Saturday I got together with some of my stitching friends at my friend Kathy's house for a stitching day. The big debate, of course, was what to work on. I figured I wouldn't be able to concentrate on Not for Us Alone (see post below), so I brought the project I'd put aside for it, Lois Minshall. It was nice to do plain x's again! This is how Lois looks as of Saturday. Sorry for the darkness of the pictures -- it's a snowy day here with no sun.

I worked on the first flower in the interior -- nice to be done with that border! (There's still a bit more light pink to be added to the flower and left hand rose bud.)

Sunday was Ruthie Sunday. Those of you who read
Paulette Stewart's blog (Plum Street Samplers) know that she and I started Ruth Bacheler from the Scarlet Letter together. We dedicate our Sundays -- or Mondays if Sundays are busy -- to the pretty girl. Well, yesterday we reached a milestone -- we started the letters! Yay!

We both quickly discovered that since each letter was a different color from the letter next to it, that it would be slow going with a start and stop for every letter. Yawn! By the end of the day, I had gotten almost to the end of the first row of letters.

Ruthie is pretty, but I have the feeling that these letters -- and there are tons of them! -- are going to be a trial! lol!
So I seem to be doing a vague rotation. I usually hate rotations. I find I do much better with a one-at-a-time sort of thing. But the Not For Us Alone class started online and I obviously wasn't finished with Lois Minshall. And I figured I could manage a Sunday for Ruthie. So rotation it is. I guess. Sort of. The worst of it is, since I've been talking to friends, both online and off, I'm so tempted by all these other pieces I want to do! It's taking all the will power I have not to dash off and start CHS's Adam and Eve.

There are a bunch of ladies starting an SAL for that one. I look at it and think, oh that'll work up in a snap! No time at all! Then I look at it realistically and laugh at my optimism. And that's just one piece that I want to start right now! There are so many others! Oh why can't I stitch faster? Why can't I not get distracted by everything I want to stitch and just be happy stitching what I'm stitching -- which, of course, was the something I really wanted to stitch before I started stitching it! lol!
So that's where I am this morning. Debating what to pick up to work on next. Be good and continue with Not for Us Alone? Be wicked and start one of those pieces that's calling to me? Be somewhat good and continue on Lois Minshall? Sigh. I'm in one of those flighty moods.
Thanks for all your comments. They mean a lot to me! Mouline Rouge will be lurking in the background --- still haven't decided which color scheme to use, but I have a feeling when I do pick it up again, I'll try out the newest combination. I want a masterpiece like Paulette's!
Snow day today. No school! Hubby working from home -- I'm always glad that's an option with these computer types. Everyone home warm and snug -- I hope that means some stitching time!