Monday, December 29, 2014


Thanks to everyone on my finish of His Eye is on the Sparrow.  I emailed Beth Twist, the designer, and she said I'm only the third person to finish the piece -- besides her and another stitcher.  Pretty good, huh?

Oh, that reminds me.  The person who finished before me used 28ct linen, and she also ran out of WDW Havana and GAST Caramel Corn.  So you should get 2 skeins of those in addition to the ones mentioned on the chart.  And I think she said she needed 3 skeins of the green -- WDW Oscar? -- that is listed as needing 2 skeins.

Enough of that though.  As a reward for finishing, His Eye, I finally started this fair isle scarf I've been dying to start knitting.  It's called the Walking Tour Scarf, designed by Dolly Donhauser.  I got the kit for the scarf from the Feral Knitter website -- it uses Jamieson's Shetland Spindrift wool, lots of pretty colors.  Here is my progress so far.

This picture doesn't show the ribbed edging -- it came out a bit too loose, but I'm not about to redo it.  I'm enjoying knitting this one up.  Part of why I like fair isle in particular is it gives you breaks once in a while with a row of plain knitting.  Always nice to have a break once in a while!

Here is my last Fussy Cut Friday with two star halves, both mystery fabrics.

Next year, I will start making the white diamonds to go between the stars.  I don't know if I will stick to Fridays or one a week or anything.  We shall see!

The girl child arrived home Christmas Eve in the evening.  So we were all set for Christmas morning!

If you're wondering what the Father type's new toy is, go to this website.   The Father type and the boy child had a great time together playing with it.  The boy child learned a lot about the audio type things that the Father type's toy involves, so the boy child could give his dad pointers on how to get the most out of his new toy.

And I was made a very happy mom when the girl child asked me to teach her to knit.  Yay!!!!!

I got her started right away on a garter stitch scarf.  She's gotten a lot done this Christmas break.

It's even longer than what's shown in the last picture!

I'm hoping the girl child sticks with it and becomes a fellow knitter.  I would be thrilled if she does!

We had to go out for dinner for Christmas this year -- our stove broke at the beginning of the week and the replacement will be arriving today.   So we went to our favorite diner for Christmas dinner, quite a change for us for Christmas.

(If I'm looking tired out, it's because I was still feeling the after-effects of that vertigo episode I had mentioned a couple of blog posts ago.  We were having a good time!)

Then we went home and settled in to watch A Charlie Brown Christmas and Santa Claus is Coming to Town, both classics from us old folks's childhoods.  It was a wonderful, family Christmas with lots of bonding time.

Mia got a toy for Christmas too.  I'm not sure how much she likes it.

If you look closely, you can see the toy up in the air.

Mia was not best pleased by all the hubbub of Christmas morning.

Father type got this picture -- isn't it hysterical?  She's got this look on her face that says "I hate this! Leave me alone!"  lolol!

This will be my last post of 2014.  What a weird thought -- a New Year is just a few days away!

Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi.  I hope everyone has a great week -- and a happy, healthy, wonderful 2015!


Anna van Schurman said...

Only the third finish. You're a goddess! Happy that your daughter is getting interested in knitting! :-) We usually have Chinese food on Christmas. This year we had so much food Christmas Eve we had leftovers!

donnacrafts said...

Margaret, glad you are feeling a little better. Thanks for posting your Christmas pictures, they are wonderful. I really love your fair isle scarf...just beautiful. Enjoy.

Lana said...

Looks like you all had a lovely time!! I do hope the girl child sticks with it and you have a new fellow knitter!! That pic of Mia is hilarious! Doing her best Grumpy Cat impression!!

Vicki said...

Your scarf is gorgeous! How cool that your daughter is knitting. I have one daughter that stitches, but the other one is not at all interested. However, she likes paper crafts and so do I. I'm fortunate to have a DIL that stitches too. So glad you had a cozy family Christmas!

Roberta said...

Love the scarf, so excited that you finished the "eye" sampler. Have been admiring it. Nice that your daughter is taking up knitting, do hope she likes it and continues.

Happy New Year

Mugwump Woolies said...

Margaret, your knitting is beautiful and how wonderful your lovely daughter has joined in on the fun of knitting! We had a quiet family Christmas, too and it was so nice to be able to sit and relax!
It seems Mia is not a Christmas cat!
Happy New Year!

Berit said...

This is a great post! Glad you didn't let the appliance woe derail your good time! I love That shot of Mia, and the end of the colored stars especially. Will you show w group shot soon? I think I recall you saying how you were going to do the layout re: negative space, but can't recall what you chose!

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Congratulations on finishing "His Eye is on the Sparrow." Do you have framing ideas.
Yea on your daughter wanting to learn knitting!
Mia--to funny, she and Callie Mae could compare notes
Can't believe 2015 is just a few short days away

Mary Ann said...

It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! I love the scarf, and how fun that you will have a knitting buddy!!

Danielle A said...

Looks like you had a wonderful holiday! And that face is priceless!

Mary said...

How fun for you that your daughter has been bitten by the knitting bug! Mine was for a short time too, but she seems to have moved on.

