Monday, July 18, 2011

Reviving a UFO and more Ann Wheatley

Well, I've stuck with that old WIP.  Wasn't sure I would, but I have.  So far.

SDW Sampler by Scarlet Letter
40ct RR mystery fabric
AVAS fibers called for

I see by my blog that I started this back in April, 2010.  Got the horse and part of the tree done and abandoned it.  I got a bit farther this time.  lol!

There's also a gold blackwork band on top, but I may rip that out and skip it.  I'm not happy with how my stitches are laying.

Kim of Threadheads Unite has been doing a page a month.  Her progress inspired me to pick this one up again.

I currently have a very attention-seeking cat on my lap, purring, kneading and love-biting me, trying to take me away from my blog writing.  Makes it very difficult!  :D

I can't remember if I showed you the second part of the Ann Wheatley SAL for this month.  Here it is.

Now to the more interesting parts of the sampler!  :D  I'm leading the SAL for Ann Wheatley for the Attic.  One of these days, I swear I'm going to make it out to Arizona to visit this LNS!

The girl child seems very happy with her summer internship, which is a good thing.  The bad thing is she's got a bad cold and of course is worrying her mother by not being home to be taken care of.  The boy child seems to be bumming his way through the summer.  There is hope that he will at least find some volunteer work to take him through the rest of the summer.  Fingers crossed!

Mia says summer is the perfect time to relax.

Oh, and Melissa, you're right -- those are dresden plates quilted onto the antique snowball quilt (the white one).

Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi.  Hope you have a great week!


Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

Beautiful progress on both, Margaret! I'm curious; how many samplers have you stitched? How many are framed and hanging (or do you have to store and rotate) and how many do you have to be framed or in some other way "finished"? Curious (some would say nosey) minds want to know!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Oh goodness to mercy Margaret...both your "old" WIP and your Ann is just gorgeous. You are so inspiring and just makes me want to hobble upstairs and stitch, stitch, stitch :)
Hugs and love to you all there!

Jenny said...

Wow - that Scarlet Letter sampler is gorgewous. I have been admiring that in their store in the past... Also good to hear that I am not the only one with WIPs out there - with your flying needles, I thought that you zipped through all your starts right away. ;-) I feel less intimidated now... LOL.
So.. it would be interesting to hear what you think abut the SL charts? There was a big discussion on a net-BB where some stitchers feel that the charts are not really representative of the original. I am stitching the EH 1669 sampler (ok, not really "stitching," rather "WIPing") and I have noticed some discrepencies between cover pic and chart.

Julie M said...

I think you made wonderful progress Margaret! Beautiful projects! Sorry the girl child is sick and I know about kids bumming their way through the summer too.

Have a great week!

woolwoman said...

Margaret - I think you should plan a trip to the Attic - it is a must do for every sampler lover - I hope to visit there again one day however I still have undone projects from my first visit there 5 years ago LOL. Love your revived UFO - great progress on Ann Wheatley - hope you have a great week! Mel

Love to Stitch said...

Oh Margaret, you are going to be so thrilled to add this one to your finished pieces. It is gorgeous!!!! I too had trouble with the gold band, (stitching mine on 45, it was a little jumbled as well) it was suggested to me to use the Society of Soie Surfine-- which I ended up using the gold from the first series. You could also use the soie 100/3 for your gold band-- it too is thinner then the NPI/AVS silks and it will be much smoother :) I am pleased I ended up with the band on the top ----well half stitched anyway!!!!!! Looks fabulous-- keep it up for sure :)

Just got my Ann W. this week-- love it. So excited you are leading the SAL!!!!

Hope the girl child feels better soon :)

merumo said...

What a nice thing to know about you even have UFO!! But I'm sure it will be soon to be FINISHED object as usual ;) Ann is looking very pretty and growing a lot! It'd be nice seeing you at the Attic someday. Even though I make my regular visit nearly every month, I still find something new each time and still discovering what Jean is hiding in her lovely shop. Mia looks so comfy underneath of the quilts. She is the winner for the summer!!

Bertie said...

Great animals on your UFO, unusual and look forward to seeing that finished, like next week?? lol.
The Attic sal looks fabulous and I would like to join you visiting that shop!!
Mia has the right idea :))

marly said...

Hi Margaret. Ann is such a nice sampler and I can't wait to see the work on the bottom section. And WOW on SL's. I remember the name but haven't seen one blogged recently so I need to look it up and drool at the entire piece again. Can you believe summer is half over?

BrendaS said...

Your UFO and SAL are looking very good. As always, your stitching is so beautiful and inspiring:)))

Deb said...

That is so pretty Margaret. I've been watching Kim's progress on this one too. It's really a different sampler and I love it. (must add to the stash pile - LOL). You always pick up the best pieces. I have to say that I didn't know you had WIPs, but then that would be foolish thinking on my part, right?

Sounds like someone (Mia) doesn't like attention to be averted from her. I always thought it was so cute when they gave the love bites and the kneading!

Isabelle said...

Your both Samplers are just beautiful, Margaret and I must tell you that I am always pleased to see your updates .
I think I will say the same as Mia : Summer time is perfect to relax :-))

Siobhán said...

Ann looks amazing! I love your SDW, too--soooo pretty! I saw Carol's WIP of it (back when it was a WIP) and loved it--it is such a gorgeous sampler.

Annemarie said...

I want to go to the Attic, too!!! But until then, I'll just enjoy the newsletter, AND your fabulous progress on Ann. That's a very fine SL sampler you're working on too, Margaret!

Annie said...

Gorgeous stitching! Are you in the midst of the heatwave that's sweeping the country too? Great excuse to sit and stitch!

