Monday, December 5, 2011

So I was wrong -- or the hazards of model stitching

So Paulette was kind to me and told me to send her model back even though there was a tiny bit more to stitch.  (Hopefully, Paulette thinks it's just a tiny bit too.)   And my supplies for stitching the next model hadn't arrived yet.  So I had a couple of days to play.  So I started something new.  A hazard of model stitching -- you figure you only have a bit of time till the next model comes, so you decide to stitch something new on the spur of the moment.

It's the Margaret Cottam mystery sampler by La D Da.  I think it's so pretty!  And very La D Da as well!  I haven't put in the last number on the year yet since I don't know when I'll finish it.  (I'm using the called for fabric in 40ct with the called for fibers.)

So then Saturday came and we went off to get our Christmas tree, tramping through the fields of our favorite tree farm up north, and marveling at all the enormously tall trees they had this year.  Just to show you how tall the tree is that we chose:

Tall!!  (The father type is 6 ft tall.)

So we did our usual cutting, driving home, decorating, etc.  And I figured that the model supplies would be waiting for me in the mailbox.  No supplies in the mailbox.  So what does my little mind say to myself?  Ooooh, more playtime!  And what kind of mood am I in now?  A Christmas one of course!  Time for another new start!

(I have to say that this is the first time in at least a couple of years that I've actually been in the mood for Christmas when we've put up our tree.  Yay!  It's really nice!)

So anyway, some friends were talking about those Carriage House Samplings stockings that we all want to stitch up.  And that got me to thinking.  Well, I have this one stitched up.

A Virtuous Woman Stocking
from a Hands to Work retreat kit
36ct fabric with NPI fibers

And I have this one stitched up.   (Please note: neither one is actually made into a stocking yet.  Sadly.)

Sampler Stocking by CHS
40ct Meadow Rue
NPI fibers

And I so want to stitch this one.

(I grabbed the picture from Kathy Barrick's old website.  I hope it's ok.)  

So guess what I started on Sunday?

Noah's Stocking by CHS
40ct Lentil
NPI fibers

I've had this kitted up and ready to go for years!

I'm already thinking about which other one to stitch.  lol!  I know I have the Quaker one ready to go (except maybe for fabric).  But I do love that Pennsylvania German one.  And I don't think I even have the chart.  Sigh.

Anyway, now you understand the hazards of model stitching.  Since there was another reprieve from the next model, it called for a second start.  lol!  Not good!  Poor Sarah Elizabeth Brooke.  (Remember her?)  Two starts while waiting for the model supplies.  I do know that if the supplies don't arrive today (which I think they will), I won't start another project.  I'm in the mood for Christmas stitching!

Mia has been just fine with the Christmas tree.  Unlike poor Chris, whose tribulations with her Christmas tree and her two cats can be read here.  Mia's reaction to the tree as it arrived was pretty much the same as last year, except for a bit more trepidation this time around.  She just didn't like something new to come into her house.  lol!  But she did sniff around and explore.  No real interest in the tree otherwise.

Hopefully, she'll continue to exhibit no interest in the tree.  :D

Some blogging friends have left suggestions as to what to show or what to discuss in my blog as I dive into model stitching again.  So next week, I will try to get to those suggestions.  It's so nice to talk to blogging friends and get ideas and be inspired!

I'll leave you with the picture I used for our annual Apple photo book that we send to our family members each year.  (And yes, we get a copy for ourselves as well!)   (And yes, I'm an Apple girl, through and through.)  Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi.  I hope everyone has a wonderful week!


  1. The stockings will look amazing!
    And the tree looks awesome. Have a very good and happy season.

  2. Enjoyed your post today ... every bit of it : ) Now I've gotta go check out those stockings : ) Blessings, Shirlee

  3. Can I tell you about the hazards of reading your blog???? HA HA HA :)
    I've wanted to stitch those stockings for years...for years....and then you show us yours already all stitched up and the one you started this weekend...OH GOODNESS!
    I bet you'll get your model supplies today...and Noah will have to take a rest. But I sure look forward to seeing him on a regular basis after that model is all finished!
    How cute your son and husband..that picture is great :)

  4. I thought the urge to even consider the CHS stockings had passed and then you have to go and show yours! UGH! Another thing to add to the new year's list! Yours look great. And I think you should just go right ahead and put 2011 on that La De Da sampler because I know you'll have it done in no time...model stitching or not! ;o) Love the humongous tree!

