Monday, April 16, 2012

No more blahs? And decisions

Well, I did wander a bit more before settling down stitching-wise.  I started Sarah Seifer by the Good Huswife, which I love.  And I will get back to it sometime, I'm sure!  (And no, this is not a picture of Sarah Seifer.)

 But in the midst of stitching Sarah, I realized that what I was having a hankering for was one specific design.  The problem was, I couldn't find the chart anywhere in my stash.  Sigh.  After searching everywhere frantically, I settled down to Sarah.  But couldn't get this other piece out of my mind.  So I tried looking in one more place.  And I found it!!   Can you tell which design it is??

It's Ann Rayner by Threads Through Time.  I've been seeing her on various of my favorite blogs, and I just couldn't stop thinking about her.  As soon as I found the chart -- yay!  -- I dashed off to get the DMC I needed.  I'm using 40ct vintage Buttercream with DMC.  Aren't the colors pretty?  And that's just the first alphabet!

I spent most of my time this past week on the border.  I'm satisfied cause the border meets up, and most of it is done.  Just some of the berries on the bottom border to finish.  But I couldn't stand to finish the border -- I needed to go for that color.  Ahhhhh.  Color!!!!

So I think I'm happy now.  :D

It's a nerve wracking time in the family right now, mainly because the boy child has finally decided on which college he is going to.  Yes, the boy child is going to that big name music college in Boston.  Time to freak out.  lol!  This will be a new experience for all of us, but most especially, of course, for the boy child.  I'm happy and excited for him, and he's on cloud nine.  Now we have to keep our fingers crossed that he gets a dorm room.  There is only limited availability, so we just have to hope!  Otherwise there will be some apartment hunting in our future.

Oh, and yes, the two still have their nap times together.

Sorry, it's a bit blurry, isn't it?

In the midst of all this excitement, Mia just goes on, doing her own thing.  She took a snuggle in the father type's pants the other day.

Silly baby!

Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi.  It's going to be a hot one today -- 86 degrees!  Yuck.  Luckily it won't last long.

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. So happy to hear you have cured your case of the stitching blahs. Your start on Ann looks great! With those smoking needles of yours I am sure you will have her stitched in record time.

  2. I love the colors .... and beautiful cat, small cat ...

    bisous my friend ....

  3. I love Ann Rayner and she is on my very short list. Hugs to you - kelley

  4. Ann truly is lovely! I would love to stitch this one too!
    Sometimes all it takes to get out of the stitching doldrums is just to do something different. I try to switch things up a bit every time, but sometimes I do get stuck in a rut too!
    Good luck with the college dorm room! Ah I remember those days! (Like a blur now)!

  5. What an excellent choice! Ann Rayner is so lovely with those colors and I love the couple near the bottom and all the sweet sheep. It will be fun to see your progress.
    Congrats for the boy child! It is wonderful to hear that he will be going further with his music studies.
    Mia always makes me smile :)
    Enjoy your week!

  6. Nice new start! The colours are indeed very pretty.

  7. Ooo! That is very pretty. I like the vintage buttercream. :)

  8. oooo well done on the new start and the border meeting phew ...
    whoop on boy child's choice *VBG
    fingers and paws crossed for a dorm for him
    and awwwww mia still as cute as ever :)
    love mouse xxxxx

  9. Excellent choice on your new start! I am always amazed how we wander in thoughts on other projects while working on one.......glad you found Ann, she is looking spectacular!!!!

    Congrats on you son choosing a school-- and not to far either!! Yeah!!

    Have a great day :)

  10. Your pretty choice of sampler could brighten anyone's day and cure the stitching blahs in a wink!

    I happy for your son. Just having made a decision is a relief in itself. Good luck on getting a place to stay!

  11. So glad to see your stitching mojo has returned. This is going to be fun to watch you work on Ann. She's a beautiful piece. Congratulations on college decisions. Yes, this will be a huge undertaking for everyone....including Mia. Love the sweet pics of her too!! Hugs dear friend....

  12. Ann Rayner is beautiful! The colors are lovely. I am so glad that the BC is coming to Boston. They will be glad to have him. Good luck with the dorm. Mia in the pants is the cutest thing.

  13. Oh my pretty work as always! That Mia cracks me up! I had the fidgets with my cross stitch yesterday and got little done. I had all planned to do one piece and found my fabric was to small to accommodate it. I am so short on fabric for stitching I had to find something else. Makes one restless and not very stitchy. Hoping in a few weeks or month I can stock up on fabric.

