Monday, February 6, 2012

Ahem. Who said anything about WIPs?

Um yeah.  So I knew the WIP thing wouldn't last.  lol!  First off, I had to sit down and do some model stitching -- which of course I can't show.  Then I knew that this was coming in the mail.  And it did.  And so I started it.  Who could resist?

What is this, you ask?  Well, it's an online class being given by the wonderful  Amy Mitten.  It's the Winders' Keepers class.  I chose the Quaker version.  There's also a Vierlande version (which I also love) and a Friesland version (which was my third choice).  Here is a link if you're interested in seeing what the piece looks like.  I provided links to all three if you click on their names.

I love the colors on the Quaker version, so that was the final decision maker for me.  Plus the fact that the father type and I used to attend Quaker meeting once upon a time, and the girl child attended a Quaker summer camp in her younger years as well.

Anyway, I still say model stitching is very bad for keeping on task with one's stitching.  lol!

I also managed to pick up a framed piece from my LNS.  As I've said before, I rely on my talented framer to pick out the frames -- I just stand there and oohh and ahh until we are both satisfied.  It's always amazing how fast Don comes up with the perfect choice for a frame.  Like this one, for example.

It's hard to tell from the picture, but the frame is just perfect -- the colors in the frame compliment the piece to a T!  This is Ann Sandles of course.  Here's a detail of the frame.

Love it!

On the college front, the boy child has been accepted to three schools so far.  He probably won't hear from the rest until more like April.  No news on the audition front yet, but that's also to be expected.  Fingers crossed!

Mia was doing her ballet exercises this morning.

Actually, she was begging for a good scratch, but it does look rather ballet like, right?  Especially this pic.

Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi!  I hope everyone has a fantastic week.


  1. Great start on your Quaker piece--please share when it is completed.

    Congratulations to the boy child on his college(s) acceptance

    Miss Mia is quite the ballerina!

  2. beautiful stitching! i always have GRAND plans...and then something different/better always comes along ;)

  3. Nice new start, and wonderful framing!

  4. I'm going to check the links to your new start when I return from errands. That frame - what an eye your framer has, and your work is so perfectly mounted. Superb!

  5. How fun you are stitching something going to be exvuisite! I haven't stitched anything from Amy's, but always admire her stuff. And guess what? My next new start is Ann Sandels. As seeing yours framed, I'm very excited get started on mine. I'm going to be in a SAL group at our LNS. I didn't know Mia can dance that well!

  6. Mia cracks me up!

    Wow, your new project is amazing. I wouldn't have been able to resist, if I were you, either.

    That framing knocks my socks off. If I had someone who chose so well, I might actually get some framing done!!!

  7. Oh my goodness Margaret....the Quaker winders piece is lovely. That Amy Mitten is one talented designer isn't she? I love her pieces. Have fun with this one. I love the framing on Ann. It's a beautiful stitch and the frame sets it off perfectly. Of course sweet Mia is a doll. Don't you just love her personality? She's a sweetie!! Have a great week !!!

  8. Very pretty new start!!!! You could just call it a class ;-). Love your framed Ann too.

  9. The frame is perfect for Ann S. She looks marvelous. I'm glad you started your on-line class as I'm really looking forward to watching this piece come to life.

  10. Margaret --
    LOVE your new start. Very pretty colors and Ann looks splendid all framed up. Great choice for the frame.

    Mia does look like a ballet dancer in that first pic! Too cute:)

  11. Well now of course you couldn't resist... it's gorgeous!! Ann's framing is just beautiful.

    Mia is a cutie! :)

  12. Nice Quaker piece, and what a wonderful framing choice/job! Congrats, Boy Child! And yes, Mia looks like she's doing ballet--or yoga.

  13. oh my goodness!!!!!!! your Quaker piece is amazing and I love looking at the other choices too! I will have to go back and study that site! The new framed piece is sheer perfection!!! Congrats on the college news for your son and I also love your cat doing ballet!!!

  14. What a great start on your class piece! I love Ann's frame--it's perfect for it! Yeay to the boy child on 3 acceptances. :)

  15. Great start on the Amy Mitten piece Margaret. I also signed up for this class but selected the Friesland piece since I have done another Friesland inspired mystery from Amy. The stitching is always fun on her pieces but it is always the finishing that scares me. I will post a picture of my start as soon as I update my blog (which I hope to get to this week).

  16. Oh, my goodness! So much eye-candy;) I never even heard of a winder's keeper, can't find them here, that is for sure. They look gorgeous! And your framer is a true artist! It was lovely. Mia is gracious, as always:) The rug she performs onlooks interesting though...