  5. Wonderful photos Margaret! I love those CHS stockings.

    Your tree looks fantastic. We put ours up at the weekend but we have an artificial one.

  6. Margaret --
    Your tree looks great (nice and big:))) and those stockings -- oh my, they are WONDERFUL!

    Good luck with your model stitching and that you get back to Noah before Christmas:)

  7. You are brave starting new designs while waiting! I would be scared to take the chance! I think VW is my favorite CHS stocking! Just beautiful!

    Love the Christmas tree pictures and Mia! Hope she behaves! Tell her that Santa knows who is naughty or nice! lol.

  8. Wow! That's quite the giant tree. Looks lovely.

    You are so funny with those new starts. Love those stockings. I don't know how you can resist finishing them for display. I can certainly understand wanting to do another in the series.

    Now you'll probably be upset if the model supplies come today. You have too much else to do!

  9. Oh Margaret...I love your stockings !! I have the Noah one to stitch as well. I think I might stitch it straight though as I have the Shepherd's Bush stockings for my family. Love the pics of the Christmas tree. My family has a ranch in Wyoming and they always pick a tree from the property for their Christmas tree. Those fresh trees really make the season don't they? Hope Mia the pic of her and your son!! Happy Holidays and happy stitching.

  10. Mia is much better behaved than Flip and Twist, who are on my Bad List. We just put the tree up last night and they've already broken one ornament and knocked down countless others. :(

    You have two stockings already stitched???? I'm so jealous!

  11. wonderful post Margaret - loved seeing your stitched CHS stockings - I have Noah about 1/2 done - I think every now and then I should finish him up LOL. Nice that you will be model stitching for Paulette's lovely designs. That should be fun for you. Your tree and all the festivities around cutting and decorating the tree looked fun - enjoy the season! Mel

  12. Nice stockings!Nice and big tree.....interest for Mia????

  13. Wow you need to get those stockings finished :-). They are so pretty!!!! Love the new starts too. Gorgeous tree, it's huge :-).

  14. Your initials are the same as Margaret Cottam? That is cool. I just finished my part 2 last night. I am loving it. I have always been a big fan of big Christmas trees...the bigger the better! Yours is beautiful. Love all of your stockings too.

  15. We always cut out own tree too.
    I always feel so guilty when I throw it out after New Year's because it is still so fresh with no needle drop at all!
    Good luck with Mia. They all react diferently to the tree. I have had some kittens ignore it, some bat the balls off, chew on the wires, (yikes), and then there was Munchkin, who just said, "ah tree! Trees are for climbing." Oh boy!
    Thankfully they do grow out of it. Usually the first year is the dangerous one! LOL
    Beautiful stitching as always!

  16. Yay for new starts! Aren't you loving Margaret Cottam? I do hope your model stitching shows up soon, so that you can get it started and not have to rush, but it's fun to have a little break. And your tree looks fabulous! I hope Mia stays out of it!

  17. Glad that you had a little time to do some personal stitching. :) I love the CHS stockings and yours are so pretty! Your tree looks great and HUGE. Sweet picture of your son and Mia. :)

  18. Ohhh I love the stocking, stunning:)) Wow you already have the tree decorated, fabulous and the size is just right LOL.
    Lovely stitching!
    Has Mia tried to climb to the top yet??

  19. The stockings are devine!! Well, all your projects are ;-)
    I've been thinking we need new stockings....

    I think your tree is a beautiful choice.

