Thursday, February 4, 2010

Finish, new WIP, and some answers

So I did manage to finish Beneath the Waters.  Yay!

Beneath the Waters
Carriage House Samplings
30ct Legacy Custard Creme Linen over one
NPI threads called for
I really love how it came out!  


Now all I have to do is attach it to the box I made it for.  lol!

But instead of doing that, I happily gave myself permission to start a new project.  Bad girl!  Oh well!  I started Shakespeare's Peddlers' reproduction of Sarah Woodham.  I needed me some good flowery border to stitch!  I know some of you hate to do borders, but I sorta like stitching them!  And with my projects recently, there's been nary a sign of one.  

Here it is so far.


The fabric color doesn't show up well in the picture.  It's 40ct vintage Maple Sugar, and I'm using the Gloriana, Belle Soie and Threadgatherer silks called for.

I have to say, these are not my favorite fibers to use.  I have to use much shorter lengths and even so they tend to fuzz and shred.

I'm also doubting my fabric choice.  I keep worrying that the white isn't showing up as well as it should.  But I'm far enough along that I'll probably keep going.  I think it's looking ok.  I hope!

There have been a number of questions that I really should answer.  For starters, someone asked what the samplers in my new header are.  Here's the list of samplers from left to right.

Historic Countries Mystery Sampler (from the Gift of Stitching Magazine, a series)
Time and Season Sampler (Moira Blackburn)
Plantation Sampler (Canterbury Designs)
This is the Day (Hands to Work from JCS Magazine)
Dutch Beauty (Permin)
Lois Minshall (Threads of Gold)
Rachel Hyde (Threads through Time)
Ann Rogers (The Essamplaire) (also the first piece on the 2009 finishes post)
Hannah Lancaster (Porcupine Collection)
Charlotte Clayton (Northwest Sampler Guild)

Part of Charlotte Clayton, of course, was my old header picture. 

I've also been asked how I stitch since I don't use scroll rods or q snaps or hoops anymore (as I did in my old stitching life).  I stitch in hand with the sewing motion.  I think those who can stitch with a stand and who keep one hand on top and one on the bottom are the ones who are the fastest stitchers.  But I hate being tied down to a stand, scroll rods or whatever.  In hand stitching gives me the freedom I love.  Which is a good thing -- if I used things like scroll rods or stands, I'd be wanting all the cool ones with the pretty woods!  lol!

A while back I gave Sherry a chart she'd been searching for.  Imagine my surprise when an envelope came in the mail with a lovely card containing this.

(Sorry -- the streak of sunlight was supposed to be artsy but now you can't see the top pins very well.)   Such beautiful pins for my collection, on a nice red piece of fabric!  Thank you so much Sherry, for such a wonderful surprise!

In other news, the girl child is more than halfway through her first week of the second semester now.  She went back to college on Sunday -- and immediately emailed saying she needed money.  lol!  Our fault for not realizing that of course with the new semester starting, she would need money for her textbooks.  The boy child is through with his midterm exams and is now finishing up the first week of his second semester at high school.  Tomorrow is that mysterious entity known as Superintendent's Conference Day, so no school and a three day weekend.  The poor teachers have to go in though.  There's another SCD the weekend of his birthday -- that one seems to be a permanent fixture since it's occurred on his birthday weekend for the past few years.  But this one was a surprise from the blue.  Good thing it's on the calendar -- I had to check online several times and ask the boy child if he really had the day off tomorrow or if I'd written it in on the calendar by accident!  

So who's excited about market?  :D  Meeeeeee!   Kathy  of Carriage House Samplings has started showing peeks of her Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow on her blog.   I'm impatiently waiting to see any sneak peeks from Barb and Alma on their Blackbird Designs blog.   (Pretty please, Alma?)   Lisa of Primitive Needle has shown a few sneak peeks on her blog as well.   As has Paulette of Plum Street Samplers.  And Ellen of With My Needle.   Etc etc etc.  Oh I'm going crazy already!   I'd better stop talking before I plotz!

Enjoy the rest of the week and the weekend!  Thanks for stopping by and saying hi!


  1. great stitches
    i am in awe of your blog header photo

  2. I love how you have grouped all of your samplers together in the photo you have used in your blog header. I so need to learn how to do that!!

  3. Your finishes is beautiful, what a piece to admire
    I loveto stitch borders that look like that, lol The colors are so pretty.
    The photo in your header is so awesome, what a great idea to roll.
    What a thoughtful gift from Sherry

  4. Great finish Margaret! It turned out so nice! I also love your new start. I really want to start this one soon! I like your fabric - I think the white shows up very nice!

