Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The bearded one

I've never seen the father type without a mustache and beard. He's always had at least some form of facial hair.

He's always had a character to match his appearance -- unusual, laid back, a stand out in a crowd. And he's usually bare foot. Even when he's climbing a wall.

He's always been a wonderful father.

He's been willing to do camping trips with the kids on his own so I could have a weekend to myself. (Don't ask me who the other kid is -- you'll have to ask the father type and the boy child.)

And he's been there through all the events of our lives. And enjoyed every minute.

He likes being the man of the house and doing the manly jobs, such as cutting down the Christmas tree.

And he's there for the others in his life as well. He served as best man for his widowed father at his father's second marriage.

And of course he was proud when our daughter graduated from high school and went on to attend our alma mater for college.

Now he's turning 50. He opted for a fancy gaming laptop to celebrate his birthday instead of a 50th birthday bash. That's his style. I think he's going to enjoy it.

We've been together over half our lives. Happy birthday, my knight in shining armor. I'm looking forward to growing old with you.


  1. What a lovely tribute to your DH on his birthday! Happy 50th!!!

  2. Wishing the happiest of birthdays to the Father Type! :) He sounds like a great guy.

  3. Happy 50th Birthday to your husband and that is a beautiful tribute to him.

  4. Many Happy Returns to your DH!

  5. Happy Birthday to your husband! By the words in your post I have a feeling that you are just as wonderful a wife and mother as he is a husband and father!

  6. What a wonderful tribute to your husband. Happy 50th!!!

  7. What a beautiful tribute to your husband, Margaret. Happy Birthday to the Father Type :-)

  8. Hi Margaret, lurker here. You always do the greatest tributes. Happy BD to your hubby.

  9. Oh happy birthday to your husband as well! What a great tribute! Have a wonderful, fun-filled day, Dawn

  10. A wonderful tribute to your husband on his 50th! Thanks for sharing Margaret. You both are the BEST !! Happy 50th Life IS Good

  11. First of all, Happy 50th Birthday, Father Type!!

    Second of all, and by no means least, Margaret, you gave such a lovely and loving tribute to this special guy of yours! Wow, half your life together, here is hoping you enjoy those rocking chair years in your very distant future together!!!

    I love that one at his father's second wedding, and also love your wedding pic!!

  12. What a super post!!! Happy Birthday to your DH!!!

  13. Oh my gosh, I'm all choked up. Gotta give my better half a hug when he gets home from work!

  14. Love the pictures Margaret! You 2 are a darling couple!

  15. Awwww...what a sweet post! Happy 50th to the Father Type! I hope he enjoys playing with his gift. :)

  16. What a wonderful tribute! I hope your DH has a very happy 50th.

  17. What a moving tribute to the father type and knight in shining armour. Happy Birthday to your love.

  18. He is a lucky man to have shared more than half his life with you, Margaret!

    Happy Birthday, Father Type, and many happy returns.

    P.S. I remember him sans facial hair :) But the rest was pretty much the same. Especially the big smile.

  19. What a sweet, sweet posting.
    Happy Birthday greetings sent!

    The Big 5-0!!!!


  20. Oh, Margaret what a wonderful tribute to your DH on his 50th, and also a wonderful tribute to your marriage. Wishing him the happiest of birthdays! Great husbands are hard to find!!

  21. I wish to your husband a very nice birthday and many many years of lovefor both of you :-)
    You just wrote a marvellous post :-)

  22. Oh Margaret...sniffle..that is so sweet!! I wish you and your husband many more years of such happiness, and a happy 50th birthday to the father figure. You guys are so cute together. Loved the pics.

  23. I've always thought your husband looks and sounds like my kind of guy! Happy Birthday to the Bearded one! Many more to come :)
    A sweet and loving tribute Margaret!

  24. Your love story makes me almost sob! I'm a sap, I know, but I love to hear about happy lives. You're both so very lucky. Congratulations on his 50th trip around the sun.

  25. Margaret!! What a sweet tribute to your husband. He sounds like a very nice man. Happy birthday to him!! I hope you two will have many, many more years together. You have such a wonderful family. And your wedding picture is just beautiful!!

  26. Awww, Margaret - such a sweet post! Happy Birthday to the guy!

    BTW, it's funny what you said about the facial hair - I've never seen mine without his mustache!

  27. Happy Birthday to your wonderful DH! I can tell by your words how much you love him! I hope you both have a wonderful day!

  28. He's a keeper! Tell him Happy Birthday from Barb and me!

  29. Happy 50th Father Type!! I can so relate to the barefootness (is that a word?) I hate shoes!

  30. What sweet thoughts of your hubby! I hope he had a wonderful 50th!

  31. Happy Birthday, Dave! How can it be that so much time has flown by since we moved.

    May all your years be blessed with such happiness!

  32. I agree Margaret - it brought a tear to my eye - all the sweet photos from years past - how fast our lives fly by - I've been with jody almost 30 years - seems like we were just in our 20's (sigh) I hope you have many more years of wedded bliss with your knight - sending hugs to you and your family - they are beautiful - oh and what a beautiful bride you were - Mel

  33. Wow! How many husbands get and entire post on a needlework blog devoted to just them for their birthday?! What a wonderful tribute to him. I think it speaks volumes of the man that he must be.How lucky you are! I can tell that he is just as lucky!

  34. Thank you all for the happy birthdays; she is indeed a wonderful wife and mother. Lovely to see she has so many hawt -- I mean kind and supportive, friends out there in the interwebs.

    Th' aged DH

    (And remind me never to wear a dress shirt near a camera again omglol.)

  35. What a nice tribute to the father-type-guy. BF would wholeheartedly support your choice of birthday gift. And the barefoot: absolutely! If I never had to wear shoes again I'd be very happy, so I certainly understand. Happy Birthday!

  36. GREAT post, Margaret!! Oh my, what a fantastic look at the many beards of father-type. ;) My favorite photo was of the Christmas tree.. oh my, there's not a whole lot that actually gets me to really LOL, but that one did. Bravo, father-type, bravo! You done good. Happy Birthday, and Margaret - well done. :)


  37. Happy Birthday to your husband, I was born the same year, but don't tell anyone. Beautiful stitching!
