Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Happy 24

How can time pass so quickly?

But these pictures show it to be true.

We've watched you grow into a wonderful young man.

And we're so proud of you for who you are.  Happy 24th birthday!  Love you!


  1. Happy Birthday to your sweet boy, Margaret. And yes, it also amazes me how fast time goes when there is another one of my kids' birthdays to celebrate. More than with my own, lol.

  2. Happy Birthday to your son! It's so much fun to hear what he's up to and to celebrate his accomplishments with you.

  3. Wishing your son a very happy birthday, Margaret! It has been nice to follow along and watch him grow into an awesome young man. And I don't think there is anything quite like watching our children grow to make us aware of just how quickly time passes. : )

  4. Wishing your son the happiest of birthdays!

  5. Happy 24th to your son, Margaret! What fun to see him "grow up" through your photos. My oldest is turning 36 tomorrow (and yes, I feel VERY OLD!!!)...

  6. Great pictures. I had forgotten he and I share a birthday.
    Birthday wishes being sent from Ohio.
    Hugs :)

  7. Happy Birthday to your sweet and talented fellow! Hope it was a really great day!

  8. Happy Birthday to your lovely son - I know it is so amazing how time flies - my youngest is now 25!

  9. I hope he had a wonderful birthday! Enjoyed watching him grow up through your pictures.

  10. so adorable, and so much time in his future, happy bday lucky guy 😊

  11. Happyp birthday to your son! Time flies, doesn't it?

  12. I hope your handsome young man is enjoying his new life in another area. He was a cute little boy. Can't believe how long I've known you thru Legacy and now blogging. Hope you are well - I know it's still cold there - and cool here YAY! more time for sweater wearing I figure. Cheers Mel

  13. Wow, they grow up so fast! I am glad he had a happy birthday!
