Monday, December 9, 2013

Doing some math....

No stitching this week.  I spent the days in my sewing room working on a quilt.  It was finished by the end of the week.

Pluses Quilt from Love Patchwork and Quilting Magazine premiere issue
using Dowry by Anna Maria Horner,  Le Creme Swiss Dots by Riley Blake,
and various low volume prints from Westwood Acres shop
Here are some of the blocks before being sewn together.

I also worked a bit on my Annabella's Cowl.  It's getting longer, slowly but surely.

Annabella's Cowl by Churchmouse Yarns

Mia was all excited by the packaging that came in a box in the mail.  She played with the paper and hid in it too.

Thanks for stopping by and saying hi.  I hope everyone has a great week!  


  1. The Pluses Quilt is looking fabulous. Where will this one go?

  2. Margaret - your quilt is gorgeous! Your knitting is beautiful too. I appreciate (and envy!) your needle-art abilities. Thanks so much for sharing your projects with us.

  3. wow very beautiful, love the fabrics

    Happy stitching
    Judith (Myxstitchplace)

  4. What a fun and happy quilt! Congrats on finishing your flimsy. Can't wait to see how it gets quilted.

  5. Lots of great projects! Mia looks like she is having fun with all the paper.

  6. Mia looks charming in green!

    The quilt is lovely and colourful and I love that purple you are knitting!

  7. Great job on finishing your quilt! It's gorgeous! Are you going to quilt it yourself? That is something I definitely want to learn to do myself.

    Your cowl is coming along nicely! I find that if I keep my neck warm that I may not need to wear more layers.

  8. Beautiful quilt and fabric. Makes me want to get back to the sewing room and finish more wips

  9. Congrats on finishing that quilt. I love how the pretty colors pop up off all the white.

    This is a good time of year to be working on that cowl. Snow-covered country!

  10. Hi, Margaret,
    Both your quilt and cowl are gorgeous! You have so many talents! Do you do the quilting yourself also? Mia is so cute, it is funny the way cats play with crinkley paper and boxes.
    Hope you didn't get the ice storm...

  11. It is so cool. Love all the fabrics.

  12. Yikes! I quickly glanced at your post title, Margaret, and thought it said "Doing some meth!!" Time for a nap for me, I think...this cold is now affecting my vision :)

    Love your quilt--such beautiful colors...

    It always amazes me the things cats find the most entertaining--I'm sure Mia is looking forward to all of that wrapping paper to roll around in at Christmas time!

  13. Wow - finished a quilt in a week. Now that's quick. Your scarf is really pretty. Does Mia not like to cuddle up with the yarn?

  14. Love your quilt top. Don't you love a top that comes together quick and is so full of fabulous colors? Great job Margaret. Love the cowl…it sure looks warm. And Mia, my sweet favorite white kitty !!


  15. Lovely patchwork Margaret, a hand made quilt is very special. Cats do love packaging, it's so much fun.

  16. Margaret, the quilt is beautiful! You are so talented!! Your cowl is looking great (I'm still on the first colour of the stole :(

  17. Forgot it say, I love your cowl ~ that would come in handy later this week when the temps are not going to be kind!

  18. The quilt is beautiful.! Mia is darling.

  19. Your quilt is beatuiful. I too was wondering how you will be quilting all 3 layers together. Your cowl looks so soft and Beautiful - love the yarn. love Annette

  20. That quilt is lovely Margaret!
    I am glad that Mia is enjoying the holidays!

  21. Beautiful quilt! And the cowl looks so soft and warm!
    Have a great week,

  22. The colors are your quilt are so vibrant and fun and the cowl looks deliciously soft!

  23. Love your beautiful quilt!

    Mia is adorable!

    Happy Holidays!


  24. Oooh crinkly paper is always exciting to play with..hehee!! Gosh, Margaret, you are one of the fastest sewers, stitchers, knitters, most amazing person ever!! I love how you "whip" up a quilt in no time flat while mine is folded in a bag in a corner...waiting for my courage to work on it!! You could pass some of that courage and wisdom on to me!!

  25. ...actually I realized you do pass it on. When I see you quilt, knit, etc, I want to as well!! So thank you my friend for inspiring me!!

  26. Great pattern on your new quilt. And you used some great fabrics with it. Now I'm very curious to see how you will quilt it.

  27. Your quilt is gorgeous and great progress on the cowl

  28. Your quilt is so pretty Margaret! Love the cowl too.

    And who can resist Mia!

  29. You have been busy! Love your quilt and knitting. So pretty. Time is flying by it seems.

  30. The quilt turned out beautifully! I love the rose fabric!

  31. That quilt is a beauty Margaret.
    I love it and the knitting also.
    The yarn looks very soft and cosy.