  17. Lovely framing job! Pet Mia a time or two for me and congrats on college acceptances!

  18. Your new start is lovely; the colors are really pretty. I love how your AS turned out. Yep! The frame is perfect. I was just thinking about mine the other night. I need to get mine to the framer as well. Maybe this week since you've now inspired me! How do you decide which of your finishes you'll frame? You must have oodles stacked and ready.
    Congrats to the BC!

  19. Your Quaker piece is coming right along. I haven't even started on my Friesland yet. I chose that one as I am a green, blue person. Maybe I will get to it this week some time.

    Ann is beautiful, great frame choice.

    Congrats for your son and keeping my fingers crossed for him with the audition.

    Mia sure does not want to be outdone by everyone else's talents around the house. She is showing you she has talents of her own.

    Have a great stitching week.

  20. Good news for your son..happy for him.
    Your new project : so nice!
    And are the best!!!!!!!!!! So lovely!

  21. Loved the frame you chose for Ann! It's perfect, but now I needto add Ann to the list of samplers that I want to do! Love your bloc. Jane

  22. Cool new piece. Are you planning to do the finish the way it's done in the class? Looks challenging, but worth the effort.

    Love the framing job. You have a real gem of a framer there.

    And yea for your son!

  23. I love your new start! I can see how it would be hard to resist with all those juicy colors. Your framing looks awesome too. Congrats to boy child! Give miss Mia a scratch from me. Hugs!

  24. Congrats to the boy child.

    Always love to see your beautiful stitching...and the framed piece is wonderful! You need to keep that framer.

    Mia is so funny. Happy Week!

  25. Your framed sampler turned out beautiful! Congratulations on a wonderful finish.

    Also really like your new start, the colors are great.

  26. Gorgeous start on your Quaker class Margaret, I chose the Friesland one!! We have quite a few members of our guild starting this project.
    Gorgeous frame and a ballerina in the family what more do you want LOL.
    Have a great week!

  27. The colors are lovely on your new start - I can see why it would have been impossible to resist!
    The framing for Ann is so pretty as is Ann.
    Great news for the boy child! :)
    Mia does look very graceful - such a sweet face. :)

  28. Love the WIPs, and Mia is too adorable!

    Best of Luck to the boy child and college!!

  29. Mia is so funny! We have to get her a tutu!

    Lovely start on your quaker piece and great framing! Congrats to the boy child on his acceptances. How exciting!

  30. Model stitching does tend to make you hop all over the place doesn't it? I often find I'm no longer in the mood for the piece I was working on pre-model when I've finished the model. PRobably why I have so many unfinished pieces, lol!

    Your Quaker piece is looking great. I agree with you, those colors are quite lovely.

  31. oh vraiment merveilleux Margaret ! bravo à vous mon amie

  32. How wonderful DS has three offers, that takes the pressure off. April will soon be here, fingers crossed.

    The frame is perfect and the sampler beautiful.

    I agree with the colours on your Quaker piece, they are gorgeous and I would have chosen that one to stitch.

    Mia is adorable xxx

  33. as always, awesome stitching Margaret. I love the frame, great choice. That Mia, she's so clever isn't she? love her... :o)

  34. Beuatiful as always. I have a problem though -- if this is you "distracted" from your stitching, the rest of us shouldn't even pretend to the title. lol

    Here's hoping the acceptance envelopes come thick and fast because I well know that waitng can be hell.

  35. I just popped over to Amy Mitten's website to check out the beautiful Quaker piece you are stitching. It is going to be a truly amazing work of art! There are so many pieces, and such detail, but I know that you will do your always incredible stitching once again!

    You must be so proud of your wonderful son, already receiving 3 college acceptances!

    Love that adorable Mia the Ballerina!

  36. AWWWW Dang - I wanted to do that Amy Mitten online class but I just kept procrastinating about everything I had on my plate - new rugs - a Shining Needle canvas class which lasts all year etc etc - I will certainly enjoy seeing yours. I also wanted to try Amy's silks forever - are you liking them? enjoy your week! mel

  37. PS love the framing on Ann Sandles - I forgot to say OOOOO pretty!

  38. ooo nice start on your sal and fancy model stitching getting in the way hehehe...
    love the framed piece .. good choice there ;0 and mmmm third position may be Mia
    well done on getting into the schools to DS too :) love mouse xxxxx

  39. Oh Margaret divine, simply divine, and the framed piece... love. Mia is has grown so much, and is shall we say so well rounded :@
    LiBBiE in Oz

  40. The Amy Mitten class looks great! I would have picked the Quaker version too!

    Again, you have picked the perfect frame!
    fingers crossed for your son.
    Happy Cat :)

  41. Oh, wow! That keeper is amazing--and so well photographed on the site! I think my favorite is the Vierlande, but I don't know about those coral-colored winders! Thanks for sharing the links; what a treat!

