Monday, March 30, 2015

It's been 16 years....

I did finish my Guernsey Wrap from Brooklyn Tweed.

I still have to block it, but I will get to that.  Sometime.  lol!  I used Brooklyn Tweed Shelter in Soot.

I started a new project -- it's the Messalina Shawl by Kay Jones of the Bakery Bears Podcast.  I love their podcast and I love knitting this shawl as well!

This is my progress so far.  I'm using Clara Yarn Cormo 2.0 in Sky -- I'm enjoying knitting for the first time with Cormo wool.

If you enjoy knitting podcasts, do check out the Bakery Bears.  :D

Something exciting happened this weekend.  The father type and I bought a car!  My old car was 16 years old, and I didn't trust it for much besides very local trips.  So this is a wonderful happening for me!  A rare treat!

Here are a couple of relics from when the kids were tiny that I found in my car.  Proof of how old the car is -- and how often I thoroughly clean out my car.  lol!

Here's my new car!

I love my new Honda CRV!

Love the color so so much!  It's called something like Mountain Air.  lol!

The father type and I took the car for a drive Sunday.  And where else would I elect to go but a yarn store?

We went to White Barn Farm,  and what a lovely store it is!

And it turns out there was a Hudson Valley Yarn Crawl going on.  I would have loved to go on the yarn crawl, but I figured one yarn store was tempting enough!

Here's my stash from White Barn Farm -- all locally made yarns, and all lovely!

We also went into the "downtown" area of New Paltz, wandered into book stores and chocolate stores, and had burritos at a yummy place.

It was great to take a drive in the new car on a lovely, sunny (if chilly) day.

While the father type and I were enjoying the weekend,  the girl child went to visit her brother in Boston.  They kept me somewhat up to date on their ventures, but not entirely -- of course.  lol!  Here is one picture the girl child sent me, from Newbury Street.  Can't remember the name of the store with the window display of sewing machines, but my girl knows I love that window!  See my babies in the window?

I recently moved things around a tiny bit and put a bench in front of one of Mia's favorite windows.  She seems to enjoy it.

Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi.  I hope everyone has a great week.  I'm still rooting for spring!


  1. Great new wheels...and how fun you took her for a first road trip to buy wool! Your knitting is beautiful!
    Have a great week!

  2. Love your swooshy new car - I drove Hondas for years and years before I moved onto Minis. They are great cars, enjoy many happy miles of motoring Margaret.
    Looks like a great knitting shop - it's so much fun to see the wool in person. Mia looks so happy in her new spot.

  3. Your new car is beautiful! I also have an older car and think it is time for an update. Mia seems to be enjoying the bench in front of the window--Callie Mae's condo is in front of the window.

  4. Congratulations! Good for you.
    I love that your daughter visits with her brother. :)
    You stinker! Now I am singing Baby Beluga. Ack!

  5. Love your new car--what a luscious color! How much fun that your first road trip was to a yarn shop!

  6. Congrats on your big finish, your new car, and your new start!

  7. Yea for a finish! What's the deal with knitting podcasts? I know they exist, but what exactly are they? Are there cross-stitch podcasts too?

    Anyway, congrats on your new car. It looks wonderful and so does that inaugural ride to the yarn store. Hope you have many more good times in the auto in the the years to come, with no need for Sesame Street bandages!

    What a fun photo of that sewing machine window!

  8. I love your finish and new start! Congratulations on the new car, and your first road trip in the new car sounds like a fun time!!

  9. Hi Margaret - fun new car - love the color and good luck with it. And yummy looking yarn - great colors. What fun. I've decided to learn to knit sox - lol. We'll see how that turns out.....meanwhile I printed out info for my husband on the sheep & wool festival in the finger lake region in September. I may have convinced him that we need to go camping up there and I can go to the festival. Woo-Hoo!!

  10. A new car and a lovely one at that! My parents have a CRV too - great car. Nice way for you to "inaugurate" it by going for a nice drive and buying new yarn stash! Clever girl!

    Lovely finish on your new shawl.

    That's great that Mia has a bench by her favourite window. Ours love their window seat!

