Tuesday, January 29, 2019

New Year

Here it's the end of January, so I am back to update what I've been up to.  I guess I will go in order -- thank goodness for my ravelry project page!

First, I finished the Le Massif Scarf, by Diana Walla, using a kit from Espace Tricot.

Such an enjoyable knit, and I love the result!

Next I finished the Happily Ever After Mitts by Susan B. Anderson, using a special yarn by the Cozy Knitter -- her 2018 Advent Stripe yarn.

My dear friend Laurie (@laurieandowen on instagram) sent me the leftovers of her advent yarn, so I had to make these mitts out of them!

Next, I made a block of The Shieling blanket by Kate Davies.  I used her Milarrochy Tweed yarn as called for.  I don't have enough yarn to make a whole blanket, but I might make some more squares with what I have.

I finished a Sockhead Cowl that I had started last year.  Nice to have this one finished and done with.  It was my soothing knit during a time of major family crisis.

Lastly, I finished the Poza cowl by Ysolda Teague.  I used the yarn called for, Floating by AVFKW in the Red Pear color.

I'm currently attempting to swatch for the Fabiola by Gudrun Johnston.  It's a Brooklyn Tweed pattern using BT Loft.  This is my swatch in leftover yarn from another project.  The colors aren't what I will use in the sweater.

I am having trouble meeting gauge, a common problem for me somehow.  We'll see if I succeed and cast on.

I went to Vogue Knitting Live in NYC for what I think was the third time (4th?  Something like that.) on Saturday.  Didn't take many pictures though.

Mia likes to give the impression that she's erudite.  :D


  1. Your needles have been clicking along! I do love cowls. So much easier to wear than scarves when shopping. I may browse Ravelry (probably for days) and find a simple pattern to make. We have a very small yarn shop that I could visit. Stay warm!

  2. Great knitting , lovely colour wool's

  3. Love your work so very much. Especially this last cowl! I am sure that Mia is one smart cookie!😸

  4. I think Mia is letting you know that she is smarter than you realize...
    All of your knitting is just gorgeous, Margaret. The cowls are beautiful and the mitts are fun!

  5. Happy New Year, Margaret! I hope you are staying warm in your new knits. I did not comment on your last post, but I thought your tree and decorating were the bomb! Perfect, not too much, not too little. I have pared way back now that the kids are out and the grands still get a bit of Christmas when they come over. I see in your post beautiful knits, stacks of yarn waiting to be knit, a beautiful quilt, and my favorite, the samplers hanging on your walls. What a blessed and cozy home that you have made yourself; surrounded by handwork to be proud of, so sweet. I love seeing the occasional photos of your family and Mia. Take care and I hope you have a wonderful 2019!

  6. Kate Davies is one of my favorites. One day I hope to take on a few of her patterns. I always admire how much you accomplish!

  7. Lovely knitting as always Margaret. The square from Kate Davies is gorgeous. How was her yarn to use? Love the pic of Mia (and the peek at yarn in the background!!).

  8. Ha ha! Love that Mia is reading the Dalai Lama :) Such a cute photo!

    Your knitting is always a thing of beauty, Margaret... I'm always amazed at the wide variety of things that spring from your needles. Especially love the color of your cowl. Hope you can figure out the gauge issue (have no idea what that means, but...).

    Happy February to you--where did January go? ♥

  9. You have been amazingly productive! I hope 2019 goes much better for you and your family.

  10. Mia: You are so sweet looking.
    I am in love with all your knitting, beautiful.


  11. You have accomplished a lot in January! How sweet of Laurie to send you her leftover advent yarn. The mitts are wonderful and you'll always think of Laurie when you wear them! I love fingerless mitts and even wear them at work. The AC gets cold but I can still type while wearing them. I like the colors you used in your swatch and hope you can get gauge close enough. It looks like it will be a beautiful project!

  12. amazing work as always Margaret ! I didn't realize there was a sockhead cowl - I made the sockhead hat for my DH. He loves it. your shoulder warmer is lovely - what a beautiful design embedded on the border. Love that scarf too. No stash photos from Stitches NY??? I hope the new year is starting off great for you except I know you hate the really cold weather. It's been cold enough here that I have been wearing lots of wool - I LOVE IT ! Happy Friday - Mel

  13. So many stunning finishes! It's hard to pick a favorite.
    I hope the family crisis is behind you.

  14. I love all your choices Margaret. Lucky you getting to go to the Vogue show. I'm sure that Mia is a very erudite girl:-)

  15. WOW....you've accomplished a lot for so early in the year. Your knitting is awesome, such intricate work. Was out blog walking and found my way here through a mutual blog friend. Always nice to meet new bloggers. Your trip to NY sounds awesome. A place I've never been but would like to go ......someday.
    Sandy's Space

  16. Great finishes, I especially like the Poza cowl

  17. Me making blog rounds again and waving hello!

    Sandy's Space