    Don has surely outdone himself on this frame! The two look as though they were made to be together.

  42. Nice work on the quaker piece!Absolutely spectacular framing on Ann! Gorgeous!

  43. Oh Margaret, I love your choice (Quaker) and those WIPs will certainly wait patiently!! Nice that your BC is getting his offers now. Little Mia is quite the performer!

  44. Beautiful! The frame is perfect for Ann; it really pulls out the colors.

  45. Great new start! What WIPs? Love that frame, too, with that fabulous sampler I want to stitch right now!

    Kitty ballet. Why not?

  46. Great start on your new project. I will be lovely when you hav e finished. Love the pin ball that you will make.
    Don doesn't disappoint does he. His framing and eye for the perfect frame is wonderful - Sandra.

  47. Oh my! Love the piece you are working on! And your framed piece is stunning!
    Congratulations to your son!! How nice that he has choices!
    Mia is too funny!

  48. It's wonderful that the acceptance letters have started rolling in - I remember that huge weight being lifted when the first one showed up in the mail.

    I really like the Quaker sampler and your color choices - very cheery! As my DH doesn't really want any kitties I have to enjoy all the pictures you and others post of theirs. Living vicariously... ah, well.

  49. What a nice class piece and a great start. Love the frame for Ann S! Well done to the boy child on his 3 acceptances.

  50. Wow--you're right, Margaret. Your framer sure has an eye for choosing the perfect frame!! It looks fantastic :)

    Pretty new start and how nice that your son has been receiving all "thick" envelopes :)

  51. Love your new Quaker start, Margaret! I had been eyeing those patterns and classes and could not decide which to choose, but I have enough on my plate to do. Love the colors, it will be beautiful, can't wait to see more.

    Your framed Ann Sandles is stunning. I love it. And Miss Mia is the sweetest. Have a lovely day!

  52. The frame for Ann Sandles is PERFECT! And...thanks to you I picked up Ann's chart the last time I was at the Bush! It is fabulous! Love your Amy Mitten Quaker project! Beautiful colors. Have a great week Margaret!

  53. I just love your new project! Maybe I should change my mind ;-)
    The framing is beautiful as is Mia!! In their own special ways.
    Congrats on the success navigating the college process!

  54. Great start on the Amy Quaker. I am doing the Vierlande but of course am not quite as far along as you are. Good idea to do all the interior border first. I was thinking that but an only half way around.

    Congratulations to the boy child! I hope he gets into his first choice but at least 3 others as plan B!

  55. Great start on the quaker. It is going to be beautiful finished!

    And the framed Ann Sandles... very pretty!!

    Congrats to the boy child! :) :) :)

    Mia is so cute. I always enjoy seeing her antics.

  56. Margaret, I thought you said you were done with Quaker, and here you are stitching some more!! I love it! And, I adore Amy Mitten's designs, especially that Vierlande keeper. Wow!! What a fancy keeper to make for our stitching!! I can't wait to see yours completed! Beautiful frame too!! It's nice that you have a framer you can trust! I love Mia's ballet moves! It looks like she was doing a mid air jump!!

  57. I can't believe how much progress you made on yours! I just put a teeny tiny bit into mine. Lovely!!! And OMG, Ann Sandles is gorgeous. I love the frame. Perfect choice for her.

  58. Oh I do love the colors of the quaker piece, Your finish framed is lovely, also I love where Mia has her little black spots. Our beau, likes to sleep and stretch like Mia..

  59. Hey, Margaret!

    I have the Amy Mitten Quaker Thread Keeper Kit! I haven't started it yet, though! I'm finishing up some model stitching for Margriet Hogue:)


  60. Your framed sampler is gorgeous.
    Great start on the beautiful Quaker design. The colours are very pretty.

  61. As Annie would say" "Oh My Goodness!" Your latest start on Amy Mitton's Winders' Keepers looks so lovely. I checked out all three versions and I agree with you on the order of their loveliness. I can't wait to see this one coming along. I am sure it will be an enjoyable stitch. I would never be able to put it together.
    The frame for Ann Sandles is absolutely perfect. It sets the piece off beautifully. We don't seem to get these large frames here, but they suit the samplers so well.
    I just love the black bracelets around Mia's ankles - she is so cute.
    Happy stitching,

  62. Margaret, the colors on your Quaker piece are beautiful!! I went over to Amy's site and just drooled over the project again... but I am staying strong and will just have to admire Michelle and your work!!

    Mia is so funny. She is an elegant ballerina. LOL
