Saturday, December 31, 2016

Goodbye 2016

Just thought I'd do a quick year in review.  I don't know how accurate my memory is for what I finished in terms of cross stitch, but if the list to the right on my blog is correct, I just had one finish.  This is the Yellow Submarine by Blackbird Designs.  I hope to stitch all of the Beatles inspired designs, but at the rate I'm going, that might take a while!

As for knitting, I do think it's taken over.

I was ambitious yesterday and got out all the handknits I knitted this year.  The top pic shows everything (except for one thing that I will show below).  The list of accessories is as follows (trying to go from left to right more or less): Void Shawl by Melanie Berg, Pioneer Girl Shawl by Susan B. Anderson, Boneyard Shawl by Stephen West, Leftie Shawl by Martina Behm, Palindrome Scarf, Serena Shawl (Quince & Co.), Flying Geese Cowl (Quince & Co.), and the Turn a Square hat by Jared Flood.  The garments are (from top to bottom): Stopover by MJ Mucklestone, Cruden vest by Ysolda Teague, Vika pullover by Veronik Avery, Vanora pullover by Michele Wang, Ondawa by Michele Wang, and the Right Angle sweater (Pom Pom Quarterly).

Yesterday I finished the Mawson hat by Jared Flood.  You can see it on the father type's head above.  I used Brooklyn Tweed Shelter in the marled Caribou color for it.  It's not blocked yet, but it looks nice!

Oh!  There's one more thing I finished this year and neglected to include.  It's because it was a Christmas present for the girl child and she has it now.

Pretty, right?  (both girl and cowl....)  I used Stone Wool Cormo in the Ozark 2 color.  (Ignore the two cans of Pledge in the background.....  Grrrr....)

I wish everyone a happy, healthy, prosperous, loving 2017!


Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Beautiful! Knitting is not in my skills bag--yours is beautiful

Rugs and Pugs said...

Happy New Year!
Your knitting skills leave me speechless!
Hugs :)

Vickie said...

Oh my friend,you are amazing! Love your gorgeous knits! Happy New Year to you all!

Mugwump Woolies said...

Your knitting is beautiful! I wish I could do a fraction of what you can do with two sticks and some yarn!!! Hope your Christmas was merry and that 2017 will be good to you and yours. And, yes, they are both beautiful...the cowl, and especially the daughter.
Happy New Year!

Ann at Beadlework. said...

The knitting has most definitely taken over Margaret, you've knitted so many lovely things. All my good wishes for the coming year - I hope it brings you much happiness.

Kristen said...

I cover that pile of handknits, Margaret. Happy New Year!

Vicki said...

Happy New Year, Margaret! Your needles have been flying this year. So many gorgeous finishes.

marly said...

I didn't notice the Pledge, I spotted the cookie tin, more to my liking. Great knitting Margaret, from color changes and cables to a basic hat! Happy new year.

CathieJ said...

Happy New Year! I love the cross-stitch finish and of course all of the beautiful knits. Your daughter is beautiful too.

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

I love everything you have done! The girl child is surely a beautiful young lady. Love Mia!

Vera said...

Happy New Year Margaret! Great knits!!! And cute Mia.

Syd said...

Beautiful projects. Happy New Year!

Annie said...

Excellent productivity in 2016! And I'm sure you will stay warm now for the winter.

Happy New Year!

Sweet Sue said...

wishing you and family everything that is kind, bountiful and loving in 2017! xo

Jackie's Stitches said...

Happy New Year Margaret! It looks like you had a beautiful family holiday!

Your pile of hand knits is scrumptious! Love the Yellow Sub too. I have that one in my stash to stitch.

Myra said...

I don't comment on to many blogs but I must tell you I so enjoy your posts. You are an absolute joy. Talent I can't even begin to imagine. Thank you and your lovely family for sharing part of your life. Many blessings in the new year.

deb said...

What an incredible stack of knitting, and all so pretty! The Yellow Submarine came out really nicely too - those Beatles-inspired charts all look like such fun.

Penny said...

Some beautiful knitting finishes, Margaret! You should certainly be nice and cozy this winter. : ) Love your Yellow Submarine, too, and of course Mia - cute as always and very toasty looking. Hope your new year is off to a great start!

woolwoman said...

I'm just catching up blog reading from being sick - better now. Your knitting prowess is so impressive. I saw some things in the list I didn't even realize you had done like the Pioneer Girl shawl by SBA. I'm anxious to try her new Barrett Wool - might make that new Baker Hat she just designed. DH would like it. I like your DH Jared hat too. Lovely and no I still haven't tried the BT yarns. Need to remedy that in 2017. Where does the time go my friend - I hope you have a wonderful wooly enjoyable 2017 - with warm and "wooley-thoughts" cheers Mel

Beth said...

What an impressive stack of knitting - goodness! I do like the bright yellow submarine. I stitched next to nothing in December. We shall see what January brings.

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Just catching up on blog posts today. Oh Margaret...the knitting...swoon!!! I do love it all. Someday! Love that pic of Mia too. She's a hoot. Happy 2017!

Brigitte said...

Your pullovers, shawls and scarves are legend, Margaret. So very beautiful. I'm looking forward to what you will be knitting- and stitching? - this year. Happy New Year!

Carol said...

Your knitting is beyond impressive, Margaret--I am always in awe when I see the beauties that spring from your needles :)

Glad you had one stitching finish--and a very fun one! Hope 2017 brings you lots of time with your needles--whether big or small!!

Tanya said...

Margaret! You blow me away - such inspiring knits and ALL gorgeous. I so enjoy following your stitching and knitting progress on IG through the year and happy to be blog reading again as yours is one of my favorites. That Yellow Submarine is fantastic!!!!

Tanya said...

Margaret! You blow me away - such inspiring knits and ALL gorgeous. I so enjoy following your stitching and knitting progress on IG through the year and happy to be blog reading again as yours is one of my favorites. That Yellow Submarine is fantastic!!!!

Paulette said...

Margaret, no matter what your current handcraft endeavors are, your work is always so perfect!


Kaisievic said...

Happy New Year, Margaret to you and your lovely family. I love, love, love all of your finished work and I thank you so much for inspiring me to knit again. hugs, Kaye

Rachel said...

I'm in awe of how much you're able to accomplish! So many beautiful finishes!

Dawn said...

Wow, that stack of hand knits is so beautiful! So is your sampler.
What a great 2016 you had.
Looking forward to seeing your 2017 projects!