Monday, December 26, 2011

Year in review 2011, another stocking, and a gift

It seems weird to think 2011 is almost over and that the next time I will post to this blog will be in 2012.  Of course that means I have to show what I've stitched this year.  If you squint hard, you'll probably be able to see all the pieces in this pic.  My sidebar has a list of them if you want to know names.  (I've not shown all of SDW, but just two different parts of it.)

It's been a fun year of stitching!  Now I just need more funds for framing.  lol!

After finishing my Noah stocking, I realized I have 3 stockings all ready and waiting to be finished.  But wait, there are 4 members in my family!  So of course I had to start a last CHS stocking.  The only one I had kitted up was the Quaker Stocking, so that's the one I started.

I'm using 40ct Meadow Rue (one of the last pieces I had from the old days when the color was nice) along with the called for NPI.  I did throw in a bit of green though.  Couldn't resist.

 It's obviously not done yet.  I love Quakers, but I've gotten rather sick of stitching them.  So this one is a bit of a struggle to get through.  I did want to stitch a Quaker stocking though.  The father type and I used to attend Quaker meeting once upon a time.  And the girl child attended a Quaker summer camp as well.  Somehow Quakers have been a part of our lives, and having a stocking to commemorate that is rather nice.

I got another wonderful surprise in the mail the other day from Faye of Carolina Stitcher.  I was so surprised and touched!

It's a wallet Faye made herself.  Look at the gorgeous fabric!  And I love the button and the pretty zip pull charm!  Thank you so much, Faye!  I will use and treasure this!

Our little Mia does love to get into things.  She fell in love with some packing material from a box and just had to play hide and seek in it.  Can you see her?

I think she felt nice and safe inside all that stuff.  lol!  She's been a bit on the grumpy side since the girl child got home.  I do wish she would accept the girl child and not be a little meanie.

Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi.  I hope everyone who celebrates Christmas had a good one.  I know we did!

 I wish everyone a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2012.  Enjoy the last days of 2011!


  1. Wow! You got some really big samplers done! Congrats! Framing sure is a budget-buster, lol!

  2. Congrats on a big year of wonderful samplers, well done!

  3. I love seeing all you've accomplished in a year in one post. I'm so impressed. The Quaker stocking is coming along and you'll probably have another finish before the end of the year.
    Faye's gift is lovely.

  4. All gorgeous samplers and the stocking is so pretty!!!! Happy new year, can't wait to see what you stitch in 2012 :-).

  5. Oh the 4th stocking, I have to scour your blog now lol.
    Looks like your family has a very jolly time yesterday, so homely Margaret:))
    The wallet is gorgeous, love the toile fabric.
    Happy Boxing day (if that exist in the USA!

  6. That's a lot of lovely samplers stitched in 2011, and a lovely new start. Happy New Year!

  7. What a fabulous array of samplers. I would say it's now pretty obvious why you named your blog the way you did.

    Cute wallet. That's a beautiful fabric.

    I guess Mia is a little jealous of the girl child, ya think?

  8. Merry Christmas. I can't believe all you have accomplished this year! So many small stitches. They are gorgeous. I hope you can find the budget for framing them:) They deserve to be seen and admired.
    Mia is a cutie, but seems to want to be the only girl in the house:) Happy New Year - soon:)

  9. You have done some gorgeous samplers! The Quaker stocking is beautiful.

  10. What a wonderful group of samplers you finished this year! The stocking looks great, I think they will all look wonderful hung together.
    It looks like the whole family got lots of wonderful things.
    Fun! Fun!

  11. Great Christmas post - and your stitching just wows me. :)

  12. isn't it nice when you see them altogether and go "I did them" ... found Mia one or twice ... well done on the quaker stocking .. you sure stitched that bit quick ... love the wallet from Faye too :) love mouse xxxx

  13. Margaret! Such beautiful stitches!
    What a great gift from Faye! She does such beautiful work!
    Why is it that cats like to crawl into things??
    Looks like a good day for everyone! Enjoy the time with your family!

