Monday, January 18, 2016

Eeek! It's been a while.....

I can't believe I haven't blogged in so long!  I know other bloggers say that too.  Somehow time just gets away from us all.  It's been so long, I don't know if I'll leave a project out.  I've been a bit scattered, to say the least.

I knitted another hat, and it ended up going to the boy child.  It's called the My Cashmere Hat pattern by Plucky Knitter.  I used Plucky Knitter cashmere yarn -- so soft!  The color I used is called Social Graces.

Now the boy child has two warm hats to wear from his mum.

The girl child gave photographic proof that her Baa-ble hat was keeping her warm now that it's cold out.

Poor father type felt left out what with both kids getting hats.  He timidly asked me if he was going to get a hat too.  lol!  So I thought about my stash and what hat would work, and I chose the Turn a Square hat by Jared Flood and Brooklyn Tweed.  I used some of my leftover Flannel color of Shelter from my Rowe sweater, plus a skein of Noro Kureyon.  I forget the colorway for that.

Father type is pleased and his head is warm now when he goes out.  :D

I finished a shawl -- the Pioneer Girl Shawl by Susan B. Anderson.   I used Plucky Primo Fingering yarn in the Mr. Edwards colorway.  I haven't blocked it yet, so I don't have a good pic of it.  But you can get an idea from this.

And -- I can hear you gasp -- yes, I actually did a bit of stitching!!  I started Margery Dean by the Scarlet Letter.  I did finish the main green color of the top border (to make sure the design fit), but the only pic I took is this one of the top left corner.

Hopefully I will get back to her soon.  I know various people were happy to see me stitching on instagram!

I'm afraid the knitting called me again.  I picked up a UFO, the Lidiya scarf from Rowan and Kaffe Fassett.  I love this scarf!  And I feel more comfortable with stranded work now, so it seems a lot easier than when I started this one.

I'm a bit farther along than these pictures show.  Just haven't taken a more recent picture.  I'm using the called for colors of Rowan Felted Tweed.

I THINK that's all I've been working on.  lol!  I did do a gauge swatch for another sweater, but as usual, I didn't get gauge and felt too frustrated to try again for now.

I'm an empty nester once again.  We saw the boy child onto the train to Boston today.  It's his last semester of college.  So unbelievable -- how time flies!  (Can you tell it was cold today?  lol!)

Luckily, boy child and Mia got some good time in together before he had to leave.

Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi.  I hope everyone has a great week!


  1. I just love your knitting! I tried to learn years ago but forgot what little I did learn over the years. It is obvious that everyone is happy with their hats! I look forward to seeing more of your stitching too.

  2. I really love the hats my friend. And the color of that shawl is so pretty.! Kisses to Mia!

  3. I didn't gasp too loud, Margaret! But good to see you stitching :)

  4. I love all of your handwork dear. (whispering, man am I glad to see her stitching again! LOL) Instead of trying to get their gauge, why don't you check out Elizabeth Zimmerman's "Knitting Without Tears". She teaches you how to make a garment based on what you get for gauge, not forcing yourself to get their gauge. It's the only way I knit now. Very liberating! Check out That is Elizabeth's daughter, Meg Swansen. DVD Knitting Around is the first one you want to get. Listen to me, telling you what to do. LOL Good luck with gauge and your stitching!

  5. I really love all the hats..they so cute..
    Sending you big beary hugs...hi to my sweet fur baby..meow :)

  6. I really love the scarf and the hats the one with the sheeps is my favourite. I wish I can read English knitting patters! Than i make the hat too!

    Have a nice knitting week,

  7. Love it that you have the whole family in hats! What about you?
    Your shawl looks to be lovely.
    I had to read that twice that your son is actually in his last semester!!

  8. It's so cold here today that I think I need to wear two hats at a time! Yours are all so pretty and fit so well.

    So funny to see a little stitching tucked between the knitting. Ya just gotta go with what feels good to do!

    How many different yarns are in that scarf? It looks incredibly difficult. Very beautiful too.

    Cold and no kids... bet your crafty productivity goes way up!

  9. So good to see a bit of stitching again, Margaret, but I do love your knitting, too! So many lovely hats--maybe Miss Mia needs one :) Did you know there is a book called "Cats In Hats" filled with little knit creations for kitties?

    Can hardly believe your son is finishing up--I can still remember when he was just starting college... Best of luck to him in his last semester!

  10. Your knitting is awesome, Margaret! And it is good to see you stitching, also. No, I can't believe this is your son's last semester at college. I don't know where the time goes...

  11. As always Margaret, your knitting is fabulous! Love it. I think I have yarn in my stash to make the baa-ble hat...I want to try it. I just knit a hat this week (Vermont Slouch Hat) out of alpaca yarn that my SIL gave me. My son took off with it - lol. The alpaca yarn is wonderfully soft...and I could use some of that in the baa-ble hat. Love your shawl too. Am working on one from yarn that I bought at last year's MD Sheep & Wool (already planning this year's visit in early May). Can'[t believe your son is starting his last semester. Yikes!!! Cute little Mia -- you need to knit and felt her a bed - lol.