Loraine said...

Your samplers are always inspiring Margaret! Ann looks like a hard one to get through. Good job working on some older things. That's always a challenge for me.
Love your quilts and your kitty! Hugs.

Zlata said...

Beautiful second part of the Ann sampler! I love every cross in this design! )))
And your old WIP are so gorgeous!!!
I think you'll finish it very soon if inspiration will be with you every day.

Joy said...

Love all of it!! Although, the whole "page a month" scares me. I so wish I could pull out an old wip as wonderful...well, there is Sarah Tatum by SL. Maybe some day.

The Attic is on my list too, but right now traveling any where hot is so unappealing.

Happy Stitching

samplerlover said...

Hi Margaret, SDW is looking really lovely and I am sure that is going to look wonderful with your other samplers. Ann W looks really lovely and I am also looking forward to seeing the next section.
Sorry the girl child isn't well. I know how it feels when our children aren't around to look after.
Do you realise Margaret, if your Summer is half over, that means my Winter is the same. Yipee lol. - Sandra.

Liz said...

Lovely work as always Margaret, I'm so glad you have UFO's, makes me feel better about my cupboard full of them :o) Happy birthday for today too, have a great one..

Laurie in Iowa said...

SDW looks wonderful... hope you can stick with her this time around.
Mia has the right idea... summer should be all about relaxing and taking things slow. lol :-)

Catherine said...

Great stitching on both pieces Margaret!

Wow - Mia looks comfy!!

Melissa said...

SDW looks great - I love your photos of it too, so bright and colourful! And Ann W is looking great too but I say that about all your stuff!

Funny about Mia - sometimes they just want to love ya love ya love ya!

Gabi said...

I love both of your samplers Margaret. Visiting your blog is always tempting. I just went and had a look at Scarlet Letters how the completed SDW sampler will look like...sigh...why I had to do that is beyond me. Now I'm drooling even more.

Mouse said...

ohhhh lovely and you definitely have made progress and the verse on the Ann is really on the ball :) sorry to hear DD has a cold ... hope DS finds some work soon and Mia well she looks sooooo comfy under those quilt pieces :) love mouse xxxx

Giovanna said...

Great progress on your samplers! I hope you manage to stick to the old WIP :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness...those are some beautiful pieces, Margaret!! And I am head over heels in love with your Ann Sandles piece from last post too!!!

Mia is looking lovely as ever...and what a little helper she is, LOL!

And...a very happy birthday to you, my friend!!

Hope your daughter gets better soon...being sick in the summer really sucks!

Happy Stitchin'

Sherry :o) said...

Your progress is great; isn't it amazing when you look back at other posts and see that you have progressed further than it seems when you are just bumping along. I, too, aspire to visit The Attic (all the way from Michigan) someday. I loved her newsletter.

Dawn said...'re getting me thinking about dragging out a UFO, or is it UFS? Yours are very pretty. Love Mia on the timbler quilt. I have a small one on my design wall - tumbler that is.
Thanks for sharing!

Lois said...

Nice progress on both and good for you getting started again on a UFO! Hope your daughter feels better soon. As always, what a sweet pic of Mia! She looks so comfortable!!!

Juels said...

I was hoping you would pick up SDW again! Looking Good, Margaret!

mdgtjulie said...

Well, Margaret, you're making good stitchy progress!! Seems like you've gotten a lot done! Mia is beautiful, as always. When Yes Dear wants a stroke, she jumps up on the desk and sits between me and the keyboard, lol. Gotta love em!! Glad the girl child is loving her internship, but sorry she's sick. Have said a prayer for her. And here's hoping for the boy child too!!

Carol said...

Hope little Mia is managing to stay cool in this heat wave, Margaret :)

Amazing the way those samplers just keep pouring from your needle and thread. How long do you spend stitching each day. I can't seem to do more than a couple of hours!

Katrina said...

As always your eye candy is fabulous. Love the SDW (at least I think that's what it's called) and Ann is gorgeous too!!!!

Hope your DD is feeling much better summer colds are the worst!!!

Mary said...

Well done to have picked up a UFO. The animals (and the flowers) look quite large so it must be a big sampler.
Had to smile while reading the words of Ann Wheatley - so many of these samplers have sombre messages.
Hope yout girl child is soon recovered.

Michelle said...

Beautiful progress on your WIP! Sometimes it's nice to pull something back out that you haven't worked on in awhile (unfortunately, I have an unending supply of those!).

Dona said...

I'm glad you pulled out your old WIP! I've always liked that one.

Hope your daughter feels better soon!

Enjoyed the picture of little Mia, as always!

Patty C. said...

Great progress - You are so fast !!

Sally said...

Lovely progress on both pieces:)

Natalia said...

Margaret, they are both beautiful !!! You are such an inspiration...

Nicole said...

Beautiful progress on both of your samplers Margaret!! You're so good for getting back to a UFO! :)

Sherry said...

Stunning progress! You get so much done that it blows my mind! The lion on your WIP is just stunning! Mia is as cute as always!

Valerie said...

Your UFO is so beautiful! I am so glad that you picked it back up! Looking forward to more progress on this beauty!

Ann Wheatley is also coming along nicely...I love the verse.

Hope you had/have a great birthday! :-)

Karen said...

Beautiful pieces, both of them, but I really like SDW. Very cool piece.

antique quilter said...

wow both of these are just I guess working on samplers is like working quilting projects always a few on the go?
Hope the girl child is feeling better soon, we will always worry won't we? The boy child hopefully one of his friends is volunteering someplace and he can tag along!
they seem to like to do that stuff in pairs!
thanks for the picture of the kitty and the quilts!
always fun to see quilts