Saturday, February 29, 2020

Leap Day grace

Well it's a good thing it's a leap day, cause otherwise I'd have missed posting in February (I don't count the last post, since it was representing January).  But here I am, barely having remembered that tomorrow starts a new month.  Whew!

So here is my progress on my Marie Wallin Fair Isle Club 5 blanket.  This is up through part 4.  I dearly love how it's looking, and how beautiful and colorful it is.  And yay for knitting color work flat, and for what an eye Marie Wallin has -- what a talent!  I can't imagine being able to put colors together like she does.  Sadly, the picture doesn't convey the colors well.

Having just popped on here quickly to post my progress (each part is released at a certain time, thus my being held to a schedule), I will quickly pop off again.  Happy Leap Day to everyone!

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Love my blankie

I missed posting in January, but it was for a good reason.  I wanted to be able to show off my progress on my Marie Wallin Fair Isle Club 5 blanket.  I'm loving this project so much!

Isn't it gorgeous?  And I'm very happy with how knitting the color work flat is working for me.  Yay!

I don't think I ever posted a picture of the hat I gave to DH for Christmas.  Well, here it is on DH's head.  I took this picture when we were shoveling the driveway.  Knock on wood, we haven't had to do that often this season!

This is the Mill Hill Toque by Andrea Rangel in Brooklyn Tweed Shelter.  (Isn't he a cute husband?)

We had a bit of unwanted excitement one day when it was very windy and blustery out.  The power went out a bit after 4pm one day.  With our record in this neighborhood of not getting our power back for over a week at a time, I was not a happy camper.  But luckily, we were only out of power for something over 4 1/2 hours.  Our across the street neighbors were not so lucky -- they were out of power for more like 11 hours.  The culprit?  A huge branch that split off from the main trunk of an evergreen in our neighbor's yard.  DH grabbed a picture of it before it was carted away by the town the next day.

We were actually blocked in on one end of the street by this tree trunk, and by a downed power line on the other end of the street after the power went out.  But again, luckily, that situation was taken care of within those 4 hours.  

We have always known that Mia is fond of coffee -- she has never actually had coffee, but she loves to attack mugs that once had coffee in them, and once she attacked a Keurig cup.  lol!  But she never really seemed all that thrilled by catnip.  She would be jazzed about a catnip toy for a little bit, but not as much as a good empty cup that smelled like coffee.  Well, that seems to have changed!  I bought her a catnip snake, and she absolutely loves it.  She wanted it even before I got it out of the packaging it arrived in!

The toy has very very strong catnip in it, so that might be the secret!  I'm happy she's so enamored.  lol!