Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Freds are finished -- framed piece -- a present -- and etc

Finally got Fred done to go with his girlfriend.  Here he is in all his glory.

 He's Frederick, of course, by Carriage House Samplings.  Here's his mate, Fredrika.

Both are stitched on 40ct vintage Pearled Barley by Lakeside Linens with the called for NPI silks.  I love them!  Aren't they perfect for fall?

I also got my Fruit of the Spirit (Plum Street Samplers) back from my LNS.   I'm really happy with how it came out.  The owner's husband Don does the framing and he's always so helpful with picking out the perfect frame.

Here's a closeup of the frame.  Isn't it perfect?   I love it!

As you may know, I've been participating in the Sail Away SAL which is being lead by Loraine and Terri.   Terri sent all of us SALers a wonderful fob to get us all on our way.  Now that the SAL is ending, Loraine has sent a nice present, a stitching wallet.  I got mine in the mail today -- and I'm so tickled!  Here it is, along with Terri's fob that she made for us.

And here's the other side of the wallet.

She included a wonderful sheet with all of our names on it that also has a space for us to record when we started our stitching journey and when we finished.  Isn't it wonderful?   Thank you, Loraine!  And thank you to both you and Terri for such a great SAL!  

In other news, it seems to be homecoming weekend around the country, including here.  The boy child is in seventh heaven.  Two of his friends who left for college this fall are home for the weekend, so he's off having fun with all his friends.   I know I won't be seeing much of him till Monday night. 

The Father type had to go to a function last weekend up north a bit.  Turns out it had great views of the Hudson River.  Just look at it!

Pretty nice, huh?  They were apparently way up high on some mountain or other.  You can see the Hudson in the distance down there.

I hope you all have a great weekend!  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. BEAUTIFUL!! You must be so happy to have them both done now. I should have stayed with it and stitched up frederick too.

    I have been to that shop a few times. Its only about 1-2 hours from home. Dont go much - due to the dog being there. Go to the Edwardian needle as much as possible, lol.

  2. The Freds are perfect! I need to pick mine back up again. I cannot wait to see yours hanging on the wall together! The Fruits of the Spirit looks great as well!

  3. Your stitching is gorgeous! Love those two pieces together.
    Great frame for Fruits of the spirit One of my many stash pieces. I'm inspired to get it out thanks to you.
    Glad you like the needle book. What fun the SAL was. We will have to do it again sometime. Thanks for being my blogging friend!

  4. Wow, such a great post full of wonderful things. Love how Fred and his girl came out. They are perfect for Fall! Also, great framing job your local shop did. It came out wonderfully and the moulding is so pretty!

    Love the little needlebook and the view of the Hudson looks so peaceful. One day, I'll get to NY. Can you believe I've never been?!

  5. Enjoyed all your pictures Margaret! It's always nice to stop by and see what you've been up to! Have a nice weekend!

  6. Fredrick and Fredericka are BEauTifUL Margaret. Love the design and the colors too! And our Sail Away cool is that to get our darling scissor fob from Terri and the adorable needlebook from Loraine, two of the best cruise directors a gal could have!! The frame for your Plum Street Sampler is just perfect..really finishes off the piece doesn't it?

    Love the pics of the Hudson River. Boy..wouldn't it be great to sit and stitch at that site?

    Hugs and have a great weekend!!!

  7. I'm in awe of your beautiful stitching Margaret, gorgeous.
    Have a good Sunday

  8. Oh, you're just such a speedy stitcher, Margaret! Fred and the Mrs are such a handsome couple! Now, onto framing!

    The frame for Fruit of the Spirit is gorgeous!

    I wish I'd joined the SAL just for those goodies! How wonderful of Terri and Loraine to make these wonderful gifts. Lucky you(s)!

  9. Margaret - the Fred's are gorgeous - I see them as pillows - a pair of gorgeous pillows - think about it - I am about to send a Mirabilia mermaid to California to a finisher who is pure perfection.

    Love your Fruit of the Spirit - that frame is just perfect -

    Your needlecase from Loraine is wonderful - such thoughtful friends - she and Terri -

    I've always wanted to visit that part of NY - AHHH - one can dream!


  10. Beautiful sampler. You must be over the moon to completed it. Good job - hugs Natima

  11. They are quite the handsome pair! Great frame job on Fruits - I love the touches of red in the frame.

    So glad you enjoyed the SAL and the goodies. I have to say it was mostly Loraine and she did a great job!!!

  12. Had to come and see what Margaret has been up to, even though I am sadly behind on my blog reading and commenting! You never fail to entice me with such lovely stitched pieces, and your Freds have certainly done the trick. I MUST stitch these next year, yep it will be till then, until I get the chance!

    Love your molding for Fruit of the Spirit, it is perfect! What a lovely gift from Lorraine..her and Terri have definitely stepped up to the plate and made that SAL a wonderful one!!

    I love that mountain view, breathtaking!!!

  13. Fred and Fredericka are wonderful; I love those fall colors of burnt orange and red! Awesome finishes.

    And Fruit of the Spirit -- wonderful frame!

