Monday, April 26, 2010

The Lovely Jane

Remember how with the lovely Freelove I was dreaming every minute about what to stitch next?  Well, that doesn't happen with every project I do.  Take the lovely Jane for example.  Jane is a piece I luxuriate in.  Ah, the lusciousness of the colors!  The anticipation of seeing what this or that flower looks like in real life.  I love Jane!  Look at this flower, for example.  (Colors are a bit washed out unfortunately.)

Oh my, such gorgeous delectability!  Or this grouping.

To die for!  I love tulips!  And this flower seems tailor made for my mother's love of carnations.  (It might not be a carnation, but it sorta looks like one, right?)

And taken all together, Jane just takes my breath away.

Jane Atkinson by the Scarlet Letter
40ct Sugared Coffee by Sassy's Fabrics
AVAS silks

How can anyone resist that!  Can you tell I'm enjoying the lovely Jane?  She is going to take a long time to stitch, but I don't think I'll be complaining or dreaming about other projects anytime soon.

In other news, I was not a happy camper when the boy child came home Friday saying there had been no orchestra that day at school because of a school assembly.  What?!  Argh!!!  I just knew that he would have gotten his NYSSMA scores if he had had orchestra!  And I was right -- when the boy child had his lessons Saturday, his teacher said everyone else had gotten their scores.   Sigh.  I'm counting on the boy child coming home with NYSSMA scores in hand today.  I'd love to text him right now and ask him what he got, but I don't want to get him in trouble -- they're not supposed to use their cell phones in school.  Ah well.  Come 2:30, I'll be either very happy or not so much so.  lol!   

Thanks  for stopping by and saying hi.  I always enjoy reading your comments!


  1. Jane IS lovely! I think I will have to add that to my wish list.

  2. No wonder you love this - Jane is gorgeous!

  3. Oh my gosh Margaret...Jane is BEAUTIFUL. I'm with you on the colors...isn't that fun? I think stitching with so many colors of floss is like painting in slow motion. I'll be enjoying your progress just as much as you do! Good luck on the boy childs score...I'm waiting in anticipation with you!! Have a great stitching week!! Hugs

  4. She's gorgeous, what wonderful colours! I think your definition of "a long time" is different from mine, lol.

  5. Jane is absolutely stunning already! Love the colors!

    Feathers in the Nest

  6. Oh my gosh, Jane is GORGEOUS!!! I love it. I've had it in my stash for years... I really need to get working on it! I didn't know Sassy's does Sugared Coffee in 40 ct, either. YUM-o. Best of luck to DS!

  7. WOW! WOW! WOW!!!!!
    She is a beauty already! I just love it, Margaret!! GOSH!!

  8. oooh!! the colors are beautiful, even washed out.
    It is looking so pretty

  9. Margaret, you will have to post again tomorrow and let us all know the results!

    Jane is absolutely beautiful - love the colors.

    Enjoy your day!

  10. Jane is stunning, Margaret! I love the colours and the bold shapes. Just gorgeous! :)

  11. Jane is stunning, wow you stitch such wonderful patterns!!!! I love the colors!
    Margaret B

  12. Wow, Margaret, that is is some sampler start. I can understand why you feel the "love". The colors are fantastic. I have a feeling that you have just started a whole new round of enabling with that one. The chart photo doesn't begin to do her justice.

  13. Wow! A real showstopper. You are really making good progress.
    Hope your son brings his scores home, and that they are great!

  14. Wow - Jane is stunning! No wonder your in love.

  15. Margaret - Your start of Jane is fantastic. I think I might need to add this one to my want list. Both for the fantastic flower border and Adam and Eve. Great start.

  16. Jane sure is delightful. I look forward to seeing her develop.

  17. Jane is looking's very unique with it's large flowers. Love it!

  18. Stunning flowers & colours Margaret, you are such a fast stitcher!! Love the linen, it will be some masterpiece.

    Fingers crossed for your boy-child.

  19. Okay, you did it this time Margaret. I wasn't going to start anything new, but I just have to start Jane. The colors are just absolutely wonderful. I can see why you're loving every minute of stitching it. It is a huge stitch though. Sigh!! And I was going to keep going on Ann..........dang it! LOL

    Keeping my fingers crossed for your son! I have every confidence that you're going to hear some very happy news!!!