  20. OMG that tree is enormous. No wonder poor little Mia is intimidated.
    What's happening to you Margaret??? Has model stitching changed you into a rotational stitcher??? I'm so glad you got to work on some 'me' stitching in between the model stitching. The La-d-da piece and Noah's stocking are both great choices.
    Naughty me is hoping the model supplies don't arrive today and you're tempted to start a third project while you wait.

  21. Love the Stockings, especially the Sampler one!! La-D-Da looks great as well, I have that one, more stash!! The tree is so pretty, hope Mia behaves herself---lol

  22. ooooo those stockings look good and way to go on the model stitching ... hope they turn up soon ... my friends cats climb the tree every year soo she leave it until the very last moment to put it up :) love mouse xxxx

  23. Wow, talk about a big tree! It looks great, though! I love the stockings, and Margaret Cottam looks wonderful!

  24. Cats and trees... my last cat would climb to the top every night her first Christmas. I would lie in bed and hear it go'thump' in the night. Year after she could not be bothered:) Love the stockings! And as always awed at your immense production rate!

  25. Goodness me! Where to start? Wow that is one huge tree!!! Enormous. Love it. I put up my decs today as Lily's school was closed because of a power cut. It is a bit early for me as I usually follow the 12 days before and after rule. But I felt like it and so I did. And it is lovely and cosy. Love your stockings and new starts. Fantastic. You will have quite a lovely collection there. xx

  26. Beautiful stockings you stitched and I am sure Noah will be just as beautiful too! Your tree is huge and so pretty! Good luck on the model stitching!

  27. Ooh those stockings are so beautiful! You know, I have a very soft spot for all things Noah. I have several Noah samplers in my stash. I really must make time to stitch them and hunt down some more for my collection. I haven't bought a Noah chart for a long time. You've now reminded me about him. (smile) Your tree is beautiful!

  28. Margaret, those stockings are beautiful!!

    Your tree looks very beautiful, and tall. You must have tall ceilings at your house!

    Blessings of the season to you and your family.

  29. Your tree looks amazing Margaret! I am so glad that Mia is being a good girl.
    Those stockings are amazing!
    Good luck with the model stitching it can really sidetrack those other projects.
    Have a great week!

  30. Beautiful tree and yes, it is really big. Love those CHS stockings. So beautiful. Have fun with the model stitching.

  31. Now that's a tree!!! I always admired Mary Beale's stockings but never wanted to put that much stitching into a project displayed for a short time. Then I saw your CHSes. I'm rethinking.

  32. Your stockings look great! Awesome new start! The tree looks beautiful!!

  33. Your tree is gorgeous! We haven't put our tree up yet; it's artificial - we've never had a real one (but maybe one year we will give it a try!)

    Always look forward yo seeing your stitchy photos!

  34. I love the idea of the annual photo book. Very smart!

    Cute stockings! Will you do the finishing yourself?

  35. You tree is huge! It looks great all decorated. I am so glad to hear that Mia is leaving the tree pretty much alone. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will stay that way.

    Your stockings are beautiful!! I want to stitch more of them and display them all year round. Margaret C. looks great as well.

  36. Pretty new starts! Your older stockings are spectacular.

  37. Those stockings are beautiful. Are you going to "finish" them or wait till the last one is stitched? Your tree is wonderful...what a lovely way to find a tree.

  38. Wow--love those stockings, Margaret... So glad you could squeeze in some stitching time just for yourself in between model stitching. I guess that is one downside of it...

    That is one lush looking tree! I sure wish we could get a real one, but with my middle son's allergies it is out of the question. Glad Mia is behaving around it :)

  39. merveilleuses ces photos !
    beautiful picture, have a good time my friend

  40. What a fabulous tree! It has the perfect shape and look at all those branches for hanging stitchies off of! (I don't like that type of pine that has, like, one anemic branch here and one there. Pffft.)
    Mia is just one cool cat, through and through. My cats don't climb the tree either - they prefer to sleep under it. I put a bed under there and they fight over it. lol
    I love how your idea of something 'small' to stitch is a big stocking vs. the itty-bitty LHN ornaments everyone does or something. They are fab stockings though. I say go for it!!! :)

  41. Those stockings are out of this world! You are so amazing the way you whip this stuff up! Speechless - love the tree, the boy, and kittie, too.

