Sunday, November 26, 2017

This keeps happening....

How did it get to be almost December?  Yikes!  Well, here I am again, almost at the end of the month.  I have a new project on the needles, the Wave Cardigan, from the Knit Real Shetland book from Jamieson and Smith.  I'm using a kit I bought from J&S.

I'm a bit farther along than that last picture shows.  The first picture is a just because, cause the colors are so pretty.  :)  I have the sleeve steek stitches in and am chugging along on the body of the sweater.

This past Thursday was Thanksgiving in the US.  We were lucky enough to have both kids come home for the weekend.  It was wonderful!

On Saturday, we took advantage of both kids being home, and went off to cut down a Christmas tree for the first time in years.

It was a lovely day.  And we found a new kind of fir that we really like -- a Canaan Fir.  We've never gotten a tree so early.  I hope it lasts for Christmas.  It smells heavenly!

Mia was a bit disgruntled by the extra people in the house.  She's sleeping it off now.  Silly cat.

Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season!


  1. Cats do not like their routine messed with! Your latest knitting project has such amazing colors - I am looking forward to seeing it finished. A wonderful family dinner and getting a tree - little things - important heart-filling things!

  2. You continue to amaze with those intricate patterns. Great family photos. Lovely dining area and a good looking tree. Did I mention I'm amazed?

  3. Gorgeous colors in your latest masterpiece! What a fun time you all must have had tree shopping...great memories. Always good to hear from you and see what you've been up to.

  4. Such a happy post, I love it! The sweater, the Thanksgiving, the tree, the kitty - all perfect. I'm glad you had such a wonderful long weekend. And I can't wait to see your FO!

  5. Your sweater is looking good; what gorgeous yarn. It sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with having both your kids at home. What a beautiful tree!

  6. The colors in your new sweater are gorgeous! And your tree is beautiful. Sounds like you had a fun family holiday weekend.

  7. What a great weekend you had Margaret! Glad both the boy & girl could make it home. and a tree already!! I can't believe it's almost December. Your new sweater is absolutely gorgeous/amazing/beautiful. a work of art! Can't wait to see the finished piece.

  8. What a gorgeous sweater that will be!
    So nice both the kids came home. Always a treat.
    Hugs :)

  9. Beautiful sweater! Love the colors. So nice having the family all together. They are quite lovely children. Your dinner looks scrumptious. What are the pie shaped pieces in the glass dish...looks yummy. And to be able to do the "cut down your own tree" thing sounds like fun. We have never done that! Now I have only a tiny artificial tree that holds just enough of my stitched ornaments. Happy Holidays to you and your family. Hugs!

  10. gorgeous tree - how fun to choose and cut yourself. I love your new sweater project. I don't see a fair isle ad or email that I don't think " I bet Margaret would love that". Fair Isle to me is like big repro samplers - I love the look and the idea of doing it but I am just not going to stick to it to see it thru to the end. Plus down here - we just don't have much use for sweaters and even cardis are mostly unneeded. I do enjoy my shawl knitting tho. Enjoy the rest of the holiday season - Mel

  11. Your new sweater is such a beautiful design! As always, I am in awe of your knitting prowess and the perfection of your fair isle stitching ... a bit more so than usual this time as I just received several boxes of stuff (my father recently moved to a one-room assisted living unit, downsizing from two larger rooms) which included a necktie (!!) that I made for my Dad for Christmas when I was 13 - red and green fair isle - oh dear, LOL!

    How nice that both your kids were home for Thanksgiving, and how cool that you all went to pick out and cut a tree together!

  12. Wave Sweater is awesome!! Such fun pictures. :D

  13. I've never heard of that type of tree either but it sure does make a pretty Christmas tree! Our artificial tree is up but not decorated. We're seeing if Murphy pays it any attention. Looks like things are pretty good on that front.

    Neither of my sons were here for Thanksgiving but hopefully they will both be here for Christmas!

    The new project looks fantastic!

  14. Another beautiful sweater in the works! Love the colors! Looks like you had a delicious Thanksgiving and yay for having your kids home! Such a pretty tree - the smell is always my favorite part. This will be our first year cutting our own tree. We will see how that goes. : )

  15. So great, Margaret, how your cardigan looks. I love these colours in waves, and wow, the colours are just awesome. It must be fun to knit with them.
    Wonderful to have the kids home for Thanksgiving. And for cutting the tree and decorating it.

  16. I'm always in awe of your projects, Margaret--this cardigan will be amazing in those yummy colors!

    So glad you had everyone home for Thanksgiving. Looks like a tasty feast and what fun to cut down your own tree. We have to have an artificial one due to my middle son's allergies and I really miss that fresh tree smell.

    Mia looks like I feel--having so many here for Thanksgiving totally drained me--I am getting too old to be the hostess for the entire family!

  17. I love, love that sweater! The meal looked very good too. Poor Mia! Sylvia hides if anyone even knocks on the door.

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  19. Beautiful design on your latest cardigan, Margaret. And your Thanksgivng, family and Christmas tree photos look great. Hey, I have to ask, is it the Fathertype who is on the new Google phone ad showin here in Oz? It certainly looks like him.
