told you about my first versus my second stitching life, have I?) But that will have to wait for another time.
In other news, the boy child is going to be saying goodbye to his last friend from the neighborhood who is leaving for college today. He had a tough time saying goodbye to his other good friend last Friday. Poor kid -- his luck that his closest friends are a few years older than he is and are off to college when he still has 3 years of high school left to go. He's going to be lonely without them. (Both of his friends are in the photo of the girl child's babyhood-and-up friends in this post.) Oh, he does have other friends, both in the neighborhood and out. But his habits are going to have to change. School is also starting a week earlier than usual, the week before Labor Day. And his sister will be ragging him because he'll be in school and she won't have gone back to college yet. Ah well. The girl child will also be lonely. Seems like all the colleges except maybe one start much much earlier than hers. So all her friends are gone back to school or going back this week, except for her. My poor children.
US Open (tennis) starts next week! I'm excited. I've also discovered that one can watch some of the smaller ATP events online, so I've become interested in what goes on between Grand Slams now too. Not good! lol!
Well, have a good weekend, everyone! And thanks for stopping by.
Wow, nothing small for you Margaret! All those framed pieces are gorgeous, and soon Rebbecca will be joining the ranks!
Thanks for showing us a glimpse of your home and your 'stitching walls' - what wonderful treasures you have created for your family.
Rebeccah is coming along nicely.
I can't imagine how scary that was to have a picture fall from the wall - I've never had that happen. Hopefully your husband will have a good plan to keep them securely in place.
Why does everything fall off the walls at night, generally when the other person is traveling. That's a terrible way to wake up, although thank goodness the kindle was spared!
I love your stitching walls--and Rebecca. All of your samplers are gorgeous, with such perfect framing.
And I'm in agreement about the Quakers--I wanted a quaker wall like I've seen others have, but I find that quaker stitching tends to be a bit tedious.
Margaret - you are making such wonderful progress on Rebecca. I'm constantly amazed at how fast you stitch. And I love, love your theme walls. Such a great idea! I especially love the Advent piece - I've always admired it and now remember that you were one of the few that I saw had finished it on Legacy. Sigh!!! Such beautiful things.
Well first - Rebecca Robinson - OMG! Beautiful!!!
I would have been so afraid to look to see if the Advent Sampler were damaged. I hate to tell you how I have most of my things hanging (except ATS - that has anchors in the wall) - I use straight pins! Long straight pins, but still. I'm surprised that nothing has ever fallen. Of course, most of my finishes aren't nearly as large as yours. You better believe though, with Advent, I'm sure I'd have put an anchor (or 2 or 3) in the wall!
Thanks for showing your finishes, Margaret. You are always an inspiration!
Wow, wow and more wow! That was a true treat - thanks!
Miss Rebecca is looking fabulous. And those framed samplers are wonderful. I love your choices.
Rebecca is looking gorgeous. And all your framed samplers look lovely
I was so inspired by your Rebecca and Tracy's Rebecca that mine arrived yesterday - have not had time to break into the chart and see how big and how many threads and so forth - I will probably not be starting her until maybe Thanksgiving - I like to have a holiday start every year. Your sampler walls are just spectacular - you are such a prolific stitcher - I don't see how that Kindle gets any use at all. Looks like you'll be searching for a new project soon - Mel
OMGosh, how do you stitch so fast?! Amazing progress on Rebecca...it's coming along beautifully. Love all your other samplers too...I'd have freaked to hear and see my framed sampler on the floor too.
I want to come live at your house with those beautiful walls. Thanks for sharing
Oh Margaret! Your walls are just wonderful! I want to be a stitcher just like you when I grow up! LOL! You have done a wonderful job with Rebecca! I love Quakers but have found that I, too, tend to slide on doing more than I would like.
Oh Miss Margaret, your Rebecca is coming along nicely. Isn't she beautiful!! Good for you!! And all your 'walls'....what can I say except SIMPLY FANTABULOUS work. Your finger are always flying. Love every piece you do...course you know that because I buy them to stitch after I've seen yours. I just smile and shake my head in AWE. Have a great weekend!! HUGS
Thanks for the pictures. What a beautiful collection of samplers!