Loved seeing the family pics and your latest knitting project.

wenhkc said...

Enjoyed reading your posts about His Eye, the fussy cut stars, your family's adventures and every day life. Have a great 2015.....I'm rooting for a fellow knitter in your family!

Melissa said...

That is a hilarious photo of Mia! She is none too pleased, for sure!

How nice you get to teach your daughter knitting! I wish you could teach me knitting (side by side). That scarf is gorgeous!

Enjoy the rest of the holidays with your family!

Krista said...

Looks like you all had such a fun holiday, everyone involved in their gadgets :) LOVE the new scarf you are making. Is that one yarn that is variegated or all different color skeins (scary idea! lol) So nice that your daughter is learning as well. Is that a sampler I-spy in that last photo of Mia, to the left? :) Happy New Year!

Carol said...

Wasn't it great to have the whole family together for a few days, Margaret? I sure wish those times came around more often! Looks like a great family holiday and I'm so excited that your daughter wanted to learn to knit! You are the person to learn from, that's for sure :) The newest scarf is looking fabulous...

Happy New Year!!

Ruth said...

Love, love. love the Mia Is Annoyed picture. It is so perfect.

Congratulations on a festive Christmas in spite of the oven packing it in. And congrats on making a new knitter. Oh, and the Fair Isle scarf.... I'll be right over for that-- wow it's beautiful!

Happy pending New Year!

Linda said...

Oh my, that scarf! How I would love to be able to do that - but I think it would drive me batty!
So happy that your daughter is learning to knit!
That picture of Mia - priceless...

Linda in VA

woolwoman said...

OH my, loved hearing and seeing your DD is knitting - she is flying so hopefully she will get bitten by the knitting bug. You are certainly a wonderful mentor and in a great area to be able to use all the hand knits. Your Fair Isle scarf is just gorgeous - I can't believe how much you've gotten done already - how fun to know you are the first "purchaser" to finish "sparrow" - several in my EGA chapter are starting this for NYD. Loved hearing all about your wonderful Christmas with the kids. Enjoy the rest of the week and we'll see you in 2015 - Mel

Vickie said...

Oh my goodness! I am still laughing with tears in my eyes from Mia's grumpy picture. ;)
What a wonderful way to be together this season.
How great that your daughter is now knitting. I wish I knew how. Brian's grandma tried teaching me once. I think I am a dunce when it comes to knitting.

Linda said...

I love the new scarf your knitting Margaret. It's wonderful that your daughter is learning to knit. That last picture of Mia is priceless.

Happy New Year

Rugs and Pugs said...

Happy New Year to you and your family!
That pic of Mia is a hoot!!!
Hugs :)

Mouse said...

ohhh well done on getting it finished ... its a wonderful piece ... gorgeous stitching and well done on learning to knit too DD ... me I am content with just one needle love the new toy for Mia and that last photo is a hoot ... love mouse xxxx
ps wishing you a wonderful stitchy new year :)

krayolakris said...

Best Mia shot all year LOL! Poor baby! Now I want a toy like your DH got for Christmas! Fair isle is looking great! And yay for a new knitter in the family! Happy New Year Margaret!

Jackie's Stitches said...

Mia does not look happy. I think her look says "ENOUGH already!"

How wonderful to have someone who is interested in learning to knit! Lovely color she's working with too!

You'll have to let us know what your DH does with the kit. I took a glance at the site - very interesting!

marly said...

That Mia photo is greeting card and calendar worthy! Priceless! Glad you had a great family Christmas.

Anonymous said...

beautiful knitting, Mia looks so cute. Looks like you had a lovely time

Chris said...

Woohoo! Look at that scarf, such great colors. aND SO MUCH FUN THAT YOUR DAUGHTER IS KNITTING. Oops...sorry about that. Love the pic of Mia, Miss Grumpy. It looks like a lovely holiday. I hope that this week brings as much cozy goodness. Happy New Year!

Melody said...

Margaret, you amaze me with your knitting skills! The fair isle scarf is beautiful. It looks so daunting to attempt, but I love the results. It looks like you had a great Christmas. Hope the vertigo has left you completely.

Annie said...

Beautiful fair isle knitting. Funny comment about needing a break... Sort of like the old joke about why you beat your head against a wall... it feels so good when you stop. Hmmm... may not be a good analogy, especially in light of your recent vertigo. ;-)

Passing on knitting to the next generation... yea!

Mia does an interesting imitation of grumpy cat, but I think she's too cute to really pull it off!

Have a great 2015!

Brigitte said...

Such a nice new knitting projects. And wow, you have a knitting companion now. It must feel great to sit bedide your daughter and do some needlework together.

A broken stove so shortly before the Christmas holidays would be chaotic here - on Christmas Eve everything is closed around here and you wouldn't find a single place where you could go and have something to eat. It would be a cold dinner here, lol.

Happy New Year!

Melanie said...

Ugh. What a terrible time for your stove to break. I hate when large expenses come up around Xmas. It's like a kick in the gut. lol
That will be cool if she sticks with knitting. :)
Happy new year!