Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jane continued

Jane is definitely a long term project.  But I'm so loving her! 

I'm falling behind on the lines of over one verse, but at least I did get one done this week.  And I love the little animals!

I do wonder what that last critter is.  I would say it was a capybara, but I doubt if Jane lived anywhere where she would know what a capybara was.  Also, I don't think capybaras have a tail like that.  lol!  A beaver maybe?  :D

In other news, the kids have been busy with friends.  I think the girl child has been home for dinner maybe once all week.  The boy child went on his annual Memorial Day trip with his school orchestra this past weekend.  I think he had a good time. 

Been watching the French Open.  Pretty exciting and interesting this year.  I do think Rafa will win.  It seems inevitable. 

Thanks again for stopping by and saying hi.  It's so much fun to read your comments and visit with you!  Have a great week!


  1. Looks like a squirrel, albeit a weird one, to me. The creatures are very cute, great progress!

  2. Hmmm, yes those critters can be mystery - he looks cute though. Your Jane is looked more beautiful everytime I see her.

    Margaret, I am going back in July I think for a more leisurely day of Strasbourg and a stop off at the linen shop - if you want something let me know - I can get it and send it over at domestic Postal rates - I am happy to do it, just let me know...:)

  3. Yay, Margaret! I'm thoroughly enjoying watching the flora and fauna emerge on your Jane Atkinson. I may have to try a sampler of that style someday.

  4. Hi Margaret! Enjoy your journey with Jane! She is just amazing...love the critters...I think it is a beaver...

  5. LOL--I agree with Giovanna. It does look like squirrel. Also a beaver: a squeaver!

    I'm loving Jane more and more as the critters are revealed!

  6. This is an amazing sampler Margaret and you are making amazing progress on her :) I think it's a beaver too!

  7. Wow! I am drooling over this piece! Just beautiful! So colorful and the wildlife makes me want to start it for myself. Oops, that's right -- I am already working on a piece!

  8. I have no words..... it's stunning!
    You are my idol (well, one of them, anyway)!

  9. My God , your Janet will be really magnificent : you made a great progress and like you, I like all these little animals.
    Hummm !!! you don't think that Federer would be able to win another Open ?? anyway, if both play together at the end, it will be a wonderful moment !! I won't miss it !
    Have a nice week ,

  10. What a strange creature - I can't even fathom a guess.

    Jane is beautiful! I don't envy you all the over one work :-)

    Have a great week.

  11. Beautiful!! I think that last one may just be a fox. It kinda reminds me of one in the face. Hmmm...

  12. WOW...this is nearly finished! It didn't seem long term project to me. It's magnificent!!! Can't believe you already finished the tree! Great work.

  13. I vote for beaver. He *is* looking at that tree with a little gleam in his eye, don't you think?

  14. This sampler is truly fabulous, in all its glory. The little animal looks "short" foxy but foxy alright. : )) You are doing a great job Margaret. Just love your progress so far.....and the end is in sight, way too soon for my liking.

  15. HI MArgaret! I thought it looked more like a squirrel, but a beaver is possible. Jane looks fabulous!

  16. I was thinking a beaver, but looks like a moose in the face. A mystery animla :) I just love your progress on this piece, it sure dose look intense. Lots of full color.

    Thanks for visiting :)

  17. Jane is beautiful Margaret. Love the critters! They are so whimsical.

  18. Every time you post you have gotten so much done! You talk about a long term project - this one would take me a year! It looks beautiful Margaret!

  19. You know I chose to have that little unknown critter guy on my A&E rug - I loved him and the deer and a butterfly or two. It is a magnificient piece Margaret - you are flying along - long term to me is 10 years LOL - I think long term to you is 10 weeks. Love seeing Jane come to life. Take care Mel

  20. What is your definition of long term? You are really flying on this one. It's gorgeous!

  21. I just am so very much in love with this project, Margaret! It's STUNNING.

  22. Long term project for you is like what...a month or two! LOL!
    It would take me 10 years to stitch that lovely sampler.
    It's looking great! So love your style. Hugs.

  23. Beautiful....love the bold colors in this design!

  24. Jane is so pretty! It's so neat to see her grow.

  25. Oh my gosh Margaret, Jane is just beautiful!! I love the colors and especially all the animals and bugs. You, of course, are doing a fabulous job. Thanks for sharing your progress. You are an inspiration to us all. Hugs!!

  26. Margaret your Jane is just beautiful! I think that little critter is perhaps a beaver. As someone else mentioned, it seems to have an interesting look in its eye while gazing at the tree:)

  27. Jane is a stunning masterpiece, and your stitching is just beautiful! I don't blame you one bit for loving her!

  28. Stunning! I especially like the capy-beaver, though I've no idea what he truly is, either.

  29. Your stitching is lovely as usual. The animal is a strange one, I am not sure what to even guess at with it. Love your progress.

  30. I always look forward to your weekly Jane update, Margaret! It is looking prettier with each posting :)

  31. OMG, it's gorgeous and doesn't seem like you are taking that long to me :-).

  32. Wonderful progress on this beautiful sampler.
    You always produce the most amazing work.


  33. Margaret,

    HonestlY! You are making it very difficult for me not to add this to my wish list! Bad girl!! :) LOL

    And really, it's not as if I don't have enough Scarlet Letter patterns waiting for me to do amongst all the other ones that are in my stash!!

    trying like heck to resist temptation! LOL

    And Jane is BEAUTIFUL!! You are amazingly fast a stitcher...NOW I am jealous! :P


  34. Hi Margaret, Miss Jane is just stunning. I keep telling you that right. She grows more beautiful every time I see her.

    I always thought that it was a weird looking beaver.

    Hey the Aussie girl is going good, isn't she. Hope I don't jinx her. - Sandra.

  35. Progress is looking great. I think it's going to be so sweet.

  36. I'm so enjoying watching Jane progress each time you post. I'm thinking either a squirrel or a beaver.

    Likewise, I've been watching the French Open too, it's a great excuse to sit down and stitch along with!

  37. Oh my..next time I look, I know you are going to be finished with that beautiful piece, Margaret!! You must stitch instead of sleeping!

  38. Absolutely incredible!! So beautiful!!

    I had to laugh when you said this was a long-time project. Then I decided that I woudl check your blog to see when you began working on Jane--April 19th...to the rest of us 6 weeks is not a long time.

  39. Long term, my %$%^! You'll be done in a blink of an eye. She is beyond spectacular. Quite the accomplishment!

  40. Fantastic progress, Margaret!! I've wondered what those critters were myself... I'm just glad I don't have to encounter them up close & personal, except in stitching. ;)

  41. Jane is looking gorgeous, great progress

  42. Oh which magnificent advanced(moved) in your embroidery! She(it) is magnificent I have the impression(printing) that animals are alive!!! I am completely a fan of your blog! Best regards the beautiful

  43. Jane is stunning...everytime I visit your blog and see her, I want to run to the Scarlet Letter website and buy her!!! However, she is on my birthday wishlist, so I will have to wait patiently. Until then, I will gladly live vicariously through you!

    Oh, and you mentioned the litte critter...he looks like a squirrel to me...but I like your idea of capybara!

  44. Looks like a beaver tail to me. Love the flowers as usual

  45. very refined and elegant
    many compliments

  46. What an amazing piece to stitch, it looks so fun. The colors are so vibraint
    Take care!!

  47. I drool over your posts. They are so full of life, the cross stitches draw you to the work.
