I let out a huge sigh of relief when I finally finished the fill in on that big house in the middle of Rebecca Robinson. But then it was hard to switch from the fill in frame of mind to the actual stitching frame of mind! I did it though, got over the hump, and here is where I am with Rebecca now. The motifs to the left of the big house are done and I've actually started on the right side of the big house now! Yay! I love how Rebecca is looking.

In my last post, someone asked about showing where my samplers are hanging in my house. Here is where Charlotte Clayton and Lois Minshall are hanging -- in my bedroom. (Sorry for the flash -- it's dark and raining outside.) I plan to hang some more samplers there as well.

You might notice a small hole in the wall along with Charlotte and Lois. Well, that's from my Advent Sampler. It was hanging there until a few weeks ago when I was rudely woken during the night by a very very loud crashing sound. Yup, Advent had fallen from the wall (DH wasn't home at the time). Amazingly, Advent escaped with just a splinter of wood missing from the bottom of the frame. And nothing on my desk was broken -- which was lucky since I keep my laptop, my Kindle, and my speakers there! I haven't recovered from the experience. Both Advent and Dutch Beauty are not hanging up yet for fear of them falling from the walls again! Here's a picture of Advent in case you haven't seen it. The design is by Mary Beale.

Next up is my Hawk Run Hollow wall, designs by Kathy Barrick Dieter of Carriage House Samplings. From left to right, there is the Houses of HRH, the Village of HRH, and the Shores of HRH. I assume everyone knows that Kathy is coming out with a new Hawk Run Hollow design that is about Christmas at market the end of September. I can't wait to see it! The framing is by Jill Rensel -- I love what she did with the mats! If you want to see more detail on the matting, look in my photobucket album -- there's a link on my sidebar.

And finally, my Quaker wall. I was hoping to add more Quakers, but that hasn't happened yet. :D I can only stitch so many Quaker motifs, I find. The top left design is Hannah Beeby, the top right is Mary Busby, and the bottom (in the black frame) is Maria Spence.

I do have one or two other samplers hanging as well, plus even some oldies hanging from my first stitching life. (I still haven't told you about my first versus my second stitching life, have I?) But that will have to wait for another time.
In other news, the boy child is going to be saying goodbye to his last friend from the neighborhood who is leaving for college today. He had a tough time saying goodbye to his other good friend last Friday. Poor kid -- his luck that his closest friends are a few years older than he is and are off to college when he still has 3 years of high school left to go. He's going to be lonely without them. (Both of his friends are in the photo of the girl child's babyhood-and-up friends in this post.) Oh, he does have other friends, both in the neighborhood and out. But his habits are going to have to change. School is also starting a week earlier than usual, the week before Labor Day. And his sister will be ragging him because he'll be in school and she won't have gone back to college yet. Ah well. The girl child will also be lonely. Seems like all the colleges except maybe one start much much earlier than hers. So all her friends are gone back to school or going back this week, except for her. My poor children.
US Open (tennis) starts next week! I'm excited. I've also discovered that one can watch some of the smaller ATP events online, so I've become interested in what goes on between Grand Slams now too. Not good! lol!
Well, have a good weekend, everyone! And thanks for stopping by.