Monday, November 21, 2011

Margaret done, Sarah started

Here is Margaret -- so pretty!

Margaret W. Brown by Milady's Needle
40ct Vintage Palomino
AVAS 100/3

I love the colors!

And I've started something new too.  Sarah Elizabeth Brooke by my friend Tanya at The Scarlett House.

I'm using 40ct something -- I think Homespun??  Not sure.  And the called for Belle Soie silks.

If you want to see the whole thing, go to Tanya's blog here.  It's so pretty, right?

Here's Mia having fun in a box.

Thanks for stopping by and saying hi.  I hope everyone in the US has a wonderful Thanksgiving.  And that everyone has a great week!


  1. Sooo pretty! You have made a lot of headway on your new WIP too.

  2. Margaret will be a beautiful addition to your Margaret wall. I love the colors too.

    And a good start on the new one.

    Have a great Thanksgiving!

  3. Congrats on finishing Margaret... she's beautiful. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. Congratulations on another absolutely gorgeous finish Margaret. You're right about those colours. They are beautiful.

    Lovely new start too.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  5. Well done, she's pretty! Great new start too.

  6. More lovely work I see
    Enjoy your Holiday ;)

  7. Wonderful finish and a wonderful new start!

  8. Margaret is gorgeous, and I love the colors too! Is Mia ready for turkey day? Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Margaret - your recent finishes are gorgeous - Ann - just exquisite and I've always loved Margaret Brown - your new start Sarah Elizabeth is just as lovely. I hope you and your family have a wonderful t-giving holiday and you have a great week - Mel

  10. Oh, I LOVE Margaret and what beautiful colours... another lovely finish for your Margaret Sampler Wall, Margaret~ :) And what a wonderful start on Sarah Elizabeth Brooke ~ I want to stitch them both... they are gorgeous~ Mia is adorable as always... Wishing you and your family and Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving~~~ Blessings always in stitches...

  11. Very pretty Margaret congrats. Nice beginning of the SL sampler which is very very gorgeous indeed :D
    Have a good Thanksgiving!!

  12. Beautiful finish on Margaret! I love the colors too. And yay for starting Sarah!!!

  13. Margaret is sooooo pretty!
    Love those big pink flowers!

    What is it with cats and boxes?
    I always feel so guilty throwing out the mangled, gnawed boxes that they are so enthralled with!

  14. oooo love those colours and way to go on the new start ... you have been busy ... love mia in the box too ... hope you have a great thanksgiving this week too :) love mouse xxxx

  15. Margaret looks beautiful! Love your new start too! You have been busy:))

    Have a nice Thanksgiving Margaret!

  16. Very beautiful!
    Wow, you have an amazing selection of samplers - very amazing ;-)

  17. Hey, Margaret! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

    Beautiful work!



  18. Your Margaret finish is gorgeous! What a pretty addition it will be for the Margaret sampler wall!

    Pretty start on Sara Elizabeth! I hope to start her this week, too! You'll probably be finished with her by the time I start.

    That Mia - she is so cute! I know she is fun to have around the house.

  19. What a cutie little Mia is! Love Margaret and love Sarah (and now I need to get mine out and get cracking). Thank you for your lovely messages these last few weeks.

  20. Congratulations on the finish, Margaret! It looks great. Love your start on Sarah, too!

  21. Boy, you are prolific:) Love the finish and looking forward to see more of the start. Happy Thanksgiving:)

  22. very nice pictures ...
    I love the colors

    have a good time

  23. Margaret is so pretty, congrats on the finish! You have a good start on Sarah!

  24. Both samplers are gorgeous. Mia's pretty cute, too!

  25. Oh Margaret, Margaret Brown is really lovely. Are you thinking of doing her Sister as well. Great progress on Sarah. It is such a lovely sampler and is in my basket.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving my friend - Sandra.

  26. How did you do that so fast?? It is utterly gorgeous. :)

  27. It's truly gorgeous! Congratulations my friend :)
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  28. OH MY GOSH...beautiful finish and beautiful start. You are is sweet Mia !! Hugs

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  29. The colors are beautiful, what a lovely finish! It looks like you've finished the border on your new start ~ maybe I need to start doing that, I get so bogged down on borders. I've got my Mia fix for the week. She looks like such a sweetie. :) Wishing you and your family a happy Thanksgiving!

  30. You are a speed demon! Margaret looks fab! And great start on Sarah. Hope you and yours have a very Happy Thanksgiving.

  31. Beautiful as always Margaret. I'm anxious to see your progress on Sarah. It's such a beauty and I love large house samplers. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  32. Wow! Such a beautiful finish Margaret! I love those colors too! And the progress on your new piece is fantastic!! Hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  33. Another beautiful finish and fabulous start!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  34. Margaret is beautiful !!! I love that pop of blue color. I can't wait to see more of Sarah. When do you think you'll have it finished, by the end of the week ??? LOL!!!

  35. Peek a boo. I see you, Mia! Your finish is beautiful and the new start will be awesome too! Happty Thanksgiving.

  36. Such flying needles you have, my dear! I love the colors, too! SEB is in my stash... so you know I love her and am waiting for your finish - which won't be long for sure! Happy Stitching to you.

  37. Always something fabulous going on with your needles! That Mia is so cute AND entertaining! Happy Thanksgiving Margaret!

  38. Gorgeous!!!!
    And what a pretty start on Sarah
    Mia is a cutie pie

  39. Beautiful stitching work! I love Mia in the box especially the "peek-a-boo" one!

  40. My Heavens you're not only a lovely stitcher, but such an amazingly fast one as well. However do you do it? There must be a secret.

    Have a peaceful Thanksgiving!

  41. Gorgeous samplers Margaret!! I understand the "Margaret" wall! I have meant to reply to you earlier, but life got busy. I love a cat in a box with paper!! She's the cutest lil' thing!

  42. Wonderful finish and great new start! It's going to be another beauty!!

  43. lovely lovely lovely ! More lovely work !
    I love the colors too !

  44. lovely lovely lovely
    wonderful finish

  45. I love the colors on this piece too! So pretty.

    Have a great thanksgiving!!!!!!! :)

  46. Beautiful work!

    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  47. Another gorgeous finish from your flying needle.
    This one is a beauty. I love the pretty colours.
    Your're already making great progress on your next masterpiece.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  48. Margaret, you're starting and finishing projects faster than I can keep up! I totally love your Margaret, the colors are so soft and beautiful, a nice change from the bold reds I think you and I both love.

    I just broke down and bought Sarah yesterday, but I swear she's not getting started until I finish up some others first. Way too many samplers started, and a few can be blamed on your gorgeous pictures.

  49. I am always in awe of your stitching Margaret.

    Margaret Brown is beautiful but I'm very much looking forward to seeing you stitch up Sarah E Brooke.

    Oh how I love the samplers you stitch.

    Do you mind sharing how you stitch? Do you use a frame/hoop or do you stitch in hand?

  50. Beautiful finish, nice start and cute, cute kittie!!

  51. Margaret Brown is so lovely and now it will be inspiring to watch your progress unfold with your newest piece, Sarah Elizabeth Brooke!

    That cutie, Mia! A day without her adorable mischief would be like a day without sunshine, wouldn't it?

  52. Such a lovely, springlike, piece! But I dearly love Brooke! She's in my stash waiting for some day... I'll be happy to see your past pieces, and am happy for model stitchers - otherwise we'd not be enticed, would we? Happy stitching to you.

  53. Your samplers are so beautiful. I have greatly enjoyed reading your blog and my wish list has just grown considerably. Mia is a sweetheart. xxx
