We spent the day yesterday helping the girl child pack up her belongings at college and bring them home for the summer. I think this says it all for the students at the end of the year:

This is me and my large behind going into the girl child's dorm. So flattering!

The father type all set to help with the packing. (He tends to be the camera guy on adventures like this.)


I took the following picture. I thought it was rather symbolic. The last things to leave the dorm room: the girl child's wallet -- complete with iphone, id, money and keys, her laptop, and her two most loved stuffed animals from the time she was tiny.

In other news, because of the packing, I didn't get much stitching done. At least I got that bottom vine done.

And a bit of one tree.

I feel like these trees will be my downfall......

But enough of those trees. Guess what was waiting for me in the mail when we got home from the college move? My lovely quilt scraps from
Kim (KwiltyKim)! I won Kim's scrap fabric giveaway! As you can see, she gave me huge scraps of fabric -- I bet I could make a whole quilt out of them! Plus a little fabric bundle of wool, a little journal or notebook, and -- AND! -- the pattern for the eagle applique that she made a while back (which also contains patterns for some other little quilts too!)!!!

Thank you soooo much, Kim! You're the best! And BTW, Kim has a great ebay thing going if you're looking for fabric. There's a link on her
blog. I'm already planning on buying at least 3 different fabric lines that are coming out -- not a good thing, especially since 1. I haven't made a quilt in 3 years, and 2. I don't have a working sewing machine at the moment since mine are busted. :( But that hasn't stopped me yet!
A last little picture here that I'm rather proud of. Rechelle, the Country Doctor's Wife, whose blog is now called
My Sister's Farmhouse, is having a fun giveaway. Really fun to do. I shouldn't be telling you about this since you all will decide to enter too and ruin my chances of winning. But what the heck. :D You get a group of similar items together, name the group of similar items, and send the picture in to Rechelle. Here's my entry, of which I am rather proud, as I have stated.

It's -- ready? -- a Flourish of Musical Instruments! Isn't that great? The father type helped me come up with the name. Now what do you win if you win, you ask? Truth to tell, I have no clue! lol! It was just such fun to make something up! If you want to see what Rechelle and those who have entered the contest have come up with, go to
Rechelle's blog. There are lots of fun ones. And I would go to Rechelle's blog anyway. It's one of my favorites!
Now I'm off to tackle the 3 huge garbage bags of laundry which came home in the car with us from college. The girl child would be doing it all herself if it weren't for this thing she has coming up late next week. More on that later...... Sigh....... Enjoy the rest of the long weekend!