Monday, July 12, 2010

Clamming away, plus hornbooks

Well, I'm definitely starting to pine for some x's around here, but I still haven't settled on a project to start -- or to continue.  So it's lots of clams instead.  Doesn't feel like a lot though.  Hand applique always takes longer than you would wish.  Kathie last week asked for a whole picture of the quilt so far.   So I did my best to do that this week.  Sorry -- I'm not the best photographer!  Here is the quilt as is. 

I actually like this next picture better -- the quilt is just the right size for my little guys.

I decided that since there wasn't any x-stitching going on at present here, that I would show a greatest hits of sorts of my past projects.  For some reason I'd never taken any pictures of the few hornbooks that I've stitched.  So I thought this was the perfect opportunity to do just that.

Pitifully few, as you see.  I have others waiting to be stitched but I just haven't gotten around to them.  The one on the top left is the Folkart Hornbook from Hillside Samplings.  It was a limited edition piece from 2005.  The one on the top right is the Quaker Hornbook from With My Needle.   It is available if ordered as a group of 10 or more.  And finally, the one on the bottom is the Sampler Hornbook by the Prairie Sampler.  I love hornbooks.  I hope do to more someday.

In other news -- well, not much is going on.  It's definitely summer, with summer activities and summer heat and humidity.  I'm starting to debate more and more with myself about what stitching project I want to pick up, so we'll see what happens. 

Thanks as always for stopping by and saying hi.  Your comments mean the world to me -- it's so wonderful to get to know you all!  Have a great week!


  1. I am so intrigued by the hornbooks, I have never heard of them before! Love your quilt, it is are so fast too!!!
    Margaret B

  2. Oh, Margaret...your quilt is divine! You are making such wonderful progress...I know the hand applique is just beautiful.

    Thank you for sharing your hornbooks. They are lovely! I have never stitched a you have got me thinking about them!

    Happy Stitching!

  3. That quilt is so cheery. And doesn't all needlework take longer than we think!

    Those hornbooks are so cool. A nice collectors item for a stitcher.

  4. Love your quilt, especially the colors.

    Beautiful hornbooks as well. I've never made one but they look really neat.

  5. I'm loving those clamshells. One of these days maybe - when I get my stash organized. I think that you've gotten a lot done because hand stitching is always slower.

    Love the hornbooks and I hope that you find some xstitch that calls to you soon.

  6. Margaret, I love your clamshells! You sure are zooming right along it, even if the applique takes longer than you'd like. It is SO pretty. Love the hornbooks, too! So far, I've just collected the charts and kits but never stitched one. Beautiful!

  7. Your quilt is so interesting. It reminds me of the Needleprint blog Ackworth Cushion SAL. The post for the SAL was written on May 29, 2010. You should check it out. It would be a great companion piece to this quilt.

  8. That's quite a quilt-wow! Pretty hornbooks, tfs.

  9. You're hand appliqueing all those clams??? Holy cow! They're gorgeous though, Margaret and I can't wait to see it all finished. You'll have to lay in on the ground (on a clean sheet of course) and climb a tree to get a good picture!

    Love your hornbooks! I've done a couple of them as well and just love 'em!

  10. The clams look wonderful Margaret! Love your hornbooks too.

  11. Your hornbooks are inspiring me! I have the one from With My Needle and need to get it started. I see you did the over 1 design. That is just beautiful!

  12. Your little guys look comfy cozy all wrapped up in your beautiful quilt ;)

    And your hornbooks....totally make me jealous! But in a really good way! YAY Margaret :)

  13. A lot of work Margaret your quilt applique, but worth it when finished I am sure, looks lovely.

    Love the Hornbooks, and your red one is just gorgeous!!

  14. Your quilting is beautiful! I do make an occassional attempt but I think my quilts look better from a distance lol.

  15. I love the look of your hornbook projects. Question, does a hornbook have a purpose other than to look good?

  16. wow the clamshells are looking great! thanks for the pictures!!!
    love all the little friends!
    oh the quilt it is laying on is just wonderful, love the zigzag little border

  17. I just love your clam quilt! The colors are so cheery, and it just looks happy.

  18. You amaze me, Margaret! Beautiful job on your quilt..and I LOVE that top right hornbook! I NEED that design!!

  19. I am in love with your clamshell quilt! It's so crisp and colorful! Your very patient to be doing hand applique!

    Cool hornbooks too...that's something I've never tried before...

  20. I do love your quilt Margaret. It's very happy. ; ) The kind of quilt to have sweet dreams under.
    Lovely hornbooks. Not something I know very well but I like it.

  21. Hi Margaret....your quilt is really lovely and I know that there is a lot of work that has already been done.
    Your collection of hornbooks is really lovely. I also have never done one. It is easy to get the pattern here, but the actual hornbook is hard to find. Take care, Sandra.

  22. Margaret the clamshells are gorgeous. Well done. I didn't know those "paddles" were called hornbooks. I can see one of them is used for thread, but what do you do with the others? They are beautiful.

  23. Your quilt is making excellent progress - did I mention how much I love the colors you picked ( I know I did, but thought I would do it again)

    Love you hornbooks - I have a few - totally unstitched, of course.... got to stitch faster!!

