Tuesday, July 31, 2018


ETA: Oops!  I didn't remember that I hadn't shown my finished Strathendrick.  Here it is.

I do love it.

I also started the Lucerne hat by Jared Flood.  Had to stop because I ran out of one of the yellows in the kit I got from Brooklyn Tweed of the Peerie yarn.  BT came through and sent me more, so sometime I have to pick that up and finish it.

Now back to where I started before.

Here is my current WIP -- Like a Cloud by Joji Locatelli.

I'm using the yarns specified in the pattern -- Shibu Cima and Shibui Silk Cloud held together.  The combination really is like a cloud.

This past weekend, the father type and I went to see the Punch Brothers in concert, along with a pre-show Q&A session.  What a treat!  The best part of the experience (we were lucky enough to be in the third row center from the stage) was when for the second encore, the band performed unplugged -- no electric, no amplification, just them.  It was magic.  (They came right up to the edge of the stage.)

These guys, and especially Chris Thile, are my heroes.  Such talented, intelligent, fun musicians.  Yes, I'm a big fan girl.

Mia had a nap in father type's hat.  Silly cat.

Can't believe tomorrow is August!


  1. Your knitting is breathtaking as always.
    Happy last day of July 😊

  2. Lovely knitting Margaret. Punch Brothers sounds great! I am not familiar with them. I am only familiar with my own mandolin player, my baby brother Jon! ;) His bluegrass band is still together.

  3. Beautiful knitting! Just had a listen to My Oh My. I'm gonna have to listen to some more of their music. :) Mia looks very comfy there. Cats just love to sin "in" things don't they? lol

  4. WOW! That is gorgeous! I so wish I had learned to knit!

  5. Always love to hear what you've been up to. As always, your knitting is gorgeous!

  6. You look so happy in your new sweater! Nice to see your needles keeping busy.

    The Punch Brothers are new to me. I guess they don't appear under the rock where I live. I just listened to a few You Tube snippets. I do like their upbeat bluegrass sound. The slower tempo pieces are not really my thing though. But an in person experience like you had can make all the difference!

  7. Your colorwork is just beautiful Margaret, and "like a cloud" will be wonderful I'm sure! Pretty pattern. I'm betting my hubby would love the Punch Bros.

  8. Sweet Mia pose! Hard to believe your WIP has no pattern! Great color though. I'm not a fan of yellow but yowza I do like this one!

  9. I LOVE your wall of samplers and the sweater is gorgeous!

  10. Your knitting and those yarns are beautiful! Love that sampler wall behind you. Mia can make herself comfortable most anywhere

  11. I'm a Chris Thile fan girl too! I enjoy listening to Live from here. The Strathendrick sweater is amazing as are your other knitted pieces - the yellows in your hat - wow!

  12. Nice that you can use all those garments you make Margaret. They are gorgeous! While I typically only make shawls - I did download a new loose jacket pattern called Natsu by Ambah yesterday and ordered linen yarn for it. We'll see how much I can actually use it in the sweltering deep south. Did you see Marie Wallin beautiful new collection? and new yarn coming YIPPEE!!! happy summer knitting Mel

  13. Gorgeous finish, and you look delighted showing it off! Nice to see your sampler wall behind you. :)

    Like a Cloud looks like the perfect cardigan - long, loose and soft, just right for wrapping around yourself and curling up in a big chair to read.

  14. Another beautiful sweater for winter! I'm ready for cooler weather, it can't get here fast enough. Hard to believe it is August already, this year is flying by.

  15. Margaret - another gorgeous sweater!

  16. You are one amazing knitter, Margaret! Your sweater is truly a work of art :) I was just on vacation with my sister-in-law who is a beginning knitter and I shared some of your gorgeous photos on IG with her. She was so awed :)

    Hi to Miss Mia--hope she is staying cool!!

  17. I read your blog all the time and amazed that you finish your stitching and knitting so fast. I too knit, cross stitch, embroider, do crewel, scrapbooking, etc., how do you manage to finish your projects so fast! I am in true awe of the work you do. I did a prayer shawl for a friend of my sisters who lost her only son at the age of 30 and it took me a year to do the prayer shawl. Now I will admit between working and my daughter, husband and all our animals, I didn't pick it up every night, but I did knit on it for hours at a time many times a week. Do you have a secret for me on how you manage to get so much done, any encouragement from you would be welcome. Thank you!

  18. Such great projects again. The Strathendrick looks so good on you. And the new Lucerne is already very promising. Will Like a Cloud be a sweater or a shawl? I sweater, I think, but I'm not sure.
