Thursday, May 14, 2009

So I got distracted.... -- and the big bass

You've probably guessed from the title of this post. Yep, I got distracted. Couldn't take all that monochrome. I think I've lost my stitching-in-one-color mojo. So I've moved on for now. I realized while being bored with Mouline Rouge that there were a few designers that I've always wanted to stitch. So I pulled out a design from one of them and started stitching.

Do you know what it is? It's the Time and Season Sampler by Moira Blackburn.

I love her designs so much and have always wanted to stitch one. So I'm a happy camper! This is how far I've gotten so far. I'm using 40ct Earthen by PTP with the called for DMC.

In other news, this past Sunday (Mother's Day for Pete's Sake!) was the boy child's spring concert with his orchestra. This is the orchestra that's not associated with his school, for which one has to audition and attend rehearsals every week, and for which one has to dress up when it's concert time. As usual, we discovered that the boy child has grown since the last time he wore his suit for the winter concert in December. That keeps happening! But he still looked decent.

Here he is on stage with his double bass. (Yes, it's a total pain to lug that thing around. In fact, the next time we buy a car, I'm going to have to take that thing into account -- have to be able to fit a double bass in the car after all!)

And here we are after the concert. Thank goodness the boy child has gotten used to carrying his bass around -- and up and down stairs, and etc etc.

The next evening, when there's usually rehearsal for the orchestra, the boy child had to audition once again. He's moving up to the next orchestra -- there's an elementary age orchestra, a junior level orchestra, and the high school symphony level orchestra. And it's time for him to be in that high school group. So it was a dry run of his audition piece for NYSSMA, which is this coming weekend. He did fine -- and made the symphony. Yay! It'll be fun to have him in the symphony orchestra -- I love symphony orchestras!

And you know, since the boy child has been doing this double bass and bass guitar stuff, I've gotten a much greater appreciation of what the double bass and bass guitar contribute to music. Bass power!!! :D


  1. I love Moira Blackburn, and have a couple of her designs, but not that one. Fun--and I'm with you on the deviating from the stitching in one color thing. It drives me batty after a while.

    So cute, your son and his double bass! Yikes on getting the bass into a car--my sister had a cello, which was bad enough. (I played violin in the orchestra--easier to carry around, but harder on the parents' ears in the beginning, I suspect. Tweedle, tweedle.) Also very nice for winning scholarships to the school of one's choice....

  2. Margaret!!! I love this chart - have it in my stash and will stitch it one day. I CAN NOT believe how much you have gotten done! I swear, you are the speediest stitcher I've ever had the pleasure to know.

    Your son is so handsome and congratulations to him on making the next level of orchestra.

  3. Love MB designs Margaret and this one is lovely - I don't think I have this in stash but I do have several others of hers. Too bad about poor MR but one day you'll feel like getting back to it - ummm - maybe ..... he he

    You son is a doll - and apparently very talented too - My SO has played bass for many years - so I'm used to the thumping -

    Have fun with Time and Season - Mel

  4. How awesome Margaret! I have a little 10 yr. flute player myself! Fun! Your Moira is GORGEOUS!

  5. Wow, you are a super fast stitcher. Love the progress on the MB piece. It looks great! Fun pics of your DS with the double bass too! I love symphonic music and always enjoy listening to the cello and bass parts.

  6. This one of my favorite designs. I have her started and I wish I could say I was as far as you. Love the picture of you and your son.

  7. Oh Margaret, I love your start on the Moira Blackburn piece, but again, I can't believe how much you've gotten stitched! Loved seeing the pictures of your son and congratulations to him for his musical accomplishments! I can't imagine toting that instrument around though!

  8. T&S looks wonderful. I started this piece several years ago but wasn't satisfied with the thread conversion so it ended up in the UFO pile. :( You may just inspire me to dig it out.

    The boy child looks so handsome all gussied up.

  9. Great start on Moira, I knew right away it was one of her patterns, I love them all :). The colors are beautiful! How wonderful for your son to be in the orchestra!

  10. OH wow, Margaret, maybe now I will get mine back out and get it finished!! LOL I knew from the first pic that it was T& it!! Of course, as fast as you stitch, you will yours done before I do!

    Congrats to the boy child, he is so handsome!!