Oh my oh my oh my - what wonderful walls!!!
I love all your stitching pieces and, if I could sneak in, could spend days just staring at everything...promise no touching :)
Congratulations on all your fabulous works.
Hi Margaret, your walls are stunning, thx for sharing. Rebecca is looking more and more gorgeous each day:)
Hello Margaret, my name is Ann from Victoria, Australia. I am in awe of your stunning stitching. Your work is beautiful and would you be able to tell me where you buy your cross stitch packs from? I am new to blogging, please visit and if you like add yourself as a follower. I am about to start an Amish cross stitch that a friend sent me from the US...
Thanks so much Margaret for showing us a glimpse of your home : what wonderful treasures you have stitched :-)
Your Rebeccah Sampler is really coming along nicely.
Have a wonderful sunday ,
Wow and Wow! How fast a stitcher are you? Your walls look beautiful and I am blown away by your House, Village and Shore wall! Great stitching. Oh, and then there is your Advent piece. This is outstanding!
Rebecca L. in IA
I knew it! You're going to have Rebeccah done by Labor Day! You amaze me! And drooling over your Mary Beale Advent! That was one I really thought I would do, but never got around to ordering the charts. Yours looks great!!!
I love looking at your samplers! You are one amazing talented woman.
I'm glad nothing was broken when your calendar fell off the wall. That must have gotten your heart racing!
Thanks for the heads up about Melissa needing my address. I missed that post, and would have kept her wondering!
Thanks for your inspiration. I love it!
Hi Margaret,
Oh Rebecca is looking lovlier everytime I see her. The colours that are in her are lovely.
Your framed samplers look lovely in the spots that you have them hanging.
That would certainly wake you up with a thump when The AS came down. Hope you are well. Boxes are finished and can finally get my life back on track. - Sandra.
Rebecca is stunning already - and I'm definitely jealous of your walls :-)
I loved getting a tour of the stitching treasures, Margaret! It's fun to see how everybody puts their own spin on things. OMG about Advent!! I was worried about that myself but we have plaster walls & DH nailed a massive screw into the wall that (knock on wood) seems to be holding. I am so glad that your Days escaped no worse for wear.
Rebecca looks fabulous!!
Rebecca looks amazing as does your stitching walls!!! Glad your Advent piece didnt suffer from the fall. Been considering a kindle ~ do you like it alot?
Great sampler walls - I wonder how many actual stitches are up there?
How did I miss this blog post? Good Grief!!!! Anyway, I sure love all of the pics, you have done some be-EWE-tiful samplers, Margaret!! I bit the bullet and bought the Advent, back when Siobhan enticed me with hers! Haven't even started it, that is for my retirement years, yeah right! So sorry for the mishap, but glad it didn't do any real damage, cause that is shear ART!!!
Love your progress on Rebecca, thanks to you and Tanya, I am going to have to bite the bullet and purchase this one, for someday!!
You should be so proud of your works, Margaret, they are so awesome!!!
You have really stitched some truly amazing stuff, especially the Advent piece. Wow..can can I say? Spectacular!
I finished Rebecca three days ago. Woohoo!
Absolutely gorgeous work, as always!! Rebecca is outstanding! And so are your lovely samplers throughout your home... oh my goodness, I'm envious!!
Me gusta mucho su blog y todo su maravilloso trabajo!11
Vendré a verlo siempre.
Adelina.Islas Canarias.
You are an accomplished stitcher. So many wonderful and large pieces.
I would love to stitch Advent someday. Something of that size falling off the wall could certainly have done some real damage. Still, I am sorry the frame was damaged at all.
I love your Advent. It looks like a richly textured graphic novel. Even behaves like
one ... "Shazaam!!! I leap off my space on the wall onto your desk, magically breaking nothing and sustaining only minor damage to my flying/falling/framing apparatus!"
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