  5. Congrats on finishing Beneath the Waters. The new WIP is lovely, I can see how you would love doing that border.

  6. Congrats on your latest finish, Margaret! I love it. I need to do more Noah stuff, especially Kathy's designs. Great start on Sarah, too--talk about zooming along! YGG!

  7. Hey, would you be willing to stitch up a bunch of samplers for me to use in my blog header? Please? No? Drat. Your finish is beautiful - I love that little fun. And Sarah looks great. I think the white shows up just fine on the photos, and it's probably better IRL. Love her but sorry you're having issues with the threads!

  8. Oh my! Where do I start?

    Beneath the waters is cool! And Sarah, well, I'm so glad you started her so I can watch progress. I haven't picked the linen for mine yet so would you have wanted something darker than Maple Sugar?

    The samplers on your header are scrumptious! What a bundle of treasure!

    And yes, I'm excited about the Market! I hope the BBD ladies show some sneak peeks soon too!

  9. Margaret, congrats on another lovely finish. I have become more enamored with this piece with each of your blog posts.

    And I love Sarah, if only my fabric would arrive (I've only been waiting since she came out at market!) I purchased the required threads but have not ever stitched with these before - thanks for the heads up on using shorter lengths.

    What a nice treat for you son to have an unexpected day off! Enjoy your day!

  10. Margaret, I love your new header. Congrats on another awesome finish. I'm liking the way your Sarah looks on the vintage maple syrup... IMHO the white is showing up just fine.
    I have a love hate relationship with the new Market releases. I don't want to like any of it because I shouldn't be buying more stash. lol

  11. Your stitching - as always - looks fantabulous! I love the new start and have it on my wish list, so I can't wait to see you progress on this one.

    I'm loving all the sneek peeks, but my wallet is cringing!

  12. Very pretty finish! Like your new start the colors.

  13. Beautiful new start! Usually I hate borders but that one is lovely and I think the white shows up fine. I just saw a couple sneak peeks at Autumn at HRH and am salivating--never mind that I never even started my VoHRH!

  14. Love the way Beneath the Waters turned out, Margaret. Beautiful work!
    I love me a killer border every now and again.
    I stitch in hand, too, though I miss how taut the fabric used to be.

  15. Beneath the Waters is a wonderful sampler, and your stitching is gorgeous! Sarah will be so pretty - I love the center flower motif! Beautiful gift from Sherry too!

  16. That is a great finish!! I love the new piece also. The group photo of all the samplers is just beautiful....and is such an inspiration,

  17. Love the new sampler you started, the border is gorgeous.
    Thanks for explaining your header, the samplers are so inviting.

  18. I really like your under the water. The new one looks to be gorgeous also.

    I like white, antique white, or teastained for most of my stuff. I like the combo of your new start. I am sure it will be great.

  19. Lovely finish Margaret! Sarah Woodham looks wonderful so far, the white shows up fine in the picture :)

    I hope Alma shares some pictures soon too!

  20. Great finish Margaret! Now I know how you stitch so're a sewer. I'm a stabber (erm, is that the term...that sounds bad!). You stitch so fast!! Love your start on Sarah. I will enjoy seeing you fly through that project! ;-)

    You know, I'm having issues with the Gloriana I'm using for my sister's project too...fuzzing. It's annoying and I'm all worried the color may run.

  21. I cannot believe how fast you stitch. I'm so envious. But since you stitch projects I love, I'll just live vicariously through you. :D

  22. WHOOOO Margaret - Sarah Woodham is just gorgeous - I have that in the que but also had trouble choosing a fabric. Your choice is perfect I think - I love the combination of silks and think I have most in stash already. I need to get busy and order fabric before the dreaded market stuff starts coming out - AAAACCKKKK - I did pretty good with the last market but this one will be deadly I can already tell.
    Love your BTW - Kathy has so many awesome designs. Wait until you hear my ideas for a rug using her designs - she loved the idea. Take care - happy stitching Mel

  23. Margaret - Sarah is looking great so far. I wish that I could share your love for borders, but they drive me up a wall. And I love your CHS piece, especially how it looks one over one as you did it! I think it really added something!

    I have to agree with you on those fibers for Sarah - I found that they do frzz and shred. And I used to be an in hand stitched that used the sewing motion, but now use scroll rods, but to tell the truth, I think that I went faster with the sewing motion - seemed to have a better control of stitching for some reason. I think that's why you're so speedy with all your pieces. Which is a good thing because all your fast finishes give us all something to drool over!!!

    I'm staying away from those links you posted - I have a feeling that Market this year is going to be a very costly event!!!

  24. Fabulous Margaret - as usual, now it's my turn to drool over your stitching!

  25. What a great post, Margaret! I love your CHS finish and your new start looks amazing. I think the white shows up quite nicely so no need to re-do, if you ask me. You got a lovely gift as well.

