Friday, May 31, 2019

color work

I can't believe it's almost June!  Yikes!  Had to run over here to post a quick May update.  I've been working on a new sweater project, the Bressay sweater by Marie Wallin.  I'm loving this knit.  I've decided I like bottom up yokes better than top down!

Color work, I believe, will always be my thing.  That and cables.  Lace, not so much.  

Mia likes to sit pretty.  :D  

To everyone who enjoys tennis, enjoy the French Open!


  1. And yet another beautiful sweater. I am in total awe ❤️

  2. Margaret: The Sweater is stunning, the colors are beautiful.
    Love the photo of Mia, Blondie the Cat says hello Mia.


  3. Such a beautiful sweater you are creating Margaret!💜

  4. you and me both scrambling to make a last minute May post ! Your Brassay Fair isle is just exquisite - LOVE the grape color on the body and the colorway portion is gorgeous! I hope you enjoy the French Open, Camp Loopy start June 1st so let's knit the summer away my friend ! Mel

  5. That's a lot of stitches on the yoke Margaret - I remember doing Shetland Colourwork when I was at secondary school and loving it. I couldn't knit with that amount of stitches these days. I do admire all your knitting and Mia too of course:-)

  6. i am always so excited to see a post from you--your work is simply stunning and i am in awe.

  7. Made my way here from a mutual blog friends blog. Always fun to do a little blog walking and meet new bloggers. LOVE all the colors in your sweater. It's really gorgeous.
    Sandy's Space

  8. What a beautiful sweater, Margaret!

  9. Gorgeous sweater Margaret! I think I prefer to knit top down. What a silly picture of Mia - she's so cute.

  10. Hello to Mia! She looks adorable! That sweater is very lovely!

  11. Your knitting always inspires me - beautiful colors together! And Mia always makes me smile. : )

  12. Color work is definitely your thing and you are a master at it, Margaret! This whole sweater is coming together so beautifully... Hello to Miss Mia :) Hope your Maine week was a wonderful one! ♥

  13. Beautiful sweater - such wonderful colors! I'm curious - why do you prefer bottom up? Would guess it might have something to do with rows getting shorter, but likely there's another reason...

  14. Me popping back round, as I make my blog rounds.
    Sandy's Space
