Monday, January 17, 2011

Quick post

It's a rushy rushy sort of day.  Snow and ice (ICE!!) expected tomorrow so a quick grocery trip has already been done.  MLK day so no school today.  Mia has already managed to knock my stitching and my water bottle on the ground -- thank goodness the water that spread all over the floor didn't get to my stitching! 

Anyway, been crazily working on Jane.  Here she is.  Just one more color of green to fill in on the grass (lots of it too!) and I'm done!

I love all the animals!  Don't you?

Whoops!  I guess that's a person.  lol!

That red cow is my favorite! 

I've really been enjoying all the crazy 15 challenge projects.  I don't know how all of you who are participating do it.  I'd go mad!   lol!  And of course Nashville market is coming up.  I know I'm going to be in trouble -- and I need to be good too!  I guess if I manage to be good, I'll just have a very very long wish list.  Sigh.

Australian Open started last night.  Yay!!!  It was good to see the fund raising event for the terrible floods in Queensland the tennis players participated in. 

Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi.  Sorry to run but it's that sort of day!  Have a great week, everyone!  Let's hope for no more snow and ice!  lol!


  1. Gorgeous, I can't believe how close you are!!!! Stay warm and safe, I hate ice...

  2. Jane is looking great. I love all those cute animal motifs.

    Take care and bundle up against the elements!

  3. It's beautiful! Love the animals too!

    Tomorrow sounds like a good day to stay in and stitch!

  4. You just amaze me!! I bet you have 15 fairly large samplers finished before a lot of the crazy challenge folks finish theirs. Ann is fabulous, and you are so close to finishing. Yes, Nashville is looming - I am already starting my list, and then there is the Paris Needlework show.... cha ching!

  5. Your sampler is looking so gorgeous! I just love the colors and the little animals are too cute too:))

    Have a great week.

  6. WOW!! You are moving on Jane!!!! You will be done with her this week!!!!!! I love the red cow too, and how the horses look like they are marching in formation. Very very cool piece. Hope you dont get any snow :)

  7. Fantastic! I couldn't have stitched it better myself, lol!
    You really put the rest of us to shame with your speeding needle.

  8. Gorgeous progress...Hope all the filling in goes fast for you!! AND, glad that water bottle did not create havoc for you!! Take care, Faye

  9. Jane is looking gorgeous Margaret! You constantly amaze me by how quickly you stitch these large projects :D

  10. Jane is goreous! Love the animals. Stay warm and safe.

  11. Jane looks stunning! You are so close to her finish, too. Keep at it. I usually get tired of a piece near the end and have to struggle to finish or it finds it's way to the WIP pile.

    I hope the ice misses you. Snow is ok but ice is awful! Stay warm and stitch.

  12. Wonderful Margaret...just wonderful. I love Jane Tindall. And I love your new blog header with all that you hold so, stitching and Mia.

    Warm hugs dear friend....

  13. Jane is looking great! You're almost done. Stay safe and warm...

  14. I love the animals too - especially the different cows! You need to share your secrets for accomplishing so much, so quickly, and so beautifully!

  15. I hope that you don't get that storm that you're talking about. We were suppose to get 8" and now they're talking about snow, freezing rain and then just rain. I hope it does nothing. I was so looking forward to everyone getting back to schedule tomorrow!

    I love your sampler!!!! Your making such great progress on it. Looks like another one to add to the list (sigh!) :o)

  16. Crazy indeed Margaret, Jane looks fabulous so far and I think you could do the filling stitches in about an hour or so or else!! LOL
    Yes the crazy challenge is crazy, as I am mrs sensible, I'm not doing it:))well that is just an excuse of course.

  17. Wow! You amaze me with your quickness! Jane is looking superb. Love her. x

  18. Wow Margaret, Jane looks amazing! You're sooo close to being done. Hunker down and stitch, be careful about that ice!

  19. Jane looks fabulous Margaret... but oh my, that grass stitching is going to test your patience... lots and lots of grass.
    We're having more snow and freezing rain is expected later this afternoon.
    How long til Spring???