  14. What a wonderful work! So nice samplers! I am admiring. I have has dutch beauty sampler to begin I would like to be your neighbour to encourage to embroider.
    Mia the scamp, we see her a little under the packaging! Better wishes of Belgium in all four and to Mia also for 2012!
    (( Sorry for my english french is my mother language )

  15. Such a gorgeous sampling in 2011 - can't wait to see what's to come in your Happy New Year of 2012.

  16. Margaret your 2011 sampler review is stunning - I am always in awe of what you are able to accomplish every year. You are still my stitching idol. Hope you had a fun christmas - looks like everyone was enjoying the day. Your quaker stocking is looking lovely. Many happy stitches in the new year - mel

  17. I've so enjoyed your stitching and posts this year! May your 2012 be filled with Love, Peace & Joy!

  18. What a great year of finishes!! YGG!!!! Gorgeous. Looking forward to another great year of pics and reading your posts :) Looks like a wonderful Christmas at your house, Love the girl childs fur hat!!!!!!!
    Any thoughts on January starts?!!!

  19. Merry Christmas Margaret. Looks like your family had a wonderful time! Love the stocking.

    Best wishes to you for the New Year!

  20. Happy New Year Margaret.... ALL of your stitching is OVER THE TOP sheer delicious eye candy. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely works. It's great to see pics of your children too. They look like they had a great day!! And of course, warm hugs to sweet Mia. Such a nut to not like the girl child...what is with that?? I'm looking forward to a wonderful year full of stitching too!! Hugs

  21. Fabulous year of stitching! Thank you for providing us a glimpse of your world and beautiful work. Glad your Christmas was good - Happy New Year!

  22. Happy New Year to you also Margaret! Of all your finishes in 2011, do you have a favorite? Your kids are so cute!

  23. You accomplished so much beautiful stitching this year!! I am very impressed! Wishing you a very happy New Year!

  24. Love the finished works and Faye's wallet. Plus seeing the kids (did the girl child lighten her hair? inquiring minds want to know) and Mia-the-sneaky. Think of it this way: Mia is the little sister; if the girl child had a real little sister, the dynamic would probably be the same. Happy new year to your family. Can't wait to see what you stitch next year.

  25. Margaret, you have gotten some really big and beautiful samplers done! What a productive year you have had. I always enjoy seeing pictures of Mia - she is such a goof.

    I wish you and your sweet family a restful remainder of the year and a great start to 2012.

  26. oh my god !!!!! beautiful pictures my friend !!!!

    bisous de la France

  27. OMIGOD. I should enter your blog with caution only. I spent again a lot of time just staring....your samplers are SO beautiful Margaret. Love them all.
    Pity that framing is so expensive isn't it?

  28. Oh, what glorious samplers you've done this year, Margaret--you wish you had my ornaments, I wish I had your samplers :)

    Love your daughter's fun hat--must be the year for them as my youngest bought his girlfriend a very similar one!!

    Happy New Year to you and your entire family :)

  29. You got so much accomplished this year! Congratulations! Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas and everyone had a special day -- even Mia! I love the Quaker stocking so far. These will be so special to hang next year!

  30. You've certainly done a lot of stitching this year - all beautiful! You are an inspiration to me to get busy. :)
    I wonder why the linen colors change? I think one of my favorites used to be Navy Bean, but it doesn't seem to be the same anymore.
    I love your daughter's hat - it looks nice and warm. :)

  31. Awesome finishes in 2011, you are so inspiring!! I hope to post soon, but have misplaced the cord for downloading pictures...... Mia sure looked cute in your coat sleeve!!!!! Happy New Year to you and yours!!!

  32. You're Awesome Margaret! All that stitching accomplished in one year, and they are all bee-u-tiful! Congratulations!

    The gift from Faye is lovely - you're so lucky!

    Happy 2012 to you!

  33. Wow Margaret, that's quite an accomplishment !!! I am embarrassed to show you my finishes. LOL !!! I can't wait to see what you do in 2012 :-)

  34. 。° ˚* _Π_____*。*˚ ° 。° 。° 。° 。° 。° 。° 。
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    ˚ ˛ •˛• | 田田|門| ˚et BONNE ANNÉE 2012...

  35. Your samplers are truly amazing! Thank you for sharing their progress throughout 2011 with us, Margaret. I love your gorgeous Quaker stocking too, and am also an avid Quaker stitcher.

    It looks like your family enjoyed a very special Christmas. Of course, what would a post from you be like without your clever little Mia, up to one of her mysterious little tricks! Love that adorable cat:)

  36. I am so impressed with your 2011--you accomplished so much! You go girl! :) Lovely work on the stocking. Nice gift from Faye, too!