  26. I came to check out your answers, cause I need some! LOL!
    But I got to behold the most beautiful Noah's is just gorgeous Margaret, YAY for YOU!!!

  27. Congratulations on the super finish! You are really moving along!

    I'm glad you liked the pins. I am also excited about market but wondering if I will be able to afford all that I want!

    Oh my! You are brave! Starting on Sarah! Wow. I have this chart kitted up but haven't worked up the nerve to start on her yet. She certainly is beautiful and I can't wait to watch your progress.

  28. Your finish is gorgeous!

    The white shows up well on the fabric. I love the border too...would not mind stitching it at all!

  29. I think your Sarah W. looks beautiful & I can see the white plenty fine. I do agree with your fiber evaluation - they do fuzz and shred. I have heard that if you use a bigger needle it will protect your fibers better.
    BTW looks great. Such a nice finish.
    Yes, I am looking forward to Market - lots of wonderful things coming out!

  30. Beneath the Waters looks gorgeous, congratulations on finishing it. Sarah Woodham is a wonderful new project, the border looks great with the white colour popping out. I don't like stitching borders but I love their effects.
    Thanks for the names of your stitched pieces in your header. Awesome!

  31. Dear Margaret!
    I love Your works!!!
    Beautiful start!!!
    Zsuzsanna from Hungary

  32. Your needles continue to 'smoke' Margaret. I always love reading your blog and seeing your latest spectacular finishes and starts!! Thanks for sharing the names of your samplers in your header. Have a great weekend!!

  33. Beneath the Waters is lovely! Congrats on the finish! Sarah Woodham is looking good and I'll be looking forward to watching your progress. I stitch in hand as well, I just find it the most comfortable way to stitch. I don't mind stitching borders either! Sometimes the repetitiveness of a border is just what I need to do.

  34. What a wonderful finish! I love your Noah's ark sampler. If I were doing a wall of biblical samplers, this would be on it!
    Love your new blog header! All those amazing samplers just waiting to be on your can you stand it!
    I wish I could stitch in hand. I need the tension, but I hate those big scroll frames. That's probably why my current longest WIP is not finished after 17 years!
    I'm ruining my wood rocking chair with the wood bumping up against the handles all the time!
    Can't wait to see what designers come up with next...Autumn at HRH, this lady has found my week spot! I'll be lucky to get shores done, but it doesn't stop me from buying every pattern she puts out!
    Have a great day!
    Hugs to you!

  35. Does your Sarah Woodham look okay? Does it look OKAY??!! Margaret, it's absolutely GORGEOUS!! I love it!! Everything about it is just beautiful, including the white. And the fibers on the photo don't look fuzzy to me. Keep going on it, girlfriend. It's very, very pretty!!

    And Beneath the Waters -- very cute. I'm anxious to see it in the box you've got for it. You're getting really, really good at this over-one stitching!

    And I think your blog header is the coolest one I've ever seen, Margaret. It was an awesome idea. Thanks for telling us all the samplers in it. I recognized several, but wasn't sure on a couple, so I was glad to check my answers. It was like a test! LOL

  36. I think the white shows up fine (although, of course, I'm looking at the photo) in SW--and I love how Beneath the Waters turned out! And I agree with the commenter who's in awe of your group of samplers on the banner photo.

  37. As always, a beautiful finish! Sarah Woodham looks like she will be fun to stich. I really like the colors.

    I envy that you can stitch in hand. I have tried in the past because, like you, I don't like being tied down to a stand and I don't like bulky hoops, q-snaps, etc. However, I cannot seem to master stitching in hand! Maybe one day...

    Thanks for sharing!

  38. Your samplers are beautiful! It is a gift to see all those together like you have put them. And your start on Sarah Woodham is eye candy. You inspire me, I want to do a big sampler this year!! Thanks for all the sharing!

  39. Hi Margaret , we Margaret's have to keep together, enjoyed your post.

  40. Sarah's looking great. I'll meet you in the middle.

  41. IYour new stitching looks good to me, the colours come out fine :) and I LOVE your header!

  42. Beneath the waves is lovely, congratulations. Great new start, Sarah looks gorgeous

  43. Beautiful embroidery! Your friend sent you a very thoughtful gift.
    Happy sewing!

  44. Oh my, that blog header is really something! I'd love to get a look at your finished Dutch Beauty.
    Your latest finish is fabulous and I love the colours in the new start.


  45. Your needlework is gorgeous! How talented you are!

  46. Truly awesome header Margaret. Your work is beautiful. The white is showing up well in the photos of Sarah. It's a very pretty one.

  47. Great finish, but I really love your new start :)

    Thank you for giving the titles of your samplers in the header. Plantation Sampler is on my to list. Did you use the recomended DMC list or your own conversion?