  20. How exciting to be so close! It's beautiful!

  21. Gorgeous, what lovely stitching! I like the red cow too!

  22. Be careful with that ice! Stay home, stay warm and finish Jane! She's beautiful and soooo close!

  23. Oh, Margaret! Your Jane is fantastic!!!! Stay warm! Surely sweet little Mia didn't do such a thing? :)

  24. Jane is nearly finished - you are such a fast stitcher Margaret. Maybe you will finish this one today.

  25. Wowza! That's looking awesome
    I love the red cow too

  26. What a beauty Ann is! I also love that red cow! Stay warm and safe inside, Margaret. They're also predicting some wintery mix of ice and snow for us as well. UGH! Although - if it's icy enough, I'll just stay home - a 3 day work week sounds pretty good to me (since we were off today for MLK day).

    Hmmm... spilling liquids around stitching, maybe Mia should come live with me since we seem to be kindred spirits!

  27. Jane is stunning, like all your work. I always look forward to your progress pics. Rain/freezing rain/snow headed our way as well; sounds like the worst of the ice may miss us (fingers crossed!)

  28. Margaret!!!!! You really are unbelievable lol. I can't get over how fast you have done the beautiful Jane. You are really doing a wonderful job on her.
    Your weather doesn't sound to good. Stay in side and stitch. Hey it has stopped raining for a few days here. Yay. We might get a summer after all. Humidity is really bad though.
    Everytime, I see ads on TV for the Australian Open, I think of you lol. - Sandra.

  29. Bee-U-tiful! Jane is really stunning! You're such a speedy gonzalez with the needle! ;-)

  30. Gorgeous stitching!! Stay dry and warm, we're getting more snow tomorrow too, another 5-10 inches:(

  31. We've got the ice here this morning, too, Margaret--lots of delays and accidents. Luckily I don't have to head out to work until noon!

    Your sampler is looking more and more beautiful with each post :)

    Stay warm and dry...

  32. Awesome stitching, and awesome sampler - look forward to seeing it all done! Take care with the ice, that's no fun.

  33. You are so close to finishing! Jane is gorgeous! Enjoy the tennis and I hope the weather warms up a little for you.

  34. Looking good Margaret - love the red cow the best too. Great progress!

  35. Jane looks fantastic! Close call with the water. It look like you have loads of fill to do. What's next for you?

  36. oh that your sampler is beautiful, you embroider like a queen! I love the colors is just wonderful!
    friendship my friend

  37. Your photos are always amazing and your jane Sampler is getting more and more great :-))

  38. So pretty, Margaret! You've made such great progress. I'm in love with the little rooster and red cow.

    It's always great news when the Australian Open starts!

  39. Jane is just gorgeous!! Can't wait to stitch her in the future (hopefully not too distant)! :)

  40. Beautiful stitching! The red cow is adorable and different.

  41. Oh Margaret, it is looking just gorgeous !!! I need to start mine soon.... but then again I have so many things to stitch !! I couldn't do the Crazy Challenge either. I am way too ADD. I look forward to Nashville too where we all can get in trouble :-)

  42. Jane is gorgeous! I like the red cow, too. It even looks kind of like a steak. :)

    I'm looking forward to the Nashville Market. I have not browsed the preview sites yet. It seems that when market rolls around, I either want everything I see, or I'm not too fussed about anything. Hot or cold, that's me. We'll see who'll do the crying this year, me, or my husband. LOL

    Thanks for the reminder about the Australian Open. I have gone and forgotten all about it! The fact that it's not close to the other slams, it passes by unwatched at my house nearly every year. Glad you mentioned it on your blog. :)

  43. Yummmmmm - cow. :-) Beautiful and so close to being happy dance time.

    My DD has a voice exam today - I know you would appreciate how nervous I am for her!! Then - more tennis watching for us as well tonight - could you believe the Venus match with her injury??

  44. So gorgeous - gee, it makes my fingers itchy - love the theme and colours!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  45. Love it!!! Darn, I was hoping to trade bread for stitchery!!! Ha least someone bakes for you though that is the important part!!!
    Have a great day!
    Margaret B

  46. Absolutely great project. Love it. And it's nearly finished. I guess your next post will show the finished piece ...

  47. Jane is looking gorgeous, you're almost there!

  48. I hate the ice. I feel like an old (older)lady walking outside. So scared to fall. Great progress. I like the rooster
