Monday, June 13, 2016

time keeps on slippin'.......

It seems everyone says stuff like this, but how did it get to be the middle (almost) of June?  I'm too old.  lol!

I finished my Right Angle sweater.  It's a design by Georgia Farrell from issue 16, the Spring issue of Pom Pom Quarterly.  I used my Shilasdair Luxury DK (with Camel) yarn that I bought from Loop London when we were in London in the spring.

Ugh.  I hate selfies.  Anyway, it came out to just the right length and width.  I modified the sleeves to be narrower than the pattern calls for -- just because I felt the sleeves as written just wouldn't look right on me.  I'm very pleased with how this sweater came out!

(And yes, for those wondering, that's my Houses and Village of Hawk Run Hollow by Kathy Barrick behind me.)

I've started the Cruden vest by Ysolda Teague.  Here is my swatch for my version.

I'm actually using a color scheme from the Spring/Summer KAL color palette that Jamieson and Smith has curated.  I love that blue-green and the colors from the KAL look great together.

I've since started the vest.  Of course, my gauge is too loose, despite my having knitted a gauge swatch.  Sigh.  Sometimes I wonder why gauge swatches are necessary if they don't always match what you end up knitting.

We ended up going into the city at some point since my last blog post, to see the girl child and hang out.  It was a bit warm, but we had a good time.

Still can't get used to the fact that my kids can drink.  lol!

We saw (or rather, the girl child and I saw, while the boys saw European paintings) the Manus x Machina exhibit at the Met -- so fantastic.  And then we settled down in the girl child's apartment and she plied us with cocktails that she made for us.

This past Saturday was our (the father type's and my) 33rd wedding anniversary.  We had a nice dinner out, just the two of us.

The boy child is happily enjoying the summer at home.  With Mia.

Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi.  I hope everyone has a wonderful week.


  1. The sweater is beautiful--as is your family. Congratulations on your anniversary! Silly Mia--she sure loves her Boy/Child

  2. Oh my goodness, your sweater knitting talents amaze me! And the new one looks to be really awesome also!
    So your son grows his hair again,hey? ;)
    Happy 33rd Anniversary!

  3. That sweater looks great on you! I haven't done swatching yet. It's odd that the gauge is different when you are knitting the sweater than the swatch. I wonder why.

    I can see Mia is adjusting/loving having her boy back! She's probably thinking "here we go again!"

    Happy Anniversary to you both!

  4. Your sweater is beautiful and it looks awesome on you. Glad you're enjoying some family time so far this summer!

  5. Lovely sweater! It looks great on you! Love the new yarn your working with. Glad you had a fun time in the city with the kids. Happy Anniversary!! =)

  6. happy anni to you and hubs! stunning sweater, looks seriously gorgeous on you. wishing you a great week to come:)

  7. Love your new sweater! That color looks great on you. And the new vest beginning looks promising, too. I'm feeling like this year is slipping away, too :)

  8. Happy Anniversary!

    Your sweater looks awesome on you. Love the colours of the new vest. Your family looks so sweet together. Mia must be happy with her boy back.

    Have a wonderful day!

  9. Hi Margaret,
    Love your sweater and the colours in your new vest! Happy Anniversary! (we will be celebrating our 31st this week) Mia just looks so happy!

  10. beautiful sweater, Happy Anniversary. Mia is so sweet.

  11. You new sweater looks gorgeous - great pattern and style, and such a beautiful colour. And that blue-green in your new vest is just wonderful. It matches so perfectly with the browns you are using as well.
    And yes, the HRH pieces behind you immediately caught my eye. I am stitching on my Houses piece in a SAL with Margaret at solstitches and we are determined to finish it by the end of the year.
    Happy Anniversary wishes! And enjoy the time with your son being home.

  12. The sweater looks fabulous. Really suits you.

    Love the yarn for the new vest. I've never had luck with gauges either.
    I think my knitting tension is very tied to the mood I'm in when I'm knitting.

    So now the whole family can do some wild partying together! The 'kids' look very happy. Your daughter is so sophisticated looking!

  13. Your knitting is always gorgeous, Margaret! And the colors (especially the blue/green) in your new vest are so pretty! So far I haven't knit anything where gauge was too important - thankfully - not looking forward to it. Love the picture of your daughter and son together. : ) Happy anniversary to you and your husband!!!

  14. It sounds like your summer is off to a great start! I always love seeing what you're working on. The vest is looking lovely. Not sure why the swatch didn't work.

  15. Your knitting, as always is beautiful.
    Happy Anniversary!

  16. A lovely sweater with such an interesting pattern. It sounds as though you are off to a super start - enjoy your summer and your family.

  17. Gorgeous sweater and lovely to catch up on all your news.

  18. Lovely new sweater, Margaret--and it fits you so well. And the glimpse of those wonderful HRH samplers behind you is an added bonus!

    Happy 33rd anniversary--the years sure do pass by quickly, don't they? Our 39th is coming up in July--gulp! We sure are getting old :)

    Hope your week is going well, Margaret, and that you're enjoying your son being home. I'm sure Miss Mia is in heaven!

  19. Happy Aniversary to you both. Loving the colour of your new sweater and the sleeves are a nice length for Spring summer wear. Ooh I can't imagine what it's like when your kids are old enough to drink eeek I am struggling with my teens being able to stay up late I keep thinking they should be in bed now!

  20. Happy Anniversary to you both. Margaret, that vest looks so complicated, but those colors are spectacular. Can't wait to see this finished. Your completed sweater looks very nice on you.

  21. Happy Anniversary to you two! I love the pictures with Mia & the boy.
    The sweater you knit is gorgeous, but the most i love your new knitting that colours are so nice.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  22. Good to catch up with all that you've been busy with. Mia continues to make me smile especially when she is photographed with her favourite boy. It reminds me so much of our Poppy's relationship with our son. I love the colour you chose for the sweater Margaret. You do like your Scottish wool and designers - have you seen Kate Davies new book about Haps?

  23. Don't know how I missed your post from last week - YEAH for finishing Right Angle - it looks awesome on your - YGG on the selfie. Love your new project too. Always fun to see the kids and the 4 foot kiddo too. Hope you have a great week ! Mel

  24. Your sweater is so good and I am so impressed. To create actual clothes with wool is quite a feat in my world where scarves and afghans rule. Meanwhile isn't it wonderful to have grown children who do want to hang out with you...I am so enjoying this phase of parenthood too. And I love food photos!!

  25. As you can tell, I'm behind in blog reading. But Happy Anniversary belatedly. Your sweater is lovely!

  26. The sweater is lovely . U have such a great blog . The girl looks beautiful . Interesting blog . Happy anniversary :) hugs
