Monday, April 25, 2011

Getting my Rambo on

Yup, you guessed it.  I couldn't resist Susan Rambo's charms.  I kept seeing Tamami's gorgeous progress pics of her Susan and I had to start her.

Susan Rambo Sampler
from SANQ Spring 2011
40ct Meadow Rue
NPI fibers with 1 or 2 substitutions

She's so pretty -- again, the colors called to me.

In other news, the boy child had last week off for spring break, so not as much stitching done.  He had his rehearsal with his accompanist for his NYSSMA audition last Monday.  (This is the audition that determines whether one goes to All State or Area All State or nothing.)  The boy child is not as well prepared this year as he was last year -- I think the hs musical took away from his practice too much.  :(   

Some of you have asked me to post a video of the boy child playing his classical pieces.  Well, the boy child refuses to let me do so with this piece since he's not as ready as he'd like to be.  But I thought in case you were curious as to what he's playing for his NYSSMA piece, I'd post this -- a youtube video of the piece.  The boy child will only have piano accompaniment, not an orchestra as in the video.  And he won't be playing the piece as fast either!  But you'll get an idea of what he's playing at least.

Hope that works!

We had a nice, quiet Easter.  The father type is on antibiotics -- he was forced to go to the doctor kicking and screaming on Friday after resisting the idea all week and was diagnosed with bronchitis and possibly walking pneumonia.  Silly boy would have recovered much more quickly if he'd gone sooner!  But the father type was up to cooking the ham for Easter, and I did the various side dishes to go with it.  The boy child had lots of Easter candy, as did the grownups.  :D

Here's Mia looking wary at the foot of the table all set up with Easter dinner.  She seemed a bit flustered by all the Easter activity going on.

I hope everyone had a good Easter or passover.  Happy Anzac Day (is that what you say?) to those of you on the other side of the world.  Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi.  It's wonderful to be part of our community of stitchers and bloggers!


  1. Gorgeous start on Susan, such pretty colours! Hope your DH is feeling better soon.

  2. Margaret, Susan is so pretty! Love your fabric choice. kelley

  3. Beautiful start on Susan, Margaret!! I love this sampler. I really want to start her soon!! :) Hope your dh gets to feeling better soon!!

  4. Oh Margaret!! you might even finish it before Merumo lol.
    Gorgeous, like the linen you are using too.
    Yes Mia wants to jump up that table:))

  5. Hi Margaret, I think you were right not to resist to this new sampler: your start is lovely and the colors very joyful :-))I hope your DH feels better very soon :-))
    Have a nice week,

  6. Oh wow what a beautiful start!! Those colours are just so pretty.

  7. Hello my friend, I was on I told myself every day still no news on my blog but when an article will appear it will be magical as always my God this is sublime embroidery you have great taste in their choice, j just love the bright colors! Your husband must take care of him !!!!!!!!
    I'm glad your article today and I am very eager to see more of your embroidery, embroidery of your wonderful!
    your friend from France

  8. Susan is going to look so pretty! Love the colors.

    Hope your DH feels better soon.

    Have a great week

  9. Susan Rambo is looking good! I'm curious as to what substitutions you made (and why).

    Hopefully your DH will feel much better soon. It sounds serious. Sometimes it's hard to get men to go to the doctor. Greg usually feels so much better after 2 days that there is no way I'm getting him to go until he's really sick.

  10. Oh, good heavens, how pretty! I started it, did one flower and that was it--moved on. And now I'll have to reconsider, thanks to you. Hope the man-child is doing well (what is it with men and not going to the Dr.? Tom needs some work on a knee and would rather limp around than go get it taken care of.)

  11. Me gustan tus trabajos y te felicito por ellos
    tijeras y cuchara

  12. Oh Margaret....I love your Susan Rambo...but then what don't I love that you select to stitch. I love the colors too. I don't think anyone could be bored stitching this lovely.

    Thanks for sharing the BC's music. That is a beautiful piece. I can't wait to see/hear him playing it.

    And cute Mia...they do get set in their own ways and when there's a change they seem to say...what the heck?

    Have a great stitching week!! Hugs

  13. Ohhh, another pretty Susan R. to ogle! I'm like you I just love the colors. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to resist her charms but I'm staying strong for now and will just watch everyone's progress. Enjoy stitching on her she's beautiful!

    Hope the boy child does well even if he's not as well prepared and that your DH is well soon.

  14. You are so fast Margaret! I can't believe how much you have gotten done on this so far. I can see myself being pulled into this one. The colors are just so pretty!!

    I'll bet that you'll have problems with the Boy Child playing that piece for you even when he's good and ready. If he's anything like my son, they stay away from cameras, etc. But the music is beautiful.

    Hope that your husband is feeling better soon. Probably would be by now if he'd just listened to you, right?

  15. Great new start! Those are my kinds of colors!

  16. I love the new start, those colors are so pretty.

  17. Susan is a beautiful sampler - I can see why you were drawn to her! You've gotten a lot accomplished, already!

    Hope the father type is feeling better!

  18. Another beautiful project you have going. Glad you had a good Easter. Happy stitching....

  19. Wonderful progress on your Susan Sampler. The colours are so lovely and cheerful. It looks like a really wonderful piece and your stitching is just beautiful.

    Tell your DH to take care of himself. My husband always downplays everything too, until my nurse daughter and I(retired nurse)start fussing over him and convince him that it really is important to have a visit to the doctor. Then he goes...thank heavens! Our dear husbands are, after all, just little boys in grown up bodies, aren't they? Bless their sweet little hearts!

  20. A local DF of mine is stitching Susan and I saw it yesterday - it is soooo pretty - I can see why you were drawn in to the beautiful spring like colors. Hope you DH starts feeling better soon. Have a great week! Mel

  21. Oooooh, what a pretty sampler, Margaret! Darn, I wish I could've gotten my hands on this SANQ issue. The giraffe sampler was the one I had my eyes on :o)

    I hope your husband recovers soon!