    The word verification is "squinti", which I figure you have to be when you are done with one of those stockings!!

  42. What a tree! I like the pictures of your son and Mia in front of it.
    Your stockings are awesome! You will Noah finished in no time.

  43. Now THAT is a Christmas tree! And those are some beautiful stockings... can't wait to Noah's progress - and if those supplies don't come today, which one you decide to stitch up next. Happy Stitching to (and for) you!

  44. La D Da's mystery sampler is looking lovely! I'm hoping to get started on mine over the New Year's weekend. CHS's sampler stockings are one of my favorites, but haven't stitched any. Yours look so tempting though! And look at that huge fresh tree!! I can even smell of that from there. Looks like Mia is enjoying being around, too. Good for her!

  45. Margaret, your CHS stockings are beautiful, and I can see why you are inspired to stitch more of them.

    What fun it is to cut your own very special Christmas tree...something that we have always loved doing together in our family too. It looks really beautiful with all of your ornaments on it....and I notice that Mia was right in the center of it all:)

  46. Love those stockings, especially the Noah one. I'm not CHS person but I really like that one. I'm glad Mia likes her tree, it was so nice of you'all to share it with her. We are doing ours this weekend, which us luck..Merry Christmas to you

  47. Wonderful Christmas tree!!!! Really enjoyed reading all about your stockings and, given that you have several already stitched, I definitely think you should be stitching more of them!!!! Hope the new model supplies have arrived and you are enjoying working on it!

  48. Well darn it. I was going to offer to loan you the Pennsylvania Dutch stocking pattern, since I'm pretty sure I have all the CHS stocking patterns, but it seems when I was sorting through charts to bring with me to San Diego, that wasn't one of them. Not a single CHS stocking pattern in my tiny little file box.

    If you still haven't started it by the time I get re-united with my household goods that are in storage, the offer of a loan is still open.

  49. Wow! Sounds like a great weekend! Love your tree and how great that Mia doesn't go after it!
    Love your stockings and can't wait to watch you do the next one and then seem that all together!

  50. Pretty stockings. So did the model supplies arrive yet? Your Christmas tree is gorgeous.


  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Great post - just the best stitching stream of consciouness! Love your stockings, and the happy stitching tidbits. It's inspring, and I just wonder how you keep on doing all that 40 ct. Always joyous to read your blog, even if I feel guilty about the unfinished things sitting in my stands...
    Ellice - another Apple girl all the way

  53. Oh my gosh!! Those stockings are simply to die for!! I have never seen stockings like that, but boy do I want one!!!! They will look so amazing all finished and hung up!! Your Christmas tree is HUGE!!! Reminds me of when my dad and I would go hunting for trees and I would always pick a big one. Of course it didn't seem so big out there in the woods, but when we brought it home, we would always have to chop off the top half...which we used for us kids as a little wee christmas tree!!

    Mia I heart Mia !!


  54. It's always fun to see what you play with, lol. A great new start! Or should I say starts? That mystery sampler looks sooooo promising. And the stocking, well, you are so right when you say that there are many many stitchers who have always wanted to stitch those CHS stockings. Me too!!!! They are absolutely wonderful but I haven't stitched a single one so far. I'm already curious to see where you are by now with the Noah stocking.

  55. That is some tree. Your stitching is gorgeous.

  56. I love the design on the virtuous woman stocking but it just doesn't feel all that festive to me. It does showoff your beautiful stitching! I have Noah and seeing it again maybe I will pull him out.

    Thanks for sharing your tree hunt. I miss that since moving to the deep south -but putting up outside lights when it is short weather makes my DH very happy.

  57. Oh, the stockings are just to die for! I love the Sampler Stocking - it has to be my favorite.... I can't wait to see how they all look finished and hanging.
