I was going to take more pictures of it, but I couldn't get any clear ones so I gave up.
Then I had problems. I picked up Sailor's Wife by the Sampler Company, but I wasn't happy with the conversion I was using so I put it aside for now. Next I picked up Fruit of the Spirit by Plum Street Samplers (told you, Paulette!). And I love it. :D

The colors aren't coming out correctly at all. It's on 45ct vintage Sand Dune. Sure looks like it, doesn't it! lol! I'm using the called for NPI and Threadgatherer silks.

I'd picked up the 45ct vintage Sand Dune so I could copy Tanya from The Scarlett House on Sarah Hartley, but I gave up on that idea when Tanya mentioned all the over one on that piece. Of course, this has a bit of over one as well, but not half as much as Sarah Hartley! Thank goodness! See those little birds by the bird house? They're over one. And there's more to come. I'm using tent over one for the over one part. The 45ct is fun to use, but I think I like 40ct better. Sarah Hartley will definitely be on 40ct!

In other news, my girl child is finally home from Spain!!! Yay!!!! We went to pick her up Saturday evening from JFK, and I was cursing all the way there -- there was tons of traffic. I decided that it was because of a baseball game at the new Citifield stadium, and I was right! Thank goodness we left for the airport when we did or we would have been late! As it was, we got there after the plane landed, but way before the plane "docked." We had to wait a good long while till the girl child finally walked out of customs, but then finally, there she was, looking so grownup and lovely. And of course with that huge smile!

It was so good to see her, to hug her, to have her around us again! And it still is!

(Yes, I cut myself out of the picture. That's my arm. Hee hee! Thanks for the pictures, father type!)
So we're all home now -- except that the boy child is next door sleeping over and the father type is at work. You know what I mean though. No more Spain! It's great!
Now for the looooooooong summer. lol! Already life is more interesting with two teenagers plus a boyfriend to worry about. And stitching time? I never have as much during the summer. Ah well, it's worth it! :D
Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week -- and a new month! And for those of you watching Wimbledon -- go Federer! Go Murray! I'm for a Federer- Murray final myself. :D