  12. What lovely knitting, Margaret! What I love about knitting is that people actually get to wear and enjoy the fruits of your labour, in this case, keeping warm! I love your colourwork - amazing! What a pretty shawl - is that for you? I have started my Nordic Wind shawl on Rowan Tweed but frogged it like 3-4 times. I have put that yarn aside and have started it using the Lettlopi called for using 5.5mm needles which seem to be more my speed at the moment!

    And you started stitching again? Good for you! Margery is looking very pretty!

    Always nice to see boy and cat reunited, even if for a short time!

  13. You make the BST hats! Love them! So happy to see you stitching again, Margaret! Good luck to BC on his final semester! I hope enjoys every minute of it. It does/did go by fast!

  14. Lovely knitting, Margaret! The hats are awesome and look cozy and warm. It's good to see you stitching again. I hope you're enjoying your sampler.

  15. I'm so glad everyone's head is warm :) BUT I have to admit - Father-type's photos made me laugh out loud :) He's so cute!
    Your posts always make me smile Margaret! Your family is so dear :)

  16. Hi, Margaret, You are so talented! The hats you have made for your family are wonderful, and the shawl is to die for. I am happy to see that you have started stitching again, I hope you are enjoying it and stick with it. I see boy child and Mia have a new paisley blanket to snuggle under, different from their usual quilt. I see you may be in for a weekend snowstorm, stay safe.

  17. Such lovely hats! Wish I knew how to knit. I especially love the 'Social Graces' colour.

    Yay, back to stitching. Looking forward to see more. Where can I find you on Instagram? Would like to follow ^^

    Mia is looking cute as ever :)

  18. That last shawl photo'd is magnificent! The color and pattern changes in it would deter many a knitter. The hats are all very nice too. Glad to see a different needle being used. There's a sampler a'coming! How could it possibly be his last semester already?

  19. Oooohhh I love your knitting!!!!

  20. Margaret your knitting is amazing! What fabulous hats everyone has and I love your shawl. Mia is so adorable! It feels like your son just started school...time sure flies.

  21. Oh, Margaret ~
    Your hats are wonderful. And that shawl. WOW. You are knitter extraordinaire.
    Hugs :)

  22. I always love to see whatever you are working on. Love the hats and just in time for this brutal cold weather! Your husband does look pretty proud of his. :) And I love the shawl - the pattern and color. Pretty peek at Margery. She is such a beautiful sampler. Wonderful colors in the scarf! I think looking at all of this gorgeous knitting has made me feel a little warmer. :) It seems impossible that it is your son's last semester - wow! Hope Mia is staying warm since her cuddle buddy has gone back to school. Maybe she needs a nice knit blanket. :)

  23. Wait! LAST semester of college? Not possible - he just left last week for his freshman year, right? Time flies!

    Love the hats! Your turn a square hat came out nicer than the one I knit for my husband - the Noro makes wonderful stripes.

    I hope you and Mia are doing ok with the empty nest.

  24. Hats for the whole family, how cool is that. And that scarf is such a beauty, good that you pulled it out again and continued knitting on it. Great colors. And yes, I was gasping a little when seeing your new start on a sampler, lol. Great choice.

  25. Your knitting is PERFECTION! Love all the hats, the shawl and the scarf you are working on! Wish I hadn't left my knitting behind years ago. They have such beautiful fibers now. It IS hard to believe your son is graduating this year! I now have a grandson who is graduating high school....boy I must be getting old!

  26. I cannot believe the boy child is in his last semester of college!!! Love all your knit projects...

  27. I cannot believe the boy child is in his last semester of college!!! Love all your knit projects...

  28. OMG - so impressed with all the "wooley" goodness in this post ! LOVE LOVE the Lidiya fair isle - WOW - I bet you are loving the felted tweed. I really think I am going to start something in FT. A woman in our EGA chapter stitched Margery Dean - she said there was a lot of mistakes in the charting that drove her crazy but it was a really pretty sampler with interesting spring-like colors. I'm still in "winter" mode and about to start the LK Cold Hands series because I like the linen. Take care my friend - Mel

  29. Beautiful knitting, your new scarf looks like it is going to be fabulous and yes, so lovely to see you stitching again.

  30. Love your knitting Margaret. The hats looks so lovely and warm and of course my favourite has to be the one your daughter has on!

  31. Sometimes you just gotta go where the creativity takes you whether it's yarn or stitching. I still love girl child's hat. Those sheep just get me. Stay warm, dear friend. I hear it's going to be a doozy of a weekend. Hugs!

  32. I love the hats, and the scarf! And, a little stitching has happened, which looks lovely!!

  33. LOVE those hats, and that scarf is a work of art!

  34. Your hats will keep everyone warm in blizzard conditions! Mia has the best of it though staying safe inside!

  35. Lovely knitting Margaret, so many hats. Cashmere is my favourite yarn to wear, it's so soft and warm
    Mia looks so cute as always.

  36. Time flies all too fast. I love the variety of needlework you share, all so pretty.

  37. Gorgeous knitting and stitching. How many s your progress?
    I hope that you guys made out ok in storm Jonas. What a mess!
    Hugs to you and Mia 😊

  38. So glad to see come back to stitching again.. Great Hats!

  39. Great knitting finishes, those hats are great. Love the colours in the scarf and nice start on the new sampler.