  37. Whoa! You certainly had a ton of accomplishments for 2011. You go, girl! You certainly stitch fast. Quaker Stocking is coming along beautifully.

    Lovely wallet Faye has made. She certainly is talented.


  38. You have been busy stitching this year. All so beautiful. I just love the photos of Mia and the children.

  39. I seriously have no words to compliment you on your accomplishments, other than to say amazing...simply A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
    I'd sure hate to be the one paying that framing bill, lol!
    I wonder if there will be any TSH ones in review for 2012?

  40. That's a lot of big samplers you stitched this year. WOW! Love your start on the Quaker stocking too - it's so pretty. What a sweet gift from Faye!

  41. Your stitching is just beautiful. You really kept those fingers busy. I wish for you a healthy and peaceful new year and hope to see more of your work.

  42. You have accomplished so much this year - it's just unbelieveable!! I want to be like you when I grow up! :o)

    I have to agree with you on framing breaking the bank. I'd love to get a few things framed, but it's just soooo expensive.

    Love the Quaker Stocking too. You've reminded me that I've wanted to do one of those for a long time, but have always shoved it back into the stash pile. Maybe I'll actually pull one out this year.

    Happy New Year Margaret!

  43. It looks like you had a fantastically productive 2011! So many big samplers! Congrats and Happy New Year!

  44. wow..!!! fantastic...
    happy New Year

  45. Look at all that gorgeous stitching in 2011!! Your Quaker stocking is coming along so nicely. Just think you can have them hanging next Christmas! What a lovely gift from Faye and what fun family pics! Happy New Year! Like you, I can't believe we're almost to the end of 2011. Where did the year go?!?!?!

  46. You got some great things stitched in 2011.

    Your stocking is looking gorgeous even if it is being a struggle to stitch.

    I hope you all have a great 2012

  47. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous work throughout the year. You're one of my THE inspirations - I love anything about your stitchings!! Enjoy the rest of the holiday season. Happy New Year!!

  48. One word: AMAZING!!! That collage of your samplers that you stitched this year is drool worthy!! Not to mention that Quaker stocking is just too perfect! I've been thinking about what Quaker pattern to do and I can't decide at all!! I want to do them all!!

    Such a pretty little purse Faye made for you!!! She is such a good sewer!! (I know how hard it is to put in a zipper now!)

    Mia is so funny! Why doesn't she like your daughter?? Your daughter seems lovely! That hat is pretty cute!!

    Happy New Year to you and your family and Mia!!

  49. ╭━━━╮╭━━━╮┈┏┓╭━━━╮..... H ............
    ┗━━╮┃┃╭━╮┃┏╯┃┗━━╮┃..... A ... N .....
    ╭━━╯┃┃┃┈┃┃┗┓┃╭━━╯┃..... P ... E ... Y
    ┃╭━━╯┃┃┈┃┃┈┃┃┃╭━━╯..... P ... W... E
    ┃┗━━┓┃╰━╯┃┈┃┃┃┗━━┓..... Y .......... A

  50. Hey Margaret!! Happy New Year!!
    I think I got this not being able to comment on Blogs thing worked out! I had been wanting to comment on your Blog each week!
    I am in amazement of your stitching.....fabulous!!!!
    I love seeing your progress each week, on whatever project you are working on!!
    Take care

  51. Oh, Margaret! Your 2011 finishes are gorgeous! How I enjoy living vicariously through your needle :-)

    Your CHS stockings are just lovely. What a great idea to stitch one for each member of your family. Now you have me thinking I might have to add a stocking to my "To Do List."

    Sorry to hear that Mia is still being a meanie to the girl child. I hope that one day things will change!

    Glad you had a Merry Holiday! I look forward to keeping up with more of your beautiful stitching in 2012!

  52. Happy belated Christmas and Merry 2012 to you and yours.

    Now, can you please share your secret? How the HECK to you get all that done in a year? Sheesh. You're making the rest of stitchingland look bad!

  53. Dear Margaret,I wish you and your family a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year 2012.
    Your mazaik with all your stitched Samplers is just gorgeous :-))

  54. Happy New Year, girlie!!!!!!!!!
    Can't wait to see what stitchy goodness you get into in 2012. :)

  55. Oh my, that's one of the posts that I love best. Seeing all your stitched pieces of one year is just stunning. Congratulations! And wow, that Quaker stocking progress picture is so beautiful!