  14. Ohhh, Ann Rayner is in my favourite samplers list ! I know I don't have to wait a lot to see it completed...and Mia, always makes me smile !

  15. Very pretty, Margaret. I know from seeing Deb's just how cheerful and beautiful this sampler is - certainly one that will lift your stitching spirit!

    Congrats on your BC's choice. Boston is such a great area; he'll have a blast (in between working hard, of course)!

  16. I'm happy you found something to get your juices flowing again. Ann is really pretty.
    I'm really on a roll with the WIP's. Finished up 2 this weekend. I am hoping to get some of these petty things out of the way so I can do some "serious" stitching. :)
    I'm glad your son decided on college! Hurray for him. Good luck with the apartment hunting.
    Mia is so cute in the pants. What a darling little kitten!
    Have a good one.

  17. Yay... you're over the blahs... that's wonderful news. Your Ann R. looks wonderful and I'll enjoy following your progress on this one. I hope you'll get back to Sarah S. one day soon too.

  18. Margaret your Ann Rayner is looking just gorgeous! I too have that one in my stash. Glad you got out of your stitching slump. I was in a slump for almost a year. This is looking really beautiful! Love watching your progress!

  19. Margaret your Ann Rayner is looking just gorgeous! I too have that one in my stash. Glad you got out of your stitching slump. I was in a slump for almost a year. This is looking really beautiful! Love watching your progress!

  20. Love the pics of Mia sleeping in pants! So cute!!! Congratulations to your son on his college acceptance! Fun times ahead!

    I think I am in love with Ann Rayner!!! Gorgeous colors! Can't wait to follow your progress!!! Glad you found the chart! That can be maddening!!!

  21. Congratulations to your son Margaret and the whole famiy! How exciting is the news! Your work on Ann is as usual beautiful . Love seeing your Mia too..

  22. Miss Ann is so pretty. Congrats on finally finding her. Isn't it weird how we all decide on things to stitch. Everyone goes about it a bit differently.

    My swain's son went to a certain music college in Boston, and he's been a professional musician for a long time. His work these days is decidedly rock-based, and he makes an excellent living at it. Best of luck to the boy child.

  23. YAY! No more blahs :) :) :)
    Your start is gorgeous already :)
    Have a most lovely week my friend!

  24. was the color you were craving! Glad you found her. Happy and relieved, I'm sure, that DS has made his choice. How exciting, and will be hopeful for the dorm situation.

  25. Love your Ann Rayner -- gorgeous colors. And congrats to the BC -- Boston is such a fun town. Mia is just too darn cute!! Vera

  26. Hi Margaret,
    The new Ann sampler is very all the colors.
    Wonderful news about your son's choice. How can you not have a great experience going to school in Boston? What a great city!

  27. I'm so happy your son picked decided on a school! Congratulations to you guys. And I love the way your Ann is looking. I was really lazy with my border and am doing it in sections and hoping (!) it will come together in the end! I look forward to seeing more of yours :)

  28. What a great choice for your new start - and such beautiful colors too! I'm so happy for your son on his choice. It definitely sounds like an exciting time for everyone. I always enjoy my Mondays with Margaret and Mia. :)

  29. Great new start on Ann! The alphabet is so pretty. Congrats to the boy child on choosing his college. The music college sounds like a once in a lifetime opportunity! Good for him!

  30. Ann is a beauty for sure - not surprised to hear you would settle for nothing less than color color color for a spring time stitch. She is on my short list too. Glad DS made a college choice so you can move on with finalizing other parts of the puzzle. Hope the process is painless for the parental units. Cheers ! mel

  31. Ann is such a pretty design. Glad to hear I'm not the only one that can't find charts! Congrats to your son! That Mia is such a character.

  32. That Mia is certainly a clown!! Glad to hear that the college choice is made and settled, it's going to be a new phase for you too, thank goodness Mia will still be hanging around and napping.. :o)
    Great stitching as always..

  33. Congratulations on the decision begin settled. Now you all can anticipate the big day together! I'm glad you found your chart. Doesn't it just drive you nuts when you can't lay your hands on something you *know* you have?! Do it all the time! LOL! Have a great week! HUGS

  34. Congrats to your son!!!! Hope it's not too much worry getting him ready to go. Love Ann, great choice.

  35. Oh wow! Congrats to the boy child! Fabulous! You guys will love being a semi-empty nesters! Your little Mia is just darling! And Ann is coming along just beautifully! Hugs Margaret!