    Have a lovely week. I wonder if you will drive more (to yarn stores?) now that you have new wheels? ;-)

  11. Our "new" car is 16! Lovely color on the yarn, and I love the picture from your daughter.

  12. Your new car is wonderful! But I love the photo of the sewing machines and your kids--just great!

  13. Beautiful knitting (as always) and how fun to have a new car. Isn't the smell great and how clean and sparklly they are. I keep a new car clean for about a month and then it's back to normal. Fun (and funny) finds in your car!

  14. congrats on the new CRV - nothing better than getting a new vehicle! nothing better than a road trip to visit a yarn shop - WHOOHOOO - looks like great stash and I LOVE your G wrap - lovely!
    hope you have a great week and enjoy the new purchases one and all ! Mel

  15. Congrats on the shawl finish and new start Margaret. They are both lovely. Awesome new car. Ours is 18 years old. Pretty new stash.


  16. Congratulations on your new car Margaret! What fun and what a great vehicle! A yarn store was the perfect place to go....your Guernsey wrap is beautiful as is your Messalina shawl! Have a great week, Wanda

  17. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! May your new toy bring you many happy miles...... to stash establishments, of course!

  18. love the picture of your babies peering at the sewing machines. How nice of them to think of you. Great new car. Smart gal first trip out to a yarn shop. we have a chest in front of a window for our cat. Have a great week.

  19. Love the pic of the sewing machines and your kids reflection! So cute! It's great for the two of them to spend sibling time together.

    Congrats on the new car! We keep our cars 10-11 years. Most people buy more often but we like the way that fits in our financial plan. We have a Honda too. They are great cars. You'll love the CRV!

    Sounds like you found a great new yarn shop!

  20. CONGRATS! on the purchase of your new car!! how exciting! And the band-aid can and raffi tape...ha ha ha! :) Save the is vintage! Your shawls are stunning and your little adventure sounds like a good great time :) Your babies...awww...

  21. Wow, a new car. And it's a great colour I think. Colour is the only thing I see when I see a new car, other details are not so very exciting for me, lol.
    Lovely knitting, Margaret. And what a great yarn shop you could go to during your little trip.

  22. Love your new car! That is the one I've been wanting too. But it will be a long time before I get another car I'm sure! Mine is a 1999... And before that, my car was 20 years old - LOL! If it was up to just me, I'd have a new one now...but....
    The picture of your kids in the window is priceless. And so is Mia...she totally has my heart...

    Linda in VA

  23. and I forgot to say - that yarn shop! Oh my would I love to go there!!

    Linda in VA

  24. Love the new car! Mia does seem to enjoy the window.

  25. Congrats on your pretty new car. Looks like your first Road Trip was a great one too - lovely yarn and great food. I am sure Mia appreciates you taking care of her every possible need!

  26. Fantastic knitting, so envious! It's womderful you can shop local and the yarn is local too - from a barn no less. Love the new car!

  27. Love the new car and what a fun place to visit on your first road trip! Gorgeous knitting as always - congrats on finishing your Guernsey wrap!

  28. Ha ha--yes, "Baby Beluga!!" We about wore that old cassette tape right out when we took trips with our boys, Margaret--what a great memory that brought back :)

    Love your new car--I also drive a CRV and have been very happy with it--got it about 4 years ago. Mine is a lighter blue and it's held up very well--enjoy! Hope it keeps on taking you to some fun places like this past weekend :)

    Lovely knitting, too.

    Happy Easter to you and your family!

  29. Congrats on the new car - how fun! Love the yarn shop - it looks so gorgeous. Beautiful knitting, you are really giving me the bug again (but so far I am resisting!).

  30. Oh Margaret, just love your new vehicle CRV way to go, DS has one and my sister has one! Road trip to a yarn shop a perfect way to break in a new car! Love the shawl and wrap, you really are a fast knitter.

    Also,happy birthday to your son what a milestone one of many.

  31. What a gorgeous new car! And what a yarn shop!! Lovely. X

  32. Ooooo, shiny, shiny new car! I probably could use a new one too but I, uhhhhhh, don't drive much so it doesn't matter. (I took Maggie to the vet last week and I *think* that was the first time I have driven a car since last.....August? Heh.)
    Gosh, those yarns you bought are awfully pretty. Love 'em! :)

  33. Congrats on your new car! Vroom, vroom! Love all the new yarns you picked up. I really have to explore the Hudson area, looks so beautiful!
