Monday, June 20, 2011

Just the family.......

I am stitching away, but I'm stitching on that secret stitching that I'm not allowed to show you yet.  So this post will be boring for stitchers -- sorry!

It's been a family sort of week.  The boy child had his school concert, which included more of his jazz ensemble.  The girl child actually came too, which was nice.  Here are the kids after the concert was over.

We also had the father type's father and stepmother visiting this past week.

Then over the weekend, we went up to my sister's house to visit my father (who was visiting up there) and my sister and her family.  No pictures -- I brought the camera, but somehow it was everyone else who got pictures.  I'm hoping my BIL will send me some.

Mia and the girl child stayed home for the weekend by themselves.  Unfortunately, their relationship -- which has been on shaky ground anyway -- seems to have gotten worse instead of better.  Not sure what Mia has against poor girl child.

Mia is good at looking innocent though.

And she takes a lot from the boy child.  (lots of indignities!)

At least Mia loves her boy child.

In case you're wondering, the tumbling blocks quilt is one I made.  The one underneath it is an antique quilt.

I'm still catching up on chores and stuff from all the activity this past week.  Sorry for the boring post.  I'll try to make it more interesting next week.

Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi.  Don't forget -- WIMBLEDON!!!!   And Isner vs Mahut tomorrow.  Tennis fans will know what I'm talking about.  :D  Have a great week!


  1. Margaret...I love your posts ... stitching or not! Love seeing the pics of your family and glad the girl child got to come home. Yes...Mia is quite innocent looking, but look at the sleeping love head to head !! ADORABLE.. Have a great secret stitching week!! Hugs

  2. Lovely family pictures Margaret, an important blog post!!
    Love the bit of stitching Mia is snuggling on lol.
    Look forward to your secret stuff:)

  3. Very nice family pictures. Looks like you had a busy week.

    Can't wait to see an update on your stitching:)))

  4. Your blog post is not boring at all Margaret. It's lovely as usual. With or without stitching.
    And yesssss....Wimbledon started. I'm glued to the tv.

  5. A great Father's Day week!

    I guess Mia is partial to men... not un-common for lots of women!

  6. beautiful family !!!

    have a good day my friend

    marylin france

  7. Sorry to hear that Mia isn't warming up to your daughter - maybe she's jealous of any attention your son gives to someone else! Sounds like busy family time recently!!

  8. Not boring at all!! The first photo is fabulous - I love your daughter's reflection in the piano.

    Enjoyed all the other pictures as well.

  9. We know there is more to Margaret than being an extraordinary stitcher, so your posts are not boring at all. I'm sure we'll be seeing linen and thread very soon!
    And Mia.

  10. Love the tumbling blocks quilt. Glad you enjoyed time with the extended family this past weekend.

  11. Great family pics, Margaret! Your DD reminds me so much of my girlfriend that stood up in my wedding - she was (still is) a beautiful, teeny tiny gal and looked a whole lot like your DD.

    Love the quilts you posted - your tumbling blocks is great but boy, oh boy, did the antique quilt catch my eye. Very pretty!

  12. lovely photos .. may be Mia is a boy child cat not a girl child .. sometimes they are funny like that .... hope you have a good time stitching the secret stuff :0 love mouse xxxx

  13. What does Mia do to your daughter? I can't imagine her being mean to anyone!

  14. Definitely not boring, it's lovely to have a glimpse into your family life. Maybe Mia just isn't used to having your girl child around to share HER boy child..? Glad you've had a good week and enjoy Wimbledon..

  15. Lovely newsy post Margaret. Your tumbling blocks quilt looks wonderful - and Mia is sleeping on it !! I guess Mia just knows that the boy child belongs to her.

  16. Maragret!!! Love to hear about your family, and enjoy all the pictures. You have been very busy! The sleeping boy child and Mia make me smile!!!!

  17. Oh, some great pics - family are wonderful!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  18. hmmmm, I think your boy has been whispering 'bad' things about his sister to Mia! lol. Ahhh, a boy and his cat! Very sweet friends indeed!

  19. Very lovely family pictures. And although I'm not really a cat person I love to read the stories about Mia and the boy child and to see the pictures. They're just too funny, lol.

  20. Great pics!! It looks like a fun week. With Duffy, he gets mad at DD when she goes away--and so when she gets back, he is standoffish. If it's just week to week, he gallops to her when she comes in and acts like we've been holding him captive and she's rescuing him. If it's longer, he barely opens an eyelid to notice her arrival. Maybe it's something like that with Mia--or she just doesn't like your DD usurping what she figures is her place in the family! LOL

  21. Sorry Mia's still hissing at the GC. I hope she stops soon!! Glad that you had some good family time, with your family and his! It's all wonderful. Your quilts are lovely too!

  22. What's more important than family ?
    And Mia...she's always in the best places !
    Love the quilts too !

  23. What wonderful family pictures! You certainly have been a busy lady! Family time is precious but always seems to be tiring too!

    Funny that Mia does not feel any love lost for your daughter! The same thing happened to me when I was in college. One summer when I was home, we got a new kitten named Libby. That summer, Libby and I were inseperable and then after summer was over it was time to head back to college. When I came home for Thanksgiving, she was distant towards me. When I came home for Christmas she was downright mean! Between Thanksgiving and Christmas she was spayed and I think that had something to do with her attitude change! Now, (years later) she tolerates me and when nobody is looking she rubs on me and purrs! So, there is still hope for Mia and girlchild!

  24. Mia must feel too much competition with your girl child! She does look innocent in that picture though!

  25. Mia sure does love your son! The quilts are fabulous by the way. I loved seeing the family photos too - so glad you had a good visit.

  26. Lovely pics - I've wanted to do a tumbler quilt for awhile! Cute kids and adorable Mia - lucky lady! Tennis time = stitching time in my house too. Always happy for the two week grand slams!

  27. I did enjoy seeing all the pics Margaret! Mia looks so sweet! Aaahhh, Wimbledon - need I say more?!?!?!?!

  28. You have a wonderful and beloved family , Margaret, and that is the best treasure of the life :-)
    Please, be sure your blog is never boring and I so love your little Mia.
    Have a nice day,

  29. Not boring at all, family are what makes the world go round, bloggers included.

  30. great pictures...oh boy love seeing the quilts of course!

  31. Hello Margaret ! very nice family !
