Monday, July 9, 2012

Another Monday.....

And the grass is growing slowly.

Maybe it helped a bit to have all the grass of Wimbledon to watch as I stitched.  lol!  Now, if you look at it this way, it looks much better!

Oh, and yes, I probably jinxed myself by stitching in the date.  We'll hope I can finish by the end of this month.

It's another Monday, but it's also the start of my emptying nest.  The girl child left for her new apartment and job yesterday -- she starts her job today.  She's not quite moved out yet though.  The moving seems to be happening in phases.  Phase 2 is this coming weekend.  We shall see how much gets moved to her apartment then!  It's weird to think that the girl child is now an independent adult starting her own life.  I'm finding it hard to let go.

In the meantime, here are the two youngest of the family.

(Ignore the mess in the background -- that's part of the girl child's packing going on.)

Mia seems to love my various pillows.

The other day, she curled up right beside me and purred away.  This while I was in bed.

Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi.  Hope everyone who watches Wimbledon enjoyed it.  (I was so sad for Murray......  but also happy for Federer.  It was a dream final for me.)  Keep cool and have a great week!


  1. Just love the sampler,the grass looks terrific, must be all the rain we have had haha!! - and I agree with you, Wimbledon was nail-biting as usual and although I felt sad for Murray who tried so hard, Federer is quite amazing and I feel priveleged to watch him play. Always weird when the "babies" leave home - the house will seem empty - thank goodness for our creative time filling hobbies!! take care.

  2. I have every confidence that you will finish Margaret!!! Yes I agree, the final was a dream match. Sending good thoughts your way on the "empty nest" situation.

  3. Great progress on the grass! Hope it keeps moving along that quickly.

  4. Your sampler is coming along beautifully!

    I wondered about the date too. It would jinx me for sure to do that. :-)

  5. ATS is looking great and I just know you will finish before the end of the month. You have smokin' needles:))

    Congrats to your daughter. I know it's hard letting go but it's so exciting for her!

    Cute pics of Mia and your son.

  6. Lovely grass, Margaret. Can't wait to see the finish...such a colorful sampler! Have to admit to being fickle about the match across the pond. One minute I wanted Murray...then I was back rooting for Federer. Great tennis!
    Have a good week,

  7. Wonderful progress on the grass on ATS, Margaret!
    P>S>Guess who has a mission style couch and recliners? :)

  8. That's the only grass I've seen lately that isn't brown and crunchy! LOL! It's coming along nicely.

  9. Looking great, Margaret! I have no doubt at all that you'll be finished by this week - I mean this month (but probably by this week, too)!

  10. Oh my! What great looking grass. That gives it so much. Our lawn here is yellow brown. :( I'll be watching for your finish.

  11. The sampler is lovely! Mia as always tickles me! I love her and her boy in the last picture. huggles.

  12. Your ATS looks fabulous and I have faith that you'll be getting her finished before the end of the month. I like the diagonal stripping of the grass.
    Mia is so adorable.

  13. Oh, my goodness. When you said grass earlier on, I had no idea! It looks amazing, but so much work! i watch tv series on DVD when I do a lot of same things in a row:) good luck with all the changes that are happening now. Good thing Mia will be with you:)

  14. Hi Margaret! ATS continues to be fabulous ... love how the grassy area is stitched! Looking forward to you sharing your finish!

    Throughout our childrens' lives we teach and encourage and prompt them to find a passion, follow their dreams, make a way for themselves in life ... and then d*%@mit they do! Suddenly we are downsized from full-time parents to part-timers. So proud to see them become young adults ... but so emotionally difficult to let them go.

  15. Thanks for your comments on my post Margaret - we have productive hands! Love the cat pictures too - my cat insists on sleeping on the ironing board when I am patchworking - so thoughtful!

  16. That's an acerage of grass! Very pretty.
    Love the kitty on pillows - very comfy.
    Good luck with all the packing and moving.

  17. ATS is coming along beautifully!
    I like how you are doing the grass. I did mine sort of haphazardly. I think it is more frustrating that way.
    No matter what, it;s a lotta grass!
    Hope you don't get hay fever!

  18. Goodness that grass is labour intensive!
    I have every confidence that you will finish ATS this year along with at least a couple of other major pieces LOL. I only wish my needle was even half as speedy.

  19. Looking wonderful! Hope all goes well with the first day on the job for the girl child.

  20. Wow, that is a lot of work, Margaret! But you are doing so well. I have 120% of confidence you will finish ATS by the end of this month. And start wondering what will be the next peoject you will pick? Mia seems to be so relaxing being with your son... Lucky kitty!

  21. De plus en plus merveilleux votre sampler !!!!
    bisous de FRANCE

  22. Looking good girl!! Its only a small matter of time before you have another beauty finished!!!

    Super cute Mia is :)

  23. so gorgeous, the grass is looking great

  24. That's a lot of grass! Looks great in that variegated color. Reminds me of filling the background of needle point pillows with basketweave stitch back in the day since that was worked diagonally.

  25. Margaret, I so look forward to your Monday posts! Your ATS is beautiful and with how fast you stitch I'll bet that you will be done by the end of the month! Are you stitching the grass in full cross or tent stitch?

