Monday, September 20, 2010

Back to routine

It's been back to the old routine for about a week now.  Girl child back at college, boy child getting into even more activities at school, Mia and I settling down to learn how to deal with each other habits.  :D  Mia has been a good girl as far as letting me follow my stitching habit goes.  Here's the proof.

Can I just say there are way too many queen stitches in this piece?  I'm dealing with it though.  And hopefully they don't look too awful.

The colors in this piece are so much my favorite colors -- before I became a red sampler person.  Blue and green -- ah, they still grab my heart!

In other news, the boy child had his jazz ensemble auditions on Tuesday -- and went to the first rehearsal that evening.  So I guess he's in!  :D   The child has way too much going on.  Did I mention that he's now decided to do pit duties for the high school musical as well?  He'll play bass guitar for their show, Little Shop of Horrors.   Argh!  I just hope he can pull it all off!

Mia likes to snuggle down wherever she thinks I'll be settling in.  Here she is in my stitching chair fast asleep.

Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi!  I love being a part of this stitching community of ours!  Have a great week!


  1. Your progress on the Richmond sampler looks fabulous Margaret... great queen stitches.
    Little Mia is still adorable and growing.

  2. Oh it is looking so lovely Margaret :)

  3. Gorgeous, Margaret! You are a better woman than I. I would have just made them something other than queen stitch! But'll be a queen stitch expert by the time the piece is done! Mia = cuteness!!

  4. Just popping in to say Good Morning Margaret! Great stitching, as always...and Mia is so very cute!!!

    Take care
    (I need to update MY blog soon!)

  5. Oh, that's beautiful! I love green and blue too. You should be sainted for all those queen stitches. I find them maddening to do and they rate right up there with algerine eyelets. So you go, girl!

    Love your Mia. She looks like our Ella. Your blog always puts a smile on my face!

  6. Awful? Far from it! Your stitching is beautiful as usual. I, too, love those colors.

    Your little kitten is looking more and more like a cat.

    Best to the boy child in his multiple musical missions:)

  7. My my my - that is a beautiful piece of work!! You're progressing nicely!
    I remember pit bands and orchestras so well - some of my best high school memories. As long as he's managing to get his school work done and isn't too tired or overwhelmed - this is a really, really good taste of the busy life of a working musician, except that mom and dad are still paying the bills. You need to wear many hats in order to make a living as a gigging musician. Fortunately he's a bass player which means he'll be in high demand if he's good (sounds like he is :-) ) Also? Finding a life partner that has a steady job......... LOL I have a Performance degree in Flute from a CDN university and I LOVE what I do - teaching, practicing, gigging etc. but my husband provides the lion share of our income for sure. I could work a lot more however .......... but that would cut into my stitching time. ROFL!

  8. Your Richmond sampler is lovely! And Mia is very sweet to let your work on it. I love the picture of her curled up - it reminds me of Miss Kitty. Who knew they could be so much fun. I've always liked your header, but even more so now that the cats are showing!

    I missed your last post - congratulations to your son for such a well deserved honor!

  9. Margaret, your sampler looks beautiful and your queen stitches look amazing all together like that.

    I know about showing up to sit down to stitch, and lo behold there is a dog ( most often my Mia) laying in it....those critters are so funny.

    You Mia is growing like a weed.

  10. The Sampler is looking fabulous, Queen Stitches and all.

    Mia is quite the heart stealer!

  11. Beautiful Margaret and I love the soft muted colours.

  12. What a pretty piece! Having never done queen stitches before I am looking hard to see where they are! I know, I'm still so a novice sometimes!

    Mia is looking very sweet!

  13. Your WIP is stunnibg! The colors are perfect.

  14. Love the Queen stitches Margaret, and the colours have a lovely autumn theme:))
    Mia looks very comfy on your chair, try it yourself LOL.

  15. I agree with Kim, I avoid speciality stitches like the plague :) Love the kitty pictures as always!

  16. Great progress on the Richmond Sampler! I've never done queen stitches either. I'm pretty basic. Things will get interesting with some of the BBDs I want to stitch soon.

    Mia is adorable!

  17. Great progress Margaret. This sampler is no match for your swift fingers. I have never done Queen stitches and not sure I ever will. I just convert the stitches to what I like and that works for me. Still, it looks very pretty with all its fancy stitches. ; )

  18. the sampler is looking GOOD! Very kind of Mia to let you sew and not eat your threads.

  19. Margaret, Sampler is beautiful ! I love all those Queen stitches, They make that Sampler.. Mia is so cute! Hope Boy child can get all that in... LOL Happy Stitching !!