  11. Hi Margaret,
    I know how you feel with monochrome stitching. It's good for a little while but ends up boring.
    I can't get over how much you have done. It is looking so lovely.
    Your son looks very impressive in his suit. Can imagine the problems with a double bass. My eldest 2 used to be in a brass band and the eldest had (can't remember the name of it) an instrument that was as big as a tuba. Used to take up all the boot in fact at one stage it was bigger than him lol. - Sandra.

  12. Margaret your stitching is just wonderful!! I hear you when you say you get tired of the mono stitch. This Moria Blackburn is beautiful.

    And your boy child...just too handsome and talented. Congratulations to you both on his making the next level!! I love music and am always amazed at the talent of our young people.

  13. What a (darling) handsome son you have, Margaret. I remember those days of watching my son play piano and flute...he was a student at the New England Conservatory of Music. I was so proud of him. Then, he grew up to be a lawyer...a litagator. Hmmmm. Anyway, I also love your Moira Blackburn. On my list to start as well. It's been in my To Do pile since 1983! Your start on it is lovely. Hugs, Deb

  14. Wow, how can you have stitched that much already? It's beautiful!

    Congrats to your son - how great to have a musician in the family!

  15. Great new start Margaret, it's looking gorgeous

  16. What a beautiful sampler that is going to be! I, actually, am spoiled--or maybe it's lazy--stitching with one color and love it. What a handsome young man your boy child is, and contrats on making the next level of orchestra. I say just put wheels on the bass and let him ride it around.

  17. Wow what a great start you made on the MB piece. Love it!!!
    Your son looks handsome in his suit! OMG that bass is huge!!! You definitely need to get a car with the bass in mind LOL!!

  18. Your boy child is darling! Congrats on the symphony orchestra! YAY! I have a friend whose daughter plays the harp. Her daddy built her a small trailer to pull behind her car for the instrument...maybe the double bass could have one of those?? Your stitching is fabulous Margaret! Enjoy your weekend!

  19. Oh wow, I love your Moira sampler! I've had that in the stash for awhile--my LNS has a model of it and I just LOOOOVE it. Stick MR in the car--if you can fit it around the double bass--and work on it when you can. It'll get stitched eventually!

    Love the pics of your son and the double bass, too. I can't believe how huge that bass is!!

  20. Oh, you've made wonderful progress with the MB!!!

    And I love the pictures of your son playing his double bass. Congratulations on his orchestral promotion!

  21. It's great to see you and your son together in the photo. I had to laugh (hope you don't mind) because he, like mine did, has the "I don't know who's standing beside me" look. At a certain age, they pretend they just appeared fully form by themselves rather than from mom, etc! Too funny. Mine was in all sorts of bands & orchestras and I miss those immensely now that he's in university. Enjoy your many concerts! Very talented boy child there!

    Oh, the stitching! Very beautiful!

  22. Time and Seasons is such a beautiful piece and I look forward to watching your progress.
    Congratulations to your son on his musical achievements. Well done!!


  23. Oh Margaret! Time & Season was one of my all-time favorite stitches! And it went FAST !! You'll have this done in NO time! I love Moira Blackburn's designs too!

    Boy child looks very handsome and looks like he belongs aside that double bass! Congrats to him!

  24. The Moira Blackburn design is looking fabulous. I have yet to acquire one of her designs. I love the Eat worms designs.
    Nice photo's your son, he is very handsome, you should be so proud. It was a joy yo browse your blog.

  25. I love your new start! I can't wait to watch it grow! I saw a smile in the first picture of boy child! LOL! Treasure it!

  26. Wow, he looks so cool ;-). Love the double bass but I can imagine what a pain it is to lug around!

    Love your Moira Blackburn piece too.

  27. My goodness, does he look handsome! And I see what you mean now about finding a car big enough to lug that bass around with - oh heavens!!

    I LOVE Moira Blackburn charts! They're the best! And your TaS looks wonderful!


  28. Margaret-I love Moira Blackburn and that is one of my favorite samplers.

    The boy child looks handsome and wow, I knew those double bass were large but not that big. I can't imagine squeezing that in a car and it probably doesn't fit in the trunk.

    I have to ask how in the world he plays it in a suit? That can't be the most comfortable thing to wear while playing.

  29. HI Margaret, you always inspire me with your sampler choices. I love MB, too. I have some in my stash, but haven't started one yet. What am I waiting for?
    Your's is really wonderful.

  30. Your Moira start is beautiful! How fun to pull out a designer you've always wanted to stitch. Congrats to your son, that is an amazing accomplishment!
