So I abandoned all my other projects. Why, you ask? Because of this.
This, of course, is the border of Rachel Howells, by the Scarlett House. I was in love with this one from the moment I saw it! If you go to
Tanya's blog, you'll see why. Gorgeous! I think I'm going to start the interior next.
A friend told me to pull out one of my old projects to remind myself to work on it sometime. Another project to work on -- uh oh! But I do love it.
It's my clamshell quilt using Kaffe Fassett fabrics. I really should work on it again sometime. I checked around the house and I still have all the fabrics and supplies. Whew! You never know with me and my ability to lose things! While digging around, I did find at least one thing I'd been missing for a while, so that's nice. Anyway, I think I stopped working on this quilt when a certain kitten came to live at our house. I wonder who?
I had a problem with my laptop crashing, so we made an appointment at the Genius Bar at our local Apple Store. I was a bit worried that they wouldn't be able to diagnose the problem, or that they would have to send my poor laptop away to be fixed. But no. The Genius who helped us ran some diagnostics, plugged in a program that he thought would make the laptop crash based on what we'd told him, and lo and behold.

He got it to crash. So he told us we'd have to leave the laptop with them to be fixed -- new motherboard with video card etc. Would they have to send it away? Nope! Apple trains the staff at each Apple Store to be able to diagnose and fix computers right in store. Wow! So we left my laptop at the store, and a few days later, right when promised, I got an email and a phone call telling me I could come get my laptop. And it's fixed! I've always been an Apple fan, but I have to say my experience when something went wrong convinces me even more that Apple knows what it's doing. Sorry to sound like an Apple ad. :D
It's spring break at the boy child's college, so it was time to go pick him up at the train station.
And boy, has the boy child's hair gotten long!
Um, yeah. Long.
I'm hoping he will go for a haircut while he's home.
Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi. I hope everyone has a great week!
(All is right with the world......)