Monday, October 11, 2010

progress -- still growing...

More progress -- that's about all I have to show for this week.  Progress on ATS from last Monday.

And progress on the Richmond (or Anne Maria Clarke) Sampler.

That's the whole thing.  Here are some closer pics.

Hope that wasn't too boring.  :D  

I'm all done with the over one letters!  Yay!  And something that surprised me:  I thought it was much easier somehow to stitch the over one letters on this 40ct Wichelt fabric than on the 40ct Zweigart based fabrics I'm used to.  I suppose it may also be the stronger readers I'm using, but I don't think so.

Finally, progress on Mia's growing.  lol!  Here she is taking a little snooze with her boy child.

She's really growing!  Still a kitten though.  That's for sure!

Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi!  I always enjoy visiting!  Have a great week!


  1. Great progress pictures! The Richmond Sampler is a stunner! You know how much I enjoy seeing your progress on this one. The picture of your son and Mia is just too cute.

  2. Looks like significant progress to me. I'd sure be celebrating if the 40 ct over one is done!

    That photo of your son and the kitty is just too adorable!

  3. Wonderful progress and I never get bored seeing your beautiful work! Little Mia is so silly but your son seems to love her cuddling!

  4. Lovely progress. I think Wichelt tends to be a little stiffer then zweigart so less loose and therefore easier to stitch on esp over one where the thread can slip through the weave. x

  5. I just love how Mia snuggles up on your family to sleep :) Great progress on your WIPs, they're looking good!

  6. Great progress on both! They look great! I think Hazel is right about the over 1. Wichelt is a tad looser weave despite being stiffer. Zweigert is a tighter weave. I think that's why I was struggling when I tried my over 1. You're very brave with all your over 1 sttiching!

    Mia is too cute. I saw the cutest kitten at the mall Saturday. I had to leave before I adopted her. I'm still thinking about her though...

  7. I love how Mia snuggles up to her family! She is too cute.

    Great progress on your samplers! YGG!

  8. Both samplers look fabulous. You are really zooming on Richmond. Mia is a cutie pie and growing like a weed!

  9. The colors in the Richmond sampler are SOOO gorgeous Margaret - you are making great progress on it and ATS too. Wish I could justify starting mine but I don't need another BAP in rotation. Enjoy your week! Melody

  10. You are just flying through the top portion of ATS - wow - is that how much you get done in one day>

    Your Richmond sampler is looking gorgeous.

    Mia is as cute as ever. Love the snoozy pictures

  11. You're making great progress on both of your samplers! I'm about halfway on ATS (have been for about 8 years) and just can't bring myself to pick it back up. Maybe seeing your progress will be the kick in the pants I need, lol!

    Lovely little Mia...she's a snuggle bug, isn't she?!

  12. What lovely progress on your WIP - I can't decide which one I like better, they are both stunning!

    Oh, Mia is such a cute kitten - she has grown so much.

  13. You're definitely my hero getting through all those queen stitches! WHEW! You're making wonderful progress on Richmond - it's really going to be a beauty. And great progress on ATS too - that still is my all time favorite sampler!

  14. Hi Margaret, you Richmond Sampler is looking wonderful. I think it is one of those perfect samplers that has everything going for it. The colours are beautiful. It has a lot of lovely different stitches and overall it just looks wonderful. Keep up the wonderful work on it.
    ATS is also looking lovely. Both samplers should keep you busy for a while.
    Love the photos of the boy child and Mia. It looks like my house except instead of a cat it is a dog lol. Although the dog is a lot bigger than Mia. Problem is that she takes up most of the bed if she is allowed to get on it - Sandra.

  15. Your progress on Richmond is awesome - you have finished the over one is record time - and working on another piece as well - WOW! Mia and the boy are great mates.

  16. Oh goodness gracious...all your stitching is just gorgeous Margaret :) Perfection as always and makes me green with jealousy!
    Sweet Mia and darling boy child snoozing away! CUTE!