    Beautiful piece your son's studying!

  22. Margaret! Your needle has started flying again with Susan now!! What a lovely start!! I better get back with my girl to work faster as I see you are following right nehind me!!! Isn't she pretty with all the springy flowers in bloom? Hope your DH feels a lot better and your boy child passes the audition. One thing I really miss living here in the desert is good classic music concerts like what you have in NYC. Mia looks like lost what to do underneath of the dinner table with good food.

  23. What a lovely start! Susan is so pretty...a perfect start for spring!

    Best of luck to the boy child and I hope the father type continues to recover quickly!

  24. Fantastic start, Margaret!! I can't wait to get started on my rendition. Love the blog title!

  25. Gorgeous start on Susan (are you sure you just started her????). Hope that the Father type is well soon and that the boychild nails that audition.

  26. Now THAT'S a border! I have to go look this up online and see the whole sampler. Beautiful colors and flowers.

  27. I totally agree with you on the Rambo colors. They're gorgeous. Your cat is beautiful! Glad you had a good Easter, and good luck to your son. Hope your hubby feels better soon!!

  28. Lovely new stitching Margaret, fabulous colours. Hope your man is feeling better, you would think they'd learn to listen to us wouldn't you..? Anzac Day, hmm, I don't know what you would say. I guess it's a bit like your Memorial Day? It's a day to remember the thousands slaughtered in the landing at Gallipoli in 1915, a day where all the soldiers (diggers) get together. It's a day of remembrance I for us Aussie's the thing we say is 'Lest We Forget'....

  29. I stayed home for Easter while every one else went to my sister's for brunch. Not such a bad way to spend a holiday - quiet, peaceful, and leftovers brought to me on a plate. I am almost ready to start a stitching project for my recuperation. In fact, I woke from a dream in which I was embroidering a tea cozy and talking in my dream about making a quilt from the "same colors". So now I have to figure out what I was dreaming about so I can make it!

  30. Susan Rambo is looking great! The colours are stunning!! Hope your DH is feeling better soon. I must admit that I am the same way and have once or twice been dragged to the doctors kicking and screaming.

  31. Woo hoo... you've gotten a fabulous start on Susan R. I'll enjoy watching your progress.
    Hope DH recovers quickly now and DS doesn't get contaminated. :-)

  32. Hi Margaret, Susan is looking beautiful as I knew she would be. You are making great progress on it.
    The BC's piece of music is lovely. Hope that the Husband Type is feeling better soon. Mine is still having problems walking around. I think we might end up at the Doctors again tomorrow. Which means a trip to see a Specialist. Today is still a Holiday with Easter and Anzac Day. - Sandra.

  33. Oh boy, the flying needle strikes again! lol Susan Rambo is looking gorgeous! I can't believe you've gotten so much done but those colors are a driving force aren't pretty and the flowers!

    Hope that your DH feels better soon and that the Boy Child does better on his audition than he think he will.

  34. Your Susan is really beautiful. If I was a faster stitcher, I would have started her as well. The colors are fabulous.

    Looks like Mia would like a bit of Ester Dinner!! Glad your DH felt well enough to tackle some of the cooking. Hope he recovers completely this week.

  35. Your newest sampler start is gorgeous! I agree that the colors are just beautiful and combined look even more so. Enjoy! Mia is so cute!

  36. Such a pretty new start, Margaret--I'm constantly amazed at how quickly you stitch!! Best of luck to your son on his auditions--I'm sure he'll do well!

  37. Oooooooh, absolutely STUNNING!! If I didn't already have a ton of things started, I may have to hunt down this sampler and get it going! Just gorgeous, girlfriend!!


  38. your new start look georgeous and the colors are so sweet,bravo!


  39. Susan is looking lovely, such nice colours. Hope your DH is starting to feel a bit better.

  40. What a nice start on Susan. She's a beauty!

    When does the boy child have his audition? Wishing him the best for it!

  41. Gorgeous!

    Also, I do love a cat on a wood floor.

    Glad you got the FT to get some meds to shake off that walking Pneumonia!

    Makes me wonder if he is in the medical field--the do say doctors are the worst patients! :D

  42. Susan looks great, Margaret !!! I see a another quick finish in the horizon :-)

  43. You will have Susan done in no time. I love the colors. Hope your dh is feeling better now.

  44. Susan is beautiful! I have her here....looking at me....saying "stitch me....stitch me".....seriously, I am thinking of stitching her.

    Ah...your father type is like our father type.....maybe all father types are like that...LOL

    Glad you had a great Easter! Easter candy has no calories you know! LOL

  45. Susan's looking gorgeous, great start

  46. Great new start - it's a really beautiful sampler.

  47. Awesome colors! I can see why they called to you. Can't wait to see more of it.

  48. Ms. Rambo is gorgeous! Just the colors we need to get us in the "spring" mode.

  49. Beautiful colors in the border! I can't wait to see more. I hope your DH feels better soon. Isn't it just a man to put his pride ahead of his health? I have the same problem with mine.

  50. Margaret,

    You got me going crazy! LOL I love your finishes and your WIP's - several are now on my wish list pile.

    I finally caved in and ordered myself a subscription to SANQ because of you! Bad girl... :P

    LOVE Susan Rambo - I plan on doing her on Zweigart 14 ct Aida Dark Moss. Can't wait to start! LOL

    Hugs and Love,

  51. Hi Margaret. As always I love your sampler! You always are working on something fabulous.
    Love the music too. How on earth did you motivate your son to practice so much. I need some tips! LOL.
    Hugs to you, and thanks for the birthday wishes!
