Monday, July 23, 2012

Finish, new never-ending WIP, and new start

Yes, I finished all that grass.  Don't know how to take pics of the whole piece though, so you get to piece it together.

And They Sinned by Examplars from the Heart
40ct unknown fabric
GAST threads called for

Whew!  That was harder than I thought it would be!  Oh, some have asked how the stripy effect was achieved in the grass.  It was just stitched on the diagonal with two different thread colors.  I really love the way it looks!  I have the feeling I was supposed to do the same thing with the lake.  Oh well.

Now that And They Sinned is finally done, I have another long running WIP that might or might not get done someday.  ATS was the first long running WIP that I've picked up here and there and then actually finished.  Well, here's the next one.  I started And All Was for an Appil (by the Scarlet Letter, using DMC on 40ct R&R mystery linen) I don't remember when.  (I should just look back on my blog entries and I would see!)  For some reason, I can never get into this one!  But I did accomplish a bit more on it at least.

Hopefully I'll pick it up again sometime.

In the meantime, I started a new project.

Dames Boarding School by Examplars from the Heart
40ct PTP Legacy linen
WDW threads called for

I have one more rose to stitch in the top border and then I can start the insides.  (The one that's on the right is supposed to be like that for some reason.)  If you'd like to see a finished piece, go to Marsha's blog here.  She's the one who inspired me to want to stitch this one.  So beautiful!  (Scroll down and you'll see it!)

Thanks to everyone for your well wishes for both kids.  The girl child has been busy furnishing her new digs on a tight budget, and has done a great job!  The boy child is getting better all the time, but the healing process will take quite a while yet.  

Mia has been very aware that something is up with her boy.  She watches the dressing changes very carefully, and always avoids the wound area, not even coming close to it.  But she still likes to cuddle up to her boy, nevertheless.

She especially likes being on that pillow.  lol!  And yes, some of this takes place as well.

Aren't they cute?  :D

Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi.  It's always wonderful to visit with you.  I hope everyone has a wonderful week!


  1. Congratulations Margaret!! Beautiful! Mia is a good helper.♥

  2. Wow, I can't even imagine a finish like ATS - it's stunning. Your new start is very intriguing - I love that border!! :D

    Here's hoping your talented boy continues to improve and that Mia's nursing training will soon be over. ;)

  3. Congratulations Margaret on a simply fabulous finish. And They Sinned is a stunning piece. I'm sure you are very proud of yourself, as you should be. Have fun on your WIP (AAWFAA), I'm whipping away on mine. And your new start will be so much fun. Glad your son is getting better and love the pics of Mia. Have a great week. Hugs

  4. An amazing finish! So beautiful in all those colors and such perfect stitching.

    I can't believe you managed to pick up another without even a taking a breath!

    Hope your son gets better quickly. Nice to have such devoted companion.

  5. BIG CONGRATS on the ATS finish, Margaret!! I actually DID put a few stitches in on that cloud yesterday but otherwise it's languishing...I need to pick it up more often! Can't wait to watch the progress on your new start!

  6. Beautiful finish on ATS...the grass is so different! Glad there is healing going on...I'm sure his faithful companion is a comfort to him. Love the new sampler...gorgeous border! Have a great week,

  7. Congrats on finishing ATS... she looks fabulous. I hope you're able to stick with AAWFAA. I've completed all the stitching on mine with the exception of the satin stitched verse. It's been sitting, waiting for me to return to her, for two years now. Maybe you'll inspire me to get her finished.
    Love your new start.

  8. Congrats on the finish! It looks great and I know you are glad to be done with that grass. I love the new start too. I'll look forward to watching it grow.

  9. Congratulations on an amazing and gorgeous finish! I am looking forward to watching your new start grow(as well as the never-ending WIP). : )

  10. If it's Monday morning, It's time for my weekly "Margaret fix". Right?

    Congrats on having completed ATS--an amazing sampler to add to your wonderful collection of stitched samplers.

    Glad that things are going well with your two children.

  11. Hooray for the finish! Your ATS looks absolutely gorgeous. Maybe I'll even pick mine back up someday soon.

    Your finish and Appil pieces are looking good too.

  12. It's gorgeous! You do such wonderful work, I am awe. Glad Mia is keeping the boy child company while he is healing. She will miss him when he leaves...

  13. Woo Hoo Margaret! Great finish!!!

    Love your new start and your old WIP too. I'm always inspired by the things you choose to stitch!

    Glad your son is feeling better. I'm sure Mia is helping him:))

  14. Yes..very very cute your son and Mia.
    And ...never you stop !!!!!!!!!

  15. Congratulations on a big accomplishment! That must feel great to finally get that big piece finished! Will you get it framed soon or will you wait? It will definitely deserve a special spot!

    OMG, I almost started DBS last week but changed my mind on the linen so I had to wait. I saw that one too on Marsha's blog so we both got on the same wavelength!

    Cute photos of Mia and your boy. She looks like the royal guard cat!

  16. ATS is wonderful! Beautiful finish. I love the new start.

  17. ATS looks wonderful - congrats on teh finish.

    Glad to hear girl child is doing good and that your son is coming along - of course with the help of Mia!!

  18. Whooop!
    Well done on ATS! Bet you though that grass would never end!
    After finishing that one, I resolved not to stitch anything with grass in it for a long time! LOL!
    Hope you son gets better soon!

  19. Ohmygosh, it's gorgeous!
    My cat did the same thing when I was hurt. They are adorable together. Best wishes for him.

  20. Congratulations on such an impressive finish. All you ATS stitchers almost make me want to tackle that project. Almost. ;)

  21. Wonderful finish! Congratulations!! I knew you were getting close to finish that one. And it's always lovely to see what you are up to - a new start is looking nice already!!

  22. Wow wow wow!! You've finished it. I am in awe - if I wasn't before! Brilliant new start too. x

  23. What a stupendous finish!!!! Congrats!!! Love the AWFAA and your new starts just beautiful!

  24. Ya hoo on finishing ATS Margaret! That grass wasn't too bad was it? LOL Monotonous would be more like it. And you had to bring out AAWFAA! I almost picked that one up again too - but hastily put it back into the corner. Maybe someday!!

    Hope that your son gets better quickly!!

  25. Congratulations on finishing ATS! It looks AWESOME!!! Love the new start and the WIP is very pretty too.

  26. Wonderful finish, Margaret! I love ATS so much and your finish is stunning! Can't wait to see how you frame this beauty!

    Beautiful new starts, too!

  27. I'm so impressed - seems like you flew through ATS. Congratulations oa a big finish!

    Please, please please keep going on All for an Appil. It's one that's on my stitching bucket list, though I may be 100 before I get around to it. In the meantime, I'd love to enjoy it vicariously!

  28. Gorgeous!!! Congrats on an amazing finish! I am so jealous of how quickly you blew through ATS. I love love love your new start on Dames. It's gorgeous!!

  29. ATS is lovely--especially like the grass.

    With those speedy needles of your you will have AAWFAP finished in no time

    Glad boy child is recovering, is Mia ready for him to start college?

  30. Beautiful Margaret. Congratulations on the ATS finish. Your new start's border is wonderful! Glad to hear the Boy is recovering. And what can I say about that Mia????

  31. Hi, Margaret,
    A boy, a cat, and his smart phone! So cute! You are such a prolific stitcher, I don't know how you find the time. Love ATS, and know I will love Appil also. Glad that boy child is on the road to recovery.

  32. What a spectacular finish! Oh how I love this sampler. I'm so proud of you for finishing it.

    Love the new start too. Pretty colors. Glad your son is improving as well.

    Have you worked on the Toy Chest yet? I'm afraid I am not going to finish the 2 sides this month. It's just been a horrible stitching month! The horses are a pain in the you know what too.

    Have a great rest of the week! Hugs.

  33. What a beautiful finish!

    I think it's very cute the way Mia and your son are sleeping on their sides, facing the same way.

    Gave a great week Margaret!

  34. Hi Margaret, congratulations on finishing ATS. I have always liked this one. But I would have framing and hanging issues with it. It is such a beautiful sampler.

    Hope the boy child will be feeling better soon. Sandra

  35. It's so funny how I'm drawn to the simple things. I just love the letter A in the alphabet out of that huge piece!

    All Was for an Appil looks so fun and folk arty. I hope you work on it for it. The progress will be fun to watch.

  36. I wish I had ATS finished too! Who am I kidding? Haven't even started it yet!!
    Looks fantastic!!

  37. Congrats on finishing ATS - beautiful!

  38. Congratulations on ATS! It looks so great. At least you put some more stitches in the SL piece. Wonderful new start too.
    Glad that everyone is healing and settling in. Mia is watching over her boy :)
    Have a great week!

  39. Here it is, the finished ATS. Major congratulations on finishing such a big and terrific piece. It must be a very special feeling of achievement after working on it for so long.
    Your new project is a beauty as well. I looked at it on Marsha's blog and it's wonderful. It's certainly a fun stitch too.
    My best healing wishes to your son. I hope he will have recovered completely very soon.

  40. Gorgeous Margaret!!!! Do you sleep ;-)???? Glad all is well in your world and I love AAWFAA and Dames Boarding School.

  41. Congratulations on your ATS finish. It is a stunning piece.

  42. Beautiful! My mind just melts at the thought of stitching this piece! lol. Good luck with AAWFAA. Glad to hear the boy child is doing better. Mia is a good helper.

  43. Hooray on the finish! And enjoy working on the wip! Love the pics of Mia with her boy/patient! Huggles my friend!

  44. Quite an accomplishment! Congratulations - it looks wonderful! Your new start is looking pretty! Mia looks very protective of her boy - very sweet. :)

  45. I love your ATS and the green grass striped effect! GREAT job! This is a beauty and in my stash! I was trying to find long enough fabric for this project...think I have it now so ready to being soon. It is a treasure for sure! Love it! pj

  46. Congrats on finishing ATS!!!!! It's a stunning piece, for sure.

  47. Wow! this brings backs memories.
    Congrats! ATS is stunning

  48. Congrats to your finish!!! It's amazing sampler!!! And new start looks great!

  49. Hello!

    Thank you very much for your wonderfull blolg which inspires me since its begining.
    I am embroidering ATS too and I've just finished Dames Boarding School, just like you.It is a joy to stitch Vilma Becklin!
    Excuse my bad english please.

  50. Wow! What a masterpiece, Margaret!! I'm just amazed by your finish and I loved studying each little motif in your close-up photos. The striped grass is just wonderful... Can't wait to see it framed--I'll bet that one will cost a pretty penny :)

    Lovely new start, too, and so good to hear your daughter is settling in nicely. I think it's fun to furnish a place on a limited budget--it really makes you get creative!

  51. Incredible!!! Another work of art completed :) Looking forward to this one framed up! Your next 2 wips are great! It would be hard for me to choose which one to work on next also.

    Hope you are staying cool!!

  52. Oh my God ! your stitching it very beautiful !!!! congratulations Margaret !!!!!
    amitiés de FRANCE

  53. Stunning finish Margaret!! Wow it's such a gorgeous design! You are amazingly fast at stitching! Love your new projects too! Aw, little Mia sense the boychild is not feeling well. Cats seem to sense that something is wrong. Glad he is healing though! Hugs

  54. Glad to hear the kids are doing well, Margaret. It must be so satisfying to you to know they're both doing well. You've done a good job in rearing them, and that's awesome. Grats to you and to them!! Hope they boy child heals quickly. And Mia is sooooo cute!! Huge grats going out to you on the finish. And I just have to say, OMG it's HUGE!!!!!!! Geez, Louise, it's enormous. It must have taken you forever to finish. So great big grats to you for keeping on it and finishing it. That's just awesome!!! (I love the way the grass looks too. Makes me want to walk outside barefoot.) I hope you have a great day!!

  55. Woohoo! Congrats on your ATS finish! It's amazing and I just love the stripey grass. Great new start and progress for AAWFAA!

  56. Oh my goodness, Margaret! Your finish is stunning ~ you must be so pleased! Love the border on your new start and AAWA ~ now that looks like a lot of stitches!
    So glad your daughter is settling in and that your son is on the mend! Mia sure does look protective in that one picture!

  57. Congratulations on an amazing finish. That is one huge design... A beautiful one too. Can't believe you started another one already and a pretty big one too at that.

    Love that last pic... Mia and your son in identical sleeping positions. LOL!


  58. Wonderful finish Margaret! Well done on completing it! Of course, I love your new start and will be looking forward to watching your progress. Glad the boy child is recovering okay and hope that continues. Mia must be in seventh heaven with him around so much!!!!

  59. Margaret,ATS, stunning, beautiful and completely wonderful! And as for your boy and cat...what could be more precious than that duo?!

  60. Gorgeous finish! Wonder if the signature means 7-12 years old, July - December, July 12... The Appil is 'different' than most A&E's, but will be nice on your wall. Wishing everyone well.

  61. As always, your stitching just astounds me!! Can't wait to watch your progress on your new start.
    Mia looks like she's just what the Dr ordered...everyone should have a Mia in their life! :)

  62. Hello

    I'm a new follower of your lovely blog.
    Your finish is beautiful.

    I love the picture of your son and Mia. Best wishes for his recovery.