    Hope you find your next project soon, but in the meantime I am really enjoying your quilt.

  24. My oh my, you're going well with those clamshells Margaret, I love the plain mixed in with them. I've never heard of the hornbooks before either - but I do love them, but then I love all your stitching! One day I'll show you all my unfinished Xstitch's.....!!!!

  25. Love the hornbooks! Your quilt is looking good...keep on stitching.

  26. Margaret it's so odd you talked about your hornbooks today. In the past week I got out 2 hornbook kits I have (2 of the ones you've pictured) that have sat unstitched for a few years now. I'm determined to get them done this summer! Attic Needlework has a bunch of beautiful hornbooks in stock with different woods and grains (if anyone is searching). I bought another one last week but not sure yet what I will stitch to put on it. They are so cute- thanks for sharing yours! Your clam quilt is looking great too. :)

  27. Love the clamshells... and it is the perfect size for your teddies.
    You have three more hornbooks stitched and finished than I do. I keep saying one day I'll get to stitching my hornbooks.

  28. Your quilt is looking lovely!

    Whaddaya your hornbooks are pitiful? You have three more than I have!!! They are gorgeous!

  29. Oh, lookit the little stuffies tucked into the quilt. And the quilt itself is so pretty. Do you know, I hadn't heard of a clamshell design before? I have to mention that some of you have gotten the quilting bug going in me, and I researched a quilt shop in Richmond (with classes for beginners!) where I might just stop by.

  30. Your quilt is looking ever so yummy, Margaret! And I love, love, love those have three more done then I do! Maybe someday!! Can't wait to see what your next stitching project is going to be!

  31. Oh I love your clamshells! And the colors are soooo pretty and happy! You are certainly ahead of me in the progress category, ugg! I also love your hornbooks.

  32. Oh!! Margaret , I love your colorful quilt with these little clamshells! The hand applique is just beautiful although it's a little long to do, isn'it ?.
    Thanks for sharing with us your hornbooks. All are really nice! for me, I have never stitched a hornbook and you give me some inspiration to stitch one, indeed!!
    have a great day,

  33. Your clamshells are just beautiful, Margaret! They look so straight, too. That's a pretty quilt underneath. Did you make it?

    And your hornbook collection is wonderful. You're way ahead of me!

  34. Your quilt is simply beautiful Margaret! I love all the colors. Your hornbooks are lovely too! Your work is always the BEST!!

  35. Great quilt! And the hornbooks are exquisite - I so enjoy past-finish shows!

  36. Love your horn books! They are so pretty. I've never stitched one before, but I would love to. Thanks for the inspiration.
    I love your quilt too. So wonderful!

  37. Quilt is looking good!!! I'm always intrigued by that sort of thing, especially the hexagon quilt but, honestly, I need another hobby like I need another hole in my head so I resist the urge. lol

  38. Margaret, you put a lot of work on that quilt !!! It is looking just beautiful... I love the colors.

  39. What a beauty, Margaret--I just love your quilt!

  40. Impressive! Also, those hornbooks are nice. I'm not usually much for them, but yours are head-turners. :)

  41. I love your hornbooks! They are something I have yet to stitch and every time I see one I think I have to rectify that!

    Loving the clamshells! This one will be such a beauty when it is finished.

  42. Pretty hornbook!!!! And I love the clamshells :-).

  43. Love those hornbooks! I have the Hillside Samplings one in my stash. I'm asking myself why I haven't stitched it yet!

    I'm intrigued by your clamshell quilt too -- it looks like one of those patterns where you quilt as you go!

  44. I love that quilt, it sure looks like you have to have lots of talent for that.
    Sweet hornbook collection

  45. Your clamshells are fabulous! How fantastic. Now I want to do them more than ever! And what lovely hornbooks. I really love hornbooks but have never stitched one - they are too fun!

  46. Oh Miss Margaret, I don't know a thing about quilts with clams, but those hornbooks are awesome. I wonder what it is that we love about them? Whatcha stitching on next?

  47. your hornbooks are lovely - I have the With My Needle one - still lovely in it's unstitched form! LOL Your quilt is cool - I've never see that pattern before and it looks very interesting...

  48. Love your hornbooks! And your clamshells, wow, you're going to have a quilt in not time!

  49. I love the hornbooks and that quilt is totally stunning! I am not much on sewing curves and such. Just straight lines.

  50. You've made some really good progress on your Clamshells! I look at it and try and imagine how much time you have in it already. It's going to be a true heirloom piece when you're done.

    You have a great selection of hornbooks! I don't have the first one in my stash but your photo is making me itch to acquire at least one!

  51. Stunning work, Margaret! I'm so proud of your clamming! :)


  52. Margaret, Happy B-Day!!!!! I hope you have a most wonderful day with lots of stitching. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the birthday wishes. July is a great month to be born, don't you think? :-)

  53. Oh it's your special day Ms Margaret! Happy happy! Loved seeing your ittle babies tucked in that beautiful quilt - WOW - you are doing a lovely job - the fabrics are so beautiful and I love your hornhook collection. have them all but never stitched a one. So many projects - so little time! cheers! Mel
