Monday, December 16, 2013

In the Christmas mood?

I've made some progress on my Crown Sampler.

The needle is a size 28 petite.  I put the Clover cutter there for size.  I'm using the 50/62 count linen with Tudor silk conversion from the Attic.

You might notice the adorable needleminder in the picture as well.  It's a gift from Paula of Kelmscott Designs.

See the adorable cat?   I love it so much!  Thanks so much, Paula!

I also won a lovely prize from Elaine of Emily's Cupboard.  It's a lovely kit for embroidery along with a crewel embroidery book.

The Appleton wools are so luscious!  Now I have to get over my fear of crewel work and start embroidering!  Thanks so much, Elaine!

We had our first substantial snow this weekend.  It messed up our plans for the girl child to come home and go cut down a Christmas tree with us.  So instead, the father type and I shoveled ourselves out and went to a local pre-cut tree stall.  I'm happy with our selection -- the tree is nice and tall, but also nice and skinny.

Here's the father type posing for the camera while putting up the lights.

And here's the decorated tree.  The father type and I put up fewer ornaments than usual since it was just the two of us.  Definitely an advantage to a tall, skinny tree.  lol!

The father type finally picked out his retirement gift from IBM.  It was placed on the mantel today, complete with commemorative plaque.

(The plaque is on the side.)  It has a pendulum and it chimes too!  So much fun!

Mia enjoyed an empty box, one of her favorite things to do.

Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi.  I hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Oh Margaret! What a lovely, tall tree you two picked out. Our Jacob has asthma and breathing trouble with real trees, so we have been doing fake for ages.
    What a grand clock! Love it. =)

  2. Doh! I forgot all about your precious, small stitching! You know I adore tiny.
    Hi Mia!

  3. Wow that crown sampler is beautiful and tiny!
    I am sure you will have no trouble with crewel embroidery - can't wait to see what you do with the goodies :)

  4. Love those scissors! So cute :) Love the tree too - real is always so much better. Just love waking up and smelling the evergreen in the air :)

  5. I love your tall tree! Our house has low ceilings so I never get a big one.

    Have fun with the crewel. I really enjoy it! And yes the appleton wools are so pretty.

  6. Now that's stitching mojo in action! Love the sampler with it's teeny bird and fruit bowl!

    I used to do tons of crewel work back when it was trendy. It's really fun and I'm sure you will love it, especially with that nice wool.

    Super tree and what a great retirement gift to display on the mantle as well. Just seems so fitting!

  7. Hi Margaret, your Crown Sampler is gorgeous. I love the higher count fabrics. Appleton Wool is great to work with -- enjoy! Such a pretty tree and such a cute kitty!!

  8. Your sampler is a beauty and my hat is off to you for tackling such tiny stitches! I love crewel and have no doubt you will master it in no time. Great tree and what a lovely clock to recognize his time at IBM.
    Enjoy your week,

  9. I love seeing your Crown sampler coming along. And what a cute needle minder!! Your tree looks gorgeous.

  10. Crown Sampler is on my list of "must dos" for 2014! I'm in awe of yours on the 50 count!!! The tree is lovely. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, Margaret.

  11. gorgeous sampler!!! a cute needleminder

  12. beautiful needlework! ~ love the little kitty minder too.
    Your home is decorated so nice ~ so cozy!!
    Our Iggy love boxes toooooo

  13. Love that Crown Sampler! Wish I could stitch on the higher counts!

    Great tree and decorated beautifully! Gorgeous clock and Mia gets a gift too!

    Have a good week!

  14. I love the progress on Crown Sampler, the colors are beautiful. Wonderful tree you picked out. All ready for the holidays! :)

  15. Margaret -- Your Crown sampler is really coming along -- beautiful!

    Nice looking tree too!

  16. How beautiful your sampler is Margaret. WOW! Love your tree!!! Fabulous! Happy Holidays.
    love Annette

  17. Your tree is lovely and I also like the wrought iron bed we got a peek at :)

  18. We have a tall and skinny tree too and I find it's so much easier to house in our limited space. Crewel work is a bit daunting - I did some years ago and loved it at the time. What a wonderful clock.

  19. Your chicks will all be coming home soon, for Christmas, I'm sure...but I bet that was a little let down to not do your normal finding of the tree. Did you do your trunk cut like each year?! I was just telling a neighbor of mine about your tradition to do that :)
    I love how Father Type is playing to the camera! He seems so much fun! I LOVE your angel standing by the tree too! Where did you get her Margaret? Lovely!
    Your crown sampler is beautiful!

  20. Your chicks will all be coming home soon, for Christmas, I'm sure...but I bet that was a little let down to not do your normal finding of the tree. Did you do your trunk cut like each year?! I was just telling a neighbor of mine about your tradition to do that :)
    I love how Father Type is playing to the camera! He seems so much fun! I LOVE your angel standing by the tree too! Where did you get her Margaret? Lovely!
    Your crown sampler is beautiful!

  21. Love, love, love your Crown sampler. The motifs are so tiny and perfect. Your tree looks fabulous!

  22. Oh my. Such tiny stitches. This is going to be such a treasure! Nice tree. Nice ceilings. Nice hall. Nice walls!

  23. Wow - your Crown Sampler stitched with those beautiful Tudor silks on the 50 count linen is GORGEOUS! That's a pretty tempting conversion there! I'm thinking you just may have convinced me to try mine with the Attic's silk and linen conversion too. Hmmmm.... I've been a "good boy" so maybe Santa will bring me those. Really love how pretty it looks. The cat in the box is too cute, as well. Merry Christmas!