    Enjoy what is left of your weekend!

  14. Fred is just as beautiful as Frederika! It seems like you stitched him very quick. Your Fruit of the Spirit sampler is gorgeous, and I love your frame choice.

  15. I love the Freds, particularly the little squirrel! And the frame is gorgeous--perfect for the sampler.

    The needlebook is a cutie, and what a view of the Hudson!

  16. Love your Freds! I can't wait to start Frederika. Very pretty.

  17. Love those colors on the Freds! Very Autumny!
    I had to snicker at the word peace there.....I'm stitching the peace block on LHN Heart of America and put it on my blog too.....and at such a time when our country is so far from peace.......


    Feathers in the Nest

  18. Oh, the love birds are wonderful! They really turned out great.

    I also like your framed piece (peace?). Isn't it so much fun when something comes back framed in just the way you wanted?

    Looks like you had a great time with the Sail Away bunch.

  19. Woohoo, Margaret!! The Freds are perfect. I am so envious that you have them both finished! I'd love to just get one done, to have two would be a huge accomplishment.

    Love love love the frame on Fruit of the Spirit. I love the detail in the frame--really picks up the design in the sampler.

    Cool photo of the Hudson River in the distance, especially since you don't see all the build up that rivers sometimes have around them... very neat. Enjoy the peace & quiet while the boy child is otherwise occupied. ;)

  20. PS--I knew I forgot something--that wallet is TOO COOL! What a neat idea, what a wonderful thing to do to remember a fun SAL.

  21. The birds are stunning! Your stitching is beautiful and I agree, the frame on Fruits is perfect. Great finish!

  22. Your Freds are beautiful! You certainly are a speedy stitcher! (Feel free to come over and finish my Fred sometime if you like).

  23. They are so pretty Margaret!! And the frame, love it. You are so inspiring. Great gifts from the SAL.

  24. Ohhhh, I just the Freds as a couple! You should be very pleased with them! Also, your framed piece came out lovely!

  25. Your Freds are gorgeous and the framing is perfect. Congratulations

  26. I love, love your Freds!! What a great pair they're going to be together. And I love the frame you choose for Fruit of the Spirit!! And isn't that needlebook great for the Sail Away SAL. Mine came yesterday and I was so tickled.

    Hope that you get a lot of stitching time while everyone is away!!

  27. Oh, Margaret! I LOVE your fall Freds!! I may have to consider those. And your Fruits of the Spirit is absolutely beautiful. Love the frame!

  28. Both Freds are very pretty. The colours are really beautiful.

  29. Congratulations, you've got a lovely couple there! And I agree, the framing is perfect. What a lovely wallet from Loraine, kudos to her.

  30. The Freds are wonderful...I just love the colors.

    I agree with you, the frame is perfect!

  31. Margaret - I am always amazed at how quickly you finish a project. Fred and his lady are both stunning! They will be so pretty hung on your walls.

    Lovely framing - Fruit of the Spirit is one of my WIP - I need to pull it out and do so more work.

    I am so impressed at what gracious hostesses Terri and Lorraine were for the Sail Away SAL - I had such fun being a passenger on your cruise (no stitching, just admiring).

    Can't wait to see what you pick up next.

    Enjoy your day.

  32. I love your birds and thank you for the nice comment about my CWB bird. :)

  33. Ohhhh, Fred & Fred are simply stunning! And you stitched them in record time, didn't you? Wow and wow again :o)

    What an incredible gift from your SAL partner!

  34. The Freds are Fab. Gotta do them in the future. And that view! OMG, I'd never want to leave! :D Your other stitching is also gorgeous, of course. :)

  35. Hi Margaret,
    Oh your Fred's are lovely. They will look wonderful hanging together.
    I love how your other sampler turned out when it was framed. A beautiful job.
    What a wonderful gift to receive for your SAL. - Sandra.

  36. Gorgeous!!! Congrats on finishing Fred, they are a beautiful pair. I can't wait to see them hung together on your wall. And your Fruit of the Spirit is lovely framed - great choice!

  37. Fred is glorious, Margaret! And a perfect mate for Fredericka. Really great colors and beautiful work.

    Perfect frame for your Fruit of the Spirit!

  38. Absolutely Beautiful!!! That's all I can say for those wonderful projects. You did such a wonderful job stitching those cute birds.

    Stop by my blog, I have an award for you :)

  39. What a fine feathered pair they are! Love the colours - just beautiful!
    Your Fruit of the Spirit looks agorgeous in that elegant frame.
    What a lovely keepsake of a happy SAL. I love the stitching wallet.


  40. Beautiful finishes, Margaret!! :) And I love the frame for FotS. :)


  41. Margaret-Freddie and Fredricka are gorgeous! I wish I hadn't looked because I want to start both of them now!

  42. Just gorgeous Freds, Margaret!! They are wonderfully and appropriately framed, too. Love the look of them.
    Your "Fruits.." look great, and I just can't believe how awesome your goodies from the "Sail Away" SAL are! You're really having an amazing month.
    Hugs, Deb