  20. OMG ... Jane is stunningly gorgeous. Now stitch faster... I want to see more of this sampler.

  21. Beautiful start on Jane Margaret!! The colors are so awesome! I can't wait to see more! :)

  22. Yea for DS! Jane is so lovely! Those flowers and all the rich colors are enough to keep anyone happy for a long time!

  23. Hi Margaret, Miss Jane is a real stunner isn't she. I knew she would be. Yes that is a carnation. It is beautiful isn't it. Looking forward to see more of her.
    Congratulations to the boy child. Well done. I know that you are very proud of him. - Sandra.

  24. Oh, Jane is lovely. I can tell already that I am going to have a hard time being disciplined enought to finish my online classes, rather than pull Jane out and work on her.

  25. Jane is even better than her picture in the catalogue, and that was pretty darned nice. Much better! You take great photos too!

  26. This is just gorgeous! I love the way the colors just pop. Are you using the recommended thread?

  27. Wow - actually double wow! First wow was for the boy getting 99! What a star!

    Second wow is of course for Jane - so pretty! No wonder if you are having so much fun with it. I love it when that happens and wish it could happen magically for me now! (not there sadly)

    Does that mean you will slow down on stitching so you can really enjoy Jane as long as possible? ;-) can't imagine!

  28. Woohoo, huge congrats to the boy child on his scores.

    Jane is absolutely gorgeous, love the colors and the flowers are beautiful.

  29. Oh My God Margaret, the colors of your Jane Atkinson Sampler are so luxious :these flowers are really wonderful and I understand your pleasure in stitching it!!
    I just saw at the end of your post that you was using a sassy's fabric for this projetc : please, what do you think about this fabric ?? Is its quality as fine as lakeside linen ??? I don't know this manufacturer and of course I really would be happy to have your opinion about it :-)
    Have a wonderful day ,

  30. Oh my goodness Margaret, the colours are superb. I can see why you are enjoying this one. It is a very large chart too so you will be enjoying it for a little while. Congratulations to your Son.

  31. Gosh Margaret she is stunning!!! I just adore those flowers and what I think draws me in is the colour palette, delicate and beautiful!! You have made great progress!!

  32. LOVE the colors used in this piece!!

  33. This design is so beautiful ! Very good taste !

  34. OMG....I love the colors in this one! Can't wait to see more of this one!

  35. Hi Margaret,

    I can tell that you love Jane. It's all about the border isn't it? I think a fabulous border can really make the piece.
    I'm so glad that your son did well too. Bet it makes your heart sing!


  36. Jane is simply amazing, you stitch the biggest Samplers in such a short time and they are all so very beautiful. I would like to have sticthed at least one big Sampler by now, but I love smalls!! I will be watching and enjoying as you progress with Jane!

  37. Oh my gosh, that's an amazing, sumptious project!

  38. Congrats to your son. :)

    Jane is Beautiful (with a capital B!). :) Between you and Glenna with these Scarlet Letter charts... It is a feast for the eyes. :)

  39. Jane is amazingly beautiful!! The colors are stunning!

    Congratulations to your son on his scores--you must be so proud!

  40. Oh, Margaret! Jane is stunning! I must find her and stitch her for myself! What gorgeous colors...the whole piece is just beautiful!

    Freelove is also a beauty. I love her simplicity and the blue is similar to a blue that I am using in a smaller reproduction sampler that I need to share.

    Oh, and congrats to the boy child on his 99! I know that he is ecstatic and you must be glowing with pride!

  41. Margaret-your Jane has me wanting to pull my Jane out and show her some love. She's just awesome isn't she?

  42. Oh my goodness, Margaret. Boy do you know how to pick beautiful samplers!! Jane is exquisite, and you are incredible!!

    Congrats to your son!

  43. Jane is just gorgeous! The colours are so strong and vibrant. Beautiful! Congrats to your son on his wonderful grade!

  44. Gosh Margaret, this is a lovely piece of work, I too love these colours!
