This is what the kit looked like (along with my Little Gem scissors by Kelmscott Designs that I picked up today).

It came with a nice little wooden ruler to stick in the ruler case.
I was so excited to meet one of my online friends, Karin! She's very nice in person, and has this lovely accent. (I love cool accents.) And she had a nice cosmetic bag from Vera Bradley that was perfect for carrying stitching tools in! I swore I wasn't going to buy anymore Vera Bradley! lol!
Anyway, Ann Pettit of Brightneedle taught the class. Liz Knudsen wasn't able to come, but I did get to meet her last fall when I took another class from Brightneedle at the same LNS. The fall class was Cape Cod Passport.

While I didn't put a single stitch in today's class, I can show what progress I made on last fall's class. Nope, I didn't finish it, but if you want to see some Brightneedle class finishes, go to my Photobucket album (there's a link on the sidebar to the right).

Hopefully, I'll finish both these projects, plus the Dreamkeeper Etui which I also haven't finished, sometime in the future.
While there, instead of starting the class piece, I did some stashing! lol! I hadn't been to my LNS in so long, so I went a bit crazy. :D Had to pick up a few of the pieces I hadn't gotten yet from Nashville market.

The DMC is for a freebie I'm planning to stitch up sometime. A few more market items.

And some classic reproductions that I just had to have. (Ok, so Ewe and Eye and Friends doesn't fit into this category. Sorry!)

Ann was also teaching another class in the afternoon, but since I'd already stitched that one, I came home and am now blogging.
On a different subject, I haven't posted any progress pics of Rachel Hyde recently, so here she is in all her glory.

I think she's just soooooooooo pretty!!!

I think that's all the news. Except that I've already signed up for the next Brightneedle class to take place in the fall at my LNS. And I hear that another designer will be there on another day -- and I will definitely sign up for that as well! lol!
And finally, as per request, here is a picture of the Blackbird Designs fabric that I picked up last weekend in Rhode Island. The picture is a bit washed out, but hopefully you get the idea.

It's sunny and warm today -- finally feeling like summer! Of course, I would have preferred staying with spring, but whatever! lol!
Thanks for visiting -- I love reading your comments and knowing you're all out there! Have a great weekend!