Friday, March 27, 2009

I've joined the stampede.....

I've joined the crowd of bloggers who seem to be working on This is the Day from the January/February issue of Just Cross Stitch Magazine.

As you can see, I've done the groundwork, so to speak. Got the borders done, the grass sown, and now I'm starting the meat of the matter.

I really didn't think doing all that groundwork would take so long, but it did. Why is it that one always thinks something will take no time at all to do and it ends up taking forever? Anyway, I'm using the recommended fabric and fibers, 40ct Autumn Gold from Lakeside Linens with GAST, CC and WDW fibers. No adventuresome changes for me! I love how the model looks, so I'm satisfied.

Of course, while I'm stitching this, I'm thinking of all the other projects I want to be stitching. Sigh.......


  1. Yeah Margaret! What a great start. I hear you though on wondering why it takes so long to get some of the stitching done. But your start is looking marvelous. I want to start this but keep going back and forth on threads and fabric. Can't make a decision to save my soul! LOL Yours is looking great!

  2. You go, Margaret! My gosh you're fast! You've got an amazing amount done, if you ask me and it's looking gorgeous. I do love the colors charted but to help it blend into my home, I think I'll do it using the conversion Jan posted. No matter what colors are used though - it's a beautiful sampler!

  3. My oh my, I agree, Margaret, you are so fast!! It doesn't take much to be faster then me, but, but, gee willikers! LOL It is looking way glorious, I love it!!

  4. I'd say that groundwork is done! WOW! It is gorgeous :) And I'm glad you have stitching ADD with me! LOL! I'm always thinking what next...maybe I should pull out ....I need to get more done on this...or that....when I finish this then I'm going to start.....
    On and on in my head all day long!
    You go girl!

  5. You go girl. And what makes you think you're any different from the rest of us in thinking about everything else we have in our stash to stitch that we want to do now. I wish I could stitch half as fast as you and keep off this darn computer more. But here I am again. Lots of Love Patti xxx

  6. Gosh, you really do have turbo needles! Your This is the Day start is just beautiful, I'm looking forward to seeing this one progress.

  7. I'm loving this sampler on the sites I've seen it, and I'm thinking about getting it also. And I do the same thing; I'm anxious to stitch something, so I get it, and then while I'm stitching it, I'm thinking about all the other things I'm not stitching, or want to stitch.

  8. I've been seeing this project **everywhere** and I've nearly jumped on the bandwagon myself. Yours is looking very nice. You've made great progress.

  9. Woohoo!! YGG Margaret! I love your start... heck, it's more than a start, it's a seriously underway WIP. It looks wonderful. Kudos to you for getting the border & stuff done first--now you get to do the fun part. :)

  10. ohhh, what a fabulous design this is, and what a great start you made! I also really love the sampler you just finished. Your needles must be burning hot :o)

  11. Margaret... it's looking good. At least you have all that tedious border stitching done and now you can really put on the turbo chargers for the 'good parts'. You stitch amazingly fast.

    Laurie in Iowa

  12. It looks great, Margaret! I know what you mean about things taking longer than you'd imagined.You've got a lot done already.

    I just started this and also started making colour changes. One thing led to another and I am/will be making more changes. Will have to see if works out or not!

  13. I havent seen this one before. Looks great so far, the border is really pretty

  14. You go girl...great start on a lovely piece. And, isn't it the truth that we're always thinking about the next project(s) !! Have a great week.

  15. welcome to the group, Margaret! LOL! your start is looking wonderful! I am just taking it page by page. Your groundwork looks wonderful! I am like you and think of other projects as i stitch! shame on me! lol

  16. LOL Margaret I just ordered all of this too!!! I couldn't stand it...I loved Siobhan' the quirky colors....of course I haven't started mine I'll be watching your progress! Have a great day! :o)

  17. ... and you won't be the last to start this wonderful design. My copy of the mag is on order, lol.
    Great start and progress picture!

  18. It's turning out splendidly!! I'm waffling bw the original colors and Jan's conversion. Maybe a litle of both? :)


  19. Looks great. I know I hate having more than one project in my head too. One at time, they all get done eventually.

  20. Your This is the Day is beautiful and you've gotten a lot done! I agree with Terri, it's a beautiful sampler whatever colors are used.

  21. Great start! My, are you fast, but we knew that, lol. It's going to be lovely. I'm not tempted by this, thank goodness, but I look forward to seeing your progress on it.

  22. I want to do this too Margaret but I don't want to start anything new right this minute - I have the mag and I know I would not do 40ct but 36ct - not sure about thread changes but we'll see - I'm sure I'll fall into it soon! Mel