  17. I just want you to know Margaret that my drooling over your stitching nearly dripped into the keyboard!! LOL Your stitching is just wonderful. The Richmond Sampler is something else !! And that sweet cute is she (boy child is cute too!). Great pics!

  18. Great progress Margaret, that sampler looks frightfully large LOL.
    Sleepy Mia is so cute:))

  19. Great progress Margaret! Mia is adorable but my son would have killed me if I had posted that picture of him!

  20. Oh Margaret she's just so cute..! I love the bond that forms between animals and we humans, total trust and love, unconditionally! That's stitching is looking pretty good too..
    No progress with anything for me, I think I'm in the doldrums..!!

  21. Hi Margaret!
    Your Richmond sampler is looking great. I am not focused enough to stitch the entire border first. And it's all queen stitches!
    I am enjoying seeing your progress and Mia's growth.

  22. Your Richmond sampler and ATS are looking good Margaret. Glad you're finding the over one a bit easier on the Wichelt linen. I still prefer the Zeigart based linens... like a bit more heft to the linen than the Wichelt linen provides.

    Love the snap of Mia with the boy child.

  23. Margaret, I am just floored by your Richmond Sampler -- it is absolutely wonderful! ::wiping drool off screen::

  24. Love the Richmond Sampler - WOW.

    Mia is too darling so is boy child.

  25. My son always acts so tough, even at 27, until he gets around cats. Then he turns to mush. He'll snuggle with a cat any ole time - well when he isn't snuggling with his wife and baby. Mia looks so comfy with your son! What a cute picture, Margaret!

    Your samplers look terrific!!

  26. Great progress on both pieces - all that over-1 writing can't have been much fun. Love the picture of Mia and your boy, they're both so sweet.

  27. I'm so enjoying seeing your progres pics! Great picture of Mia and the boy child!!

    I'm interested to hear your thoughts on the 40ct. I have not yet attempted to stitch on that high a count and I think I might just make a note of your preference because I am really starting to want to give 40ct a go.

  28. Your Richmond Sampler is simply stunning, Margaret! I just love the colors and that border is wonderful. Really enjoying watching your progress :)

  29. Oh gosh I just pulled my ATS out again and I am in about the same place you are! I will keep watching for inspiration. I'm sure you will be whizzing past me in no time! :)

  30. not boring at all! Stunning, actually...and isn't it amazing how much the kittens and kiddos grow - and so fast.

  31. Oh Mia, what a cutie!

    How could pictures of the Richmond Sampler EVER be boring? I'm amazed at the progress you've made and it looks absolutely stunning already. Those colours... YUM!

  32. Stunning! :o

    Mia and BC are adorable all puppy-piled together like that. :)

  33. oh my! Over one stitching on 40 ct fabric. My hat is off to you.
    Whenever I come here I never fail to be impressed with just how much stitching you accomplish and all of it is quite beautiful.

  34. Awww, Mia is so cute cuddled there with the boy!

    Your Richmond Sampler is just stunning! What an amazing job you are doing!

  35. Enjoy your pretty samplers! Mia is such a beautiful cat!

  36. Margaret, I take my hat off to you for your progress on the Richmond piece. It is just amazing. All those queens and you just took them on. You're my hero, girl!

  37. Congratulations on your nice progress, Margaret .
    So many cute pictures with your son and your kitty :-))

  38. The Richmond piece and ATS are both so pretty. Cute kitty too.

  39. That's a lot of over-one and queen stitching! Looks lovely, as always. Don't you just love pictures of teenagers when they're sleeping? They look so innocent.

  40. Margaret, you do such beautiful work! Amazing both of these samplers...I am really going to be envious of your ATS progress...but at least I can admire it! Maybe I will start mine before I reach the age of 'too old to see the darn thing'! LOL I love seeing pics of Mia, she is such an angel of a kitty!!

  41. oh very nice !
    I love your Sampler
    best regards

  42. Wow, both your WIPs are great projects and your progress is really stunning. I admire you for having finished so many Queen stitches on the Richmond sampler.

  43. They both look gorgeous, great progress