  20. OMG!!! Queen of Queens! Cari and I are sitting here blog hopping! Can't get any better than that...just checking in on you to see if perhaps you'd like to hop a's not too late, you know! XOXO Have fun with your sweet Mia!

  21. All those queen stitches make my head hurt! You're doing great though. We're cheering you on. Cute pic of the puddy cat.

  22. I don't even know how to do a queen stitch--but this is gorgeous! Blue & Green are also my loves, but then there is red...and well any color but white. Looks good, but not fun to stitch with.

    Mia is adorable, of course--and GL to BC!

  23. Hi Margaret, Wow the Richmond Sampler is looking good and you have mastered all of the Queen Stitches. They are looking really good. By the time you finish, you will be an expert on doing them.
    There used to be an old saying - blue and green should never be seen, unless there is another colour in between. Well, they haven't seen this sampler, although I suppose you could say that the other colours are the in betweens. Looking forward to seeing more and more of this one.
    Wouldn't it be lovely to just lie down on a comfy chair and have a nice little kip. Although I think you and I would be alike and would rather be stitching lol. - Sandra.

  24. You have made some good progress on the Richmond Sampler, Margaret! It looks great, and that includes your queen stitches. You'll have another beautiful sampler when all is said and done.

    Glad Mia is letting you stitch. Does she help by sitting with you while you do it? My animals would sit with me or sleep at my feet when I would engage in any textile related activity. Seemed to soothe them.

  25. How could anything you stitch look aweful?? I'm in awe of your X's..sigh! Mia looks oh so sweet curled up there, she's growing into a beautiful cat Margaret...

  26. It's not possible that anything you stitched would look awful! Not possible.
    I love the sampler you're working on. The colors are really very soothing. Mia looks like she has doubled her size!

    Your son is going to be fine! :) He's probably having the time of his life.

  27. Margaret, Mia is just adorable !!! Tell Mia that, coming from a dog person, this is quite a compliment :-) She looks very comfortable in your chair... I love your sampler too. You have great taste to choose the samplers, girl !!

  28. Oh, look at you and your gorgeous Richmond sampler. And the queen stitches are nifty! Mia's even better than the queen stitches, but I can't get over how fast she's growing!

  29. Your sampler is beautiful and your queen's stitches are perfect. Kudos to you because I usually have to substitute with something else!

    Your kitty is sweet.

    Happy stitching.

  30. Such pretty stitching...but Mia is even prettier...aren't they gorgeous when sleeping? Love her!!

  31. Hi Margaret
    your latest stitching is looking quite lovely. I am usually a blue person so I love these colours. Your queen stitches look terrific too and I do think they are worth the effort you put into them.
    Mia is growing into a very lovely cat.

  32. The queen stitch border is stunning! I know they're fiddly to make, but the result is so elegant, they're well worth it.

  33. oh j 'adore your embroiderings they are marvellous, you have a lot of talent,big kisses for the cat
    best regards marylin

  34. I can already tell I'm going to love watching your progress on the Richmond Sampler, Margaret--the colors are my favorites, too :) Enjoy the process...

  35. I'm loving your Richmond Sampler! I am in the midst of stitching this one! I am in full agreement with you on the Queen Stitches! I'm getting rather proficient! Keep posting your updates on Miss Anne!


  36. Mia is getting SO big!! Too cute. Love the progress on your Richmond sampler!

  37. Great progress on Richmond. I am glad she is letting you stitch. What a cutie she is - growing so fast!

  38. Aaargh, queenstitches, my least favorite stitch. You are doing great with them though!

    It's good when kids are busy, keeps them out of trouble. And it's fun for them.

  39. My, my! SO many queenies! It looks wonderful!

  40. The Richmond Sampler is awesome!
    I can't believe how fast Mia is growing.

  41. Very pretty!!!! Love the Richmond piece. Mia's such a sweetie.

  42. What great progress Margaret! Queen Stitches?!?! I tend to running screaming in the other direction if I see those in a piece! Yours are looking just fine though and I am full of admiration for you for doing so many of them.

    What a sweet pic of Mia!

  43. You are the fastest stitcher I have ever seen. LOL! I am always amazed when I visit your blog. Your Queen stitches look perfect to me just like all your work. :o)

    That boy of yours knows how to keep himself busy. At least you will always know where he is. He could be doing worse. (smile) I think you are blessed with your beautiful family.

  44. Your queen stitches look great - they are one of my fav stitches. Happy bday to your hubby.

  45. It's looking gorgeous Margaret, your queen stitches look great

  46. Wonderful stitching - and Mia is just so adorable!