  26. Oh my word! That grass!!! Nuff said. x

  27. Your grass looks fantastic! I love the striped effect so much.

    Busy goings on at your house! It's hard when the kids grow up. An exciting time for them but a sad one for you. It is so quiet when they aren't there, isn't it? * hugs*

  28. Mia definitely has the regal look going on perched on those pillows. I have enjoyed watching you stitch ATS, I think that one might be far off in my future, but I'd like to do it some day!

  29. ATS is gorgeous!!! It will be on your wall in no time :-).

  30. It's looking great, Margaret!! You'll be done in no time at all.
    What's next in line?

  31. I'm sure the fact that your kids aren't leaving at the same time makes it a bit easier, Margaret... And, no, there "stuff" never totally leaves--I still have remnants of my oldest left in the basement after he's been gone 8 years. I told him I'm going to start charging him rent if he doesn't get the stuff out soon--only half kidding!!

    Your sampler is a masterpiece--can't imagine all the hours that will go into stitching it in the end!

  32. I have no doubt you'll finish ATS this month! There is a lot of grass left but your needle always flies.

    How are you doing with the nest emptying? And how did your daughters first day at work go?

  33. I love seeing the close ups of your ATS. So much to see! I had the chart but never saw the details in the cover photo so I'm enjoying yours.

  34. That, really is a lot of grass! But it looks great! Hope you'll be able to finish it in time ^.^


  35. You go girl ... you are so close! You ATS is looking wonderful. Just looking at the pictures of Mia and you boy, I know she is going to miss him lots & lots.

  36. Nice going on ATS - you'll sone be done, how exciting.

  37. Great progress on all that grass! I am sure that you will finish it even though you put the date in.
    Hugs to you and Mia.

  38. Oh are in the ATS finals and I know you will WIN WIN WIN !! Your piece is lovely. I have enjoyed watching this beauty come to life. GREAT....

    Emptying nest for sure. I'm glad Mia is spending some good time with you too! Hugs dear friend and have a great week!

  39. The grass looks great--your ATS is SO pretty! Best of luck for your DS and to your DD as she moves out into the world on her own. Have confidence that you raised a smart, capable woman there--kudos to you & your DH!

  40. I'm so with you on the grass stitching. I don't love it either but the effect is always great. It's just a bit like backstitching - most stitchers hate doing it but everyone loves the effect when it's done.
    Hmmm, it's always a bit strange when the nest definitely empties. But what comes afterwards isn't that bad - a lot more time for yourself and for your hobbies. Just wait and see ...

  41. Oh the grass looks great! How is it done? Overdyed or two colors with a certain stitch. It's so pretty.

  42. Great progress on the grass! :) And I have every confidence that you will finish before the month is out. It is so darned hard to let our children go. :) I just keep telling myself that time really does ease things after a while. :) Look at those two adorable faces!

  43. Ok, You still might be nuts for stitching all that grass, but I do love it. Wimbeldon and grass--- the perfect stitching pair :)

    I'm with you by the way of the W. final -- very happy/very sad. Next year, Andy. Next year.

    So, will I be stitching with you through the US Open as well? :)

  44. Oh, Margaret..your ATS is stunning! Will Mia be moving with her buddy?? LoL! Someone once told me that there IS life after my kids, love my life!

  45. ATS...well, what can one say?! Totally stunning, absolutely breath-taking. Its gonna be a keeper, for sure!
    Hurray for the girl child moving out and moving up the career ladder :) Your two little ones at home...precious!

  46. ATS is fabulous, and I have no doubt you will finish it by the end of the month. Looks so fun!
    I was so sad I missed all of Wimbledon this year! Too many things going on. My SIL and I talked briefly of going to the US Open in September. I think that would be a dream.
    How is your toy chest coming? I have started it, but haven't even gotten past the bottom section. I hope I can have some time to sit and stitch soon.
    Have a good one!

  47. Whew!! That is A LOT of grass. You're making great progress on it though!!!!! :)

  48. That grass is spectacular! And long going as I can see!! ATS is such a fantastic piece. I'm always amazed when I see it!! I think little Mia is sensing your blues about your children leaving and trying to give you some comfort. I hope all goes well for both of your children and for their lovely mamma!!! HUGS!!

  49. Love the grass!! Such a pretty sampler. Good luck to your daughter. I can not imagine letting go!! I know I have some time for that yet, but also know it will pass all too quickly. Wish her good luck ~ oh, and make sure she leaves a certain poster behind for you! ;)
    Love the last pic of Mia and your son. Those two are quite the pair.

  50. Oh my goodness, but your stitching is coming along beautifully!

  51. ATS is stunning already and will be more so with grass. At least it's fill-in. I agree with so many other comments - you will be done this week with no worries!

    Glad DD is in her apartment. How exciting. And just a few weeks and you will have no DS at home - empty nest here you go! It will all work out - that's why we raised 'em up, isn't it?! Enjoy your week!

  52. Wow you've made brilliant progress Margaret. It is stunning.

    Good luck to your daughter on her move and sending you lots of hugs.