  36. Cats are so entertaining! Mia in pants, who knew?!

    Your start on Ann looks great! It's funny when I think of you stitching I can only imagine BAP's! You zip through them so quickly! Have fun!

    ps Gosh, I can understand about your son moving to Boston. At least it's not THAT far away, but I know what you mean. I hope he gets a dorm, etc and everything will work out!

  37. So glad you found Ann, she's going to be gorgeous! Congratulations on your son making his final decision. How exciting for all of you. All my best.

  38. I am keeping my fingers crossed about the dorm room. It is so great that he will be in Boston. It sounds like he is set to have a wonderful college experience.
    Ann is beautiful. I am so glad that you have settled down, i think you needed some bright colors :)
    Have a great week!

  39. I have no idea what you are talking about with Ann Rayner LOL, looks like a fine sampler Margaret!
    Sarah is lovely too, look forward to see her soon:)
    Good luck for the boychild, very exciting!!
    Picture of Mia is priceless in those pants!!

  40. Margaret --
    Great new start! Isn't it crazy when you know you have a chart and can't find it? Glad it worked out for you:)

    Fun times ahead for your son! Congratulations to him and good luck with the housing.

    Mia in the pants is just too funny!

  41. I'm so glad you figured out what it was you wanted to stitch!!! That color is amazing - now you're making me want to stitch her! Congrats on the boy child making a decision - how exciting!

  42. Margaret, I'm so happy to see you stitching "Ann". I started her about a year ago, got about 2/3 completed, and then starting questioning her colors. ?????? I don't know why, your looks lovely! Look forward to following your progress. I know you'll inspire me to get her out of the basket and get her finished!

  43. Glad you found Ann! I hate to lose patterns but know I have them somewhere! Mia always finds the funniest places to nap and hide!

  44. Hurray. You've found agreat project to work on! So glad that your son made his college choice and good luck with the dorm room. Why does all this stuff have to be so difficult?

  45. Whoohoo!! I'm so glad your stitching blahs were short lived!! What a gorgeous project you chose to work on! I adore the strawberry border! The colours are so lush and pretty!! Congrats to your boy for chosing the Boston college! I hope he gets accomodation...prays and keeps fingers crossed! Oh that Mia! I love her and her hiding spots!



  46. Mmm... Beautiful samplers. Yummy colours. Yay for the boy child :) Mia and her antics still makes me smile every time.


  47. Glad the blahs have gone Margaret! Needless to say, I love your new start, it will be just beautiful on the buttercream. I'm already loving how the colours are coming up on this one. Congrats to the boy child. What will Mia do without him?!?!

  48. Beautiful new start! I'm glad the blahs have passed for you with your stitching.

    Congratulations to boy-child and his big decision!

  49. Pretty new start, Margaret--color is a sure way to banish the blahs!! So happy to hear the big decision has been made--it sounds like he followed his heart which, in the long run, will lead to career happiness and success! My sister lives in Boston and I just love it--so many young people there and such a great walking city. I predict you'll be visiting often :)

  50. Beautiful new start!!
    Have you ever made the same piece twice? Just curious.

  51. I do love the colors so far.
    Good luck on the dorm room lottery!!!!!!! :)

  52. Yippee for the boy child! Boston is one of my favorite cities and I know he will be a fabulous musician! You must be so proud of him?

  53. Your Ann Raynor is beautiful.

    Congratulations to the boy child:) Cute photo of him with Mia:)

  54. Congratulations to your son - I KNOW he will love it!! Now I have a hankering for some Ann Raynor......

  55. Hello
    I come from Carol's blog,
    I congratulate you for all your work!
    I love cats too

    a hug from Spain
    eljardindemiduende ^^

  56. I just saw Deb's Ann R. and it's beautiful! I love your start, too. It's a great sampler, and now I want to pull out my chart.

    Mia is so cute!

  57. Oh Margaret, thanks for telling us about your son's choice! That's a great school (I thought perhaps he'd choose the one in NYC). Mia must know something is going on! Glad you have your stitching mojo again!

  58. Your stitching on Ann Rayner is the colours too! I've been stitching small things recently, but hungering for a bigger project, and just can't settle in for one yet.

    Mia is absolutely adorable, as settling for a nap in Father's that is unique:)

  59. Ann is so pretty ~ looks like a fun one to stitch! Mia is a funny girl ~ sleeping in the pants!

  60. Well I'm comment number 61. Your stitching is amazing and your photos are great. Thank you so much for visiting my little blog and you can be sure I'm be back again because I love your blog a LOT.
    Lots of Love
    Patti xxx
