Sunday, May 31, 2020

A knitting finish and some stitching too

 Just a quick post under the wire for the month of May to show a knitting finish.  It's the Anker's Summer Shirt by Petite Knit.

I got the yarn from my LYS, Pick Up Every Stitch, and also took an online class they ran on tightening your rib, which was very helpful.   The yarn is Sandnes Garn Line, a cotton/linen/viscose blend.

Here is a picture of what stitching I managed.  It's the EF Sampler 1864 -- an old UFO.  I love this sampler (it's from an old SANQ magazine and it's by Needlework Press).  I put my knitting where the pictorial stuff will go.  ETA: Thanks to Sue for forcing my hand -- I looked it up after her comment, and yes it is from the summer 2011 issue for those who are wondering.  Thanks, Sue!

The big news at home is that the boy child is now back at home from Buffalo.  It's so nice to have him home again!

Mia is enjoying having her sleeping partner home again.  She had to show her annoyance at having been abandoned, but picked up sleeping with DS right away.  She's spent most of her time in his room as well!  We've all missed him.

The girl child is still in NYC.  She's been safe and sound so far, knock on wood.  We miss seeing her, but she doesn't want to chance coming home.  :(

I hope everyone is staying safe.


  1. Congrats on your finish! Beautiful!

    I can understand your daughter not wanting to come home. We've stayed completely away from our parents too and things here are not near as bad as NYC has been. I'm glad she is safe.

    How has it been adjusting to your son being home again?

  2. Lovely sweater what a great job.
    And the needle work looks wonderful.

    It's so hard being apart from our families .
    Have a lovely week.

  3. Oh Margaret your sweater looks great on you.
    I am so surprised your son is back! I am sure you all are so happy to have him!! :) I am glad you are all well there. We are staying hunkered down here. Wisconsin is on the rise with COVID and the multi-system inflammatory syndrome with the children. :( We had not seen little kids with that before this week. So sad. I wish people were not so rebellious here. sigh.
    Your sampler is great Margaret!

  4. Another beautiful sweater... AND great progress on your UFO stitching!

  5. Your sweater is just lovely, Margaret--that shade of blue!! Sigh...

    And your new stitching is moving along wonderfully, too. Glad you get your son home (is it just a temporary visit?). I haven't seen my youngest since Christmas and it's not looking like we'll be able to see him until at least August or September. Have you been able to see your daughter at all?

    Glad Mia has gotten over her annoyance and has welcomed your son home again! Hope your week is going well ♥

  6. Anker turned out great Margaret! I've seen a number of folks knitting that. Love the blue. And your stitching - just so beautiful. I've actually been doing a tiny bit of stitching (smalls). Welcome home to your DS. Must be great to have him home.

  7. Beautiful knitting and stitching (yeah!) as always.
    So nice to have your DS home again. You and Mia sound very happy :)

  8. ALWAYS love getting your updates. So nice to see DS home with Mia. LOVE the knitting but LOVE the stitching more (the colours are AMAZING) - ((going to see which issue this is as I am suddenly enamoured with it!

  9. Margaret: That is a lovely sweater, it is a good color for you.
    Nice Sampler, it looks like a very large design.
    So good to see your son is home, poor Mia, I hope she hugs and kisses him a lot while he is home.
    Stay Healthy


  10. your summer top looks great on you Margaret. glad you got some online instruction too - that's fun ! glad your DS is home, funny about Mia getting angry with him and then cozy-ing right up to him. Your sampler WIP is looking great. Hope June is joyous for you ! take care Mel

  11. Wow, what a lovely sweater!

    I am so happy for you that your son is home. I know how much I miss my grown children, and they have been gone for well over a decade. In my mind's eye they are still my young children, I guess. Maybe that is an exaggeration but you get my idea.

    I have all the old SANQ issues on CDs. I wonder if this is from the Summer 2011 issue? It is so pretty, I must get to it one of these days.

    Always a pleasure to visit your blog.

  12. Your sweater is lovely, that shade of blue is gorgeous. Beautiful colours in the sampler too.

    I'm glad to hear your son is home, I'm sure that Mia is as well

  13. I'm sure it felt good to have him home. Beautiful knitted sweater and always lovely stitching. Glad your girl is doing well in NYC. Sweet Mia ♡
