Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Wait a second.....

That was my reaction when I checked my last blog post.  Really?  I haven't posted pics of my socks or Navelli as finished items?  Wow.  OK. 

But first, let me show you my progress on my current WIP, the Yell Cardigan by Marie Wallin.  I do love Marie Wallin's designs.

OK, now let me show you the Navelli tee by Boyland Knitworks, on the lovely recipient, my sweet daughter.

(Please ignore that person in the background of one of the pictures.....)

DD loves the sweater, I think.  I hope she gets lots of use out of it!

And here are my finished Simple Sock 1 socks by Melody Hoffman.

I can't wait till the time when it's cool enough to wear them!

I'm trying to think of what's been going on around here.  I guess the biggest thing is a bad attack of vertigo -- complete with throwing up.  Sigh.  Believe it or not, I'm still not feeling absolutely back to normal, and it's been over two weeks since the attack.  But my doctor reassured me that the after effects can take a while to go away.  Figures.  Thankfully, I'm mostly feeling better.  I won't complain!  I just hope I never get another vertigo attack again.

Mia thinks it's too hot.  I hope it's cooler where you are.


  1. You are an amazing knitter! DD is adorable in her new sweater...love the colors! Look like you got photo-bombing.

  2. Mia looks hot. Love the sweater you knit. Love the photo's. hugs

  3. Your daughter is beautiful and that sweater! WOW! Hope you are feeling better never had vertigo (gallbladder attack was bad enough). Hoping for cooler weather for our four legged furry children

  4. What a lucky girl having such a gorgeous hand knitted top to wear - I do admire the skill in your knitting Margaret. Vertigo is very unpleasant, my hubby suffered from it quite often and the only thing that helped was taking Prochlorperazine tablets when it hit and then for a couple of days afterwards.

  5. Such stunning pieces, Margaret! I really like how the sweater looks on your pretty daughter--you can tell she likes it!

    I'm so sorry about the vertigo. I only had one attack, but had to be hospitalized. I've never felt anything like that and hope I don't ever again. Take it easy and don't push yourself--glad you are feeling like the worst is over :)

    Happy August to you (how is that possible!?!)

  6. Beautiful Knitting , I use to knit more years ago I loved fancy patterns .
    Take care Vertigo is not nice .

  7. love your knitting and I know your daughter is thrilled at her new wardrobe but I do miss your stitching!!!

  8. love, love, love your posts--your knitting is amazing!! i am also in the midst of an attack of vertigo (minus the throwing up). it is absolutely the pits-find myself lurching around. hoping it goes soon. feel better

  9. Wow! Your knitting is just superb Margaret! What a treasure your daughter has now! Yes, those socks look so wonderful. I don't think you will be wearing them anytime soon though!

  10. Wow, three gorgeous projects in one post! Your knitting is, as usual, Margaret, gorgeous! I love the colors and styles you choose to knit. Those socks do look comfy and cozy.

  11. Your knitting is absolutely beautiful!! I’ve had a bad case of vertigo too and want to ever have it again. I hope you feel back to normal soon. Hugs,

  12. Wow! Your colorwork is just amazing Margaret (and you are so FAST!!). Your DD's sweater looks fabulous on her. And the socks look so soft - what yarn did you use for them? Take a peak at my blog to see the socks I am starting to make for Mailing! Mia is absolutely right.

    Hope you are feeling better - take it easy. From what I hear, recovery from vertigo can take quite some time.

  13. Oh no! I'm so sorry about the vertigo! I can't imagine how awful that must be. Ugh.

    Your daughter looks so proud to have this momma made sweater. It looks fantastic on her too! Perfection!

  14. That girl child looks wonderful in her Navelli - WOW - so gorgeous - so dramatic - LOVE the colors - I know we saw a sneak peek in the last blog but it is amazing and seeing it on her in the city just brings it all together. So sorry about your vertigo - I seem to hear of a lot of people who have that lately - sure hope it stays away and never comes back! Marie Wallin swoon .............. She has such gorgeous stuff. I think I told you I was dipping my toe back in fair isle again - trying the Arne and Carlos cowl from Rowan 65 in Cotton Cashmere - haven't gotten off the ribbing because I am in the thick of Camp Loopy thru the end of August but I'm glad to be getting projects done ! take care and have a great week - Mel

  15. Socks look so fluffy and warm. Your sweaters are fantastic. Nice you had a model right at hand, lol. So much pretty detail. And the one you're currently working on........the colors....wow. Your knitting is not sipping wine in front of the tv knitting...or mindless which I sometimes like to get lost in.

    Sandy's Space

  16. Hey, thought I'd pop back over and tell you to google The Epley Maneuver. There are u-tube video's of the PT maneuver and it's suggested you do them at home. Maybe it will help when you have episodes. Doing it is suppose to help us train our brain to know the room really isn't spinning and somehow it suppose to help with getting that floating crystal to move out of our inner ear........that's what causes our dizziness and nausea etc.