  24. That sampler is amazing Margaret!! I really need to get some of that 50 count linen to try out! Love the cat needle minder. Very sweet of Paula to send it to you. Love those wools and I think you'll have no trouble getting over the fear of doing crewel embroidery. It's quite amazing!! Great tree shots too! It must smell wonderful. Oh that Mia up to her antics!!

  25. Your tiny stitches are so beautiful on the sampler! I'm not sure I could see to do it! Your tree is lovely, as well as the pretty clock retirement gift.

  26. How are you doing with the clock chiming through the night? When I was young, my parents had a grandfather clock sent over by my aunt who lived in Germany. It chimes every half hour. It never woke me up but it did overnight guests! Your husbands clock is beautiful and I love that it's engraved!

  27. Crown Sampler -- oooohhh, pretty! I love the colors! And stitching on 50 are the woman!

    The tree is lovely. And I like the picture of Mia in the box :-) I got something in a big box a couple of weeks ago and I hate to get rid of it (the box, I mean) because Timothy has such fun playing in it.

  28. Love your sampler. How do you find it stitching on the 50+ count? It was easier for me than I thought it would be. Love your tree and DH's retirement clock. And sweet Mia…my cats love boxes too. Hugs

  29. Hi, Margaret, pretty tree and I do see the cat in the needle minder now that I look for it. Sorry your daughter couldn't make it, we've had lots of snow too. Your sampler start is beautiful, I can't believe you can work on 50/62 linen! WOW!!

  30. You've chosen a lovely tree. I love the tall and skinny ones and I think they look so good with not too many ornaments.
    Ahhh, Margaret, your stitching on this great fabric looks fabulous, and all so tiny. Love it.
    Looking forward to seeing your first adventures into Crewel Embroidery.

  31. Beautiful progress on the crown sampler.
    The tree looks perfect! I am not putting one up this year :( Just not going to battle the cats.
    Hugs to you and Mia!!

  32. Wonderful progress, Margaret--that is such a pretty sampler. And how pretty your tree looks. I know mine is too crowded, but I haven't bought a second tree yet just for my stitched ornaments--they are taking over :)

    Congratulations on your win--such pretty threads in that kit! I actually started my stitching "career" with crewel embroidery back in high school, but once I discovered cross stitch, I abandoned the crewel (cruel, aren't I?!)

  33. What wonderful tall ceilings you have! I love your tree. I tend to like the skinnier ones too. Love your progress too. I've wondered how that high count linen is to work with since I'm on a 40ct. kick myself. Have a good week!

  34. So funny - we have a skinny tree, too, and only plan to put up the most favorite ornaments. It was just the two of us buying the tree and putting on the lights. I like what I am now calling, "Calm Christmas". Though I will never forget those beautiful snowy Christmases in Mohegan with our little kids, quilt circle, cookie swaps, etc. I feel as though I have lived 5 lives.

  35. Beautiful sampler work. Nice tree, too. I think it will 'droop' a bit to look fuller as the days go on... especially if there are heavier ornies on the ends. Pretty clock choice. Mia looks ready to be packed LoL.

  36. Great pictures Margaret. I love your tree and your progress on the Crown Sampler.

  37. That Mia, she just makes me smile. Lovely tree and it looks like you had fun decorating. Your sampler is gorgeous!

  38. Your progress on the Crown Sampler is beautiful, Margaret! Love your tree too...sometimes we just need a change, don't we?

    That is an ever so precious kitty...the needle minder as well as Mia!

  39. What beautiful stitches and so tiny! Love, love, love your tall skinny tree!! Have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

  40. Your Crown Sampler is gorgeous, the stitches are so tiny! I think 40ct linen is my limit ha ha!

    Love your X'mas tree!

    Happy Holidays!


  41. Your stitching looks beautiful. Margaret! Was it difficult to find your linen? I can never find any with such a high count!

  42. Your Crown sampler is looking gorgeous, great progress

    Your tree is looking lovel

  43. Your stitching is beautiful, very inspiring. I love your house. Thanks for sharing!

  44. Ah, cats. Such simple folk. Give 'em an empty box and they are happy, happy, happy.

    Very nice shape to the tree! Bet it smells wonderful, too. :)

  45. Very nice tree, and lovely progress on the sampler.

  46. Your work is just outstanding. Thank you for all the inspiration this year. Wishing you and your family a happy holiday season.


  47. Your work is just outstanding. Thank you for all the inspiration this year. Wishing you and your family a happy holiday season.


  48. It looks like trimming the tree was fun! Our kitties have also had fun with the empty boxes. ;)

  49. Your WIP is gorgeous! Such tiny stitches!

    Your tree is so pretty. Love the shape of it. We haven't had a real tree for years.

    Love the retirement gift. It is a beautiful clock.

    Bless Mia!

    Merry Christmas!

  50. love this! I hope to start on it next year! Beautiful tree.

  51. Lovely stash prize. I know you will make good use of those.
    The tree is beautiful.
    Love the little cat scissors